
Endings are beginnings

Ickapoo seeks resolution. Only spiritual messiahs redeem, however.

Only the Messiah himself consummates all history, in the sense that he alone redeems,

completes, creates its relation to the Messianic. (Benjamin, 1978: 312)

The above quote posits the Messiah as the culmination of history, all the injustices of worldly

life will be righted and all the oppressed classes will be redeemed by the Messiah as the Messiah

completes history and will represent the culmination of Messianic time which history is moving

inexorably towards.

For this reason nothing historical can relate itself on its own account to anything

Messianic.(Benjamin 1978: 312)

In this quote Benjamin posits that history cannot stand apart on its own account to the Messianic

because time itself is Messianic and the culmination of all history, as such there is no existence

of history apart from Messianic time and the culmination of the redemption of history and all the
