
Chapter 34: ZAK

Two hours later I sat in stunned silence. "What the fuck have you done Zak?" I flew out of the chair and left the mansion. I fled past my brothers who were on their way back. "Where's the fire dude?" I ignored Dev as I heard Lo telling them to stand down. No doubt the rest of them thought I was going to do her bodily harm.

I hit the door running and didn't even stop to check on the baby but went straight to her. She was asleep again, no doubt tired from my overuse of her body. I felt like scum, like the lowest form of life. I untied her arms gently and tried to work some life back into them by massaging them. "Zak?" Her voice was a drowsy whisper that tore at my heart. What have I don't to you baby?

I finished untying her as she came fully awake. I knew from the look of fear in her eyes that she thought I was sending her away. "No Zak..."
