
Dodged Another Bullet, Only...

"Looks like I came back just in time."

Mattheus felt relief when he heard the feminine tones of his friend echo in his mind.

The fluffy blue cat was suddenly sitting at the edge of the table, the tip of her tail tap-tapping from her position roughly in the middle distance between the two men.

Illarion Snowe subtly flinched at the feline's abrupt appearance.

It must have been disconcerting for the marquess, who didn't have the benefit of Mattheus in being able to sense when Brunilda teleported to him. As the pale-haired noble was one of the individuals Brunilda tagged, she must have noticed the marquess being close by to Mattheus.

"Drop that lance of ice, Illarion Snowe," Brunilda said.

Silver eyes flickered between his friend and the other nobleman, a bit surprised to see that the words were transmitted to the marquess and the older man's reaction to it.

This wasn't the first time they've communicated.
