
Chapter 18: LUCIEN

Over time her needy persistence only served to build a rift between us, something I regret but found necessary. There were plenty others who were interested in her, and as my parent's foster child she could have her pick at any time.

But ever since she made her first move and I rebuffed her, she's not let up once. Sure in her mind that I was the only one for her. She knows all about imprinting and how it works but in her mind she was willing to settle for being my concubine if and when I get married.

I have no interest in living such a life, but no amount of telling her that has ever worked. She's one of the reasons I stay away from home as much as I do. Her constant mooning had grown stale a long time ago. Plus the fact that I didn't like hurting her, or seeing that look of misery on her face each time I turned her away.
