
Hanging in there

"Adelaide , she was my guardian "Melina replied. Her expression wavered for a moment. She almost looked sad, but she forced a smile on her face as she looked at him. "She was a witch too."

"Did you like her? Was she good at raising you?" Elias asked, unable to help his curiosity. His parents had done a good job raising him. Melina seemed to have herself together fairly well, so he could only imagine that Adelaide was a good guardian for her. At least his parents made sure that Melina was in good hands.

"She was incredible. In a sense, she was also my mom," Melina replied. 

Elias peered at Melina curiously as she suddenly fell silent. He could sense some tension in their conversation that hadn't been there before Adelaide had been brought up. Something had happened, especially since Melina kept referring to her in the past tense.
