
Arena Nineteen: A New Start IX


I cruised as we wearily stepped back. The team had been separated into three when escaping the crumbling ceiling. With two of the three newly formed groups behind the monster, escaping wasn't an option.

Not yet, at the least.

I looked at Roxy, who was standing there unmoving. With hand gestures, I asked her if she could deploy her fortress here... To which she shook her head.

Then she pointed at the ceiling and the ground while making a square with her arm... It took me a few moments to realize what she was saying.

The room was too small or congested for her spell to be of use.

Lamenting my luck, I decided to focus on the phantom before us.

It had a round black body, which seemed to be made out of some kind of hard substance. There was a high chance that the exoskeleton would probably negate all of our attacks... We needed to break through that first to reach the rotting, red flesh beneath.
