
58. Unknown Worlds(Extra.).

400,000,000 million light-years from Naruto's World, in an unknown galaxy, in an unknown solar system, there was one planet.

This planet was 50-60 times larger than ordinary Earth, it was illuminated by one sun during the day and two moons at night. There were countless countries, cities, etc. on this planet.

The most mountainous part of the planet was inhabited by strange creatures similar to dragons, their palaces of precious metals and precious stones sparkled for tens of kilometers. These palaces were guarded by dragon-guards, similar to humans, only with wings and small horns on their heads. Anyone who dares to approach their territory will be immediately burned or, even worse, taken into slavery.

And in the plains and in small forests lived the largest race of people, the total number of people in this world has reached an astonishing 20 billion or more. Almost every human city was built in the ancient Chinese style, and it was this style that added charm to these cities.

Almost over every city one could see people flying with swords. Even in ancient times, to fight dragons and other enemies, the ancestors of people invented a way to use the energy of this world and called this energy "Chi". Chi energy can be used for a wide variety of purposes, from strengthening the body to making medicinal pills using Chi and alchemy.

But Qi could not be used by everyone, basically everything depended on a person's talent, the higher the talent, the stronger you will become.

People had their own names for the stages of purifying qi:

The initial stage of internal qi is from 1 to 9;

The level of completion of the internal qi is from 1 to 9;

The earthly level of qi - from 1 to 9;

Heavenly Qi level from 1 to 9;

Stage Pseudo - Immortality from 1 to 3;

Immortal qi of grade 1 to 9;

Divine step [1].




There are also many other races in this world, such as the demon race, the spirit race, the monster race, as well as the legendary race blessed by the gods themselves.

Due to the fact that this world was huge, many people have not even heard of dragons or spirits, or vice versa. The dimensions of this world were too huge and there was enough territory for everything, there were no warriors because of the land or wealth on them.

The most terrible war that took place in this world was the war between the Devil Gods and the Gods of humans and Dragons, but few people know about this war since it took place about 300,000 years ago.

While everyone on this planet lived peacefully and happily at a distance of 1000 - 1300 light years from this world, a strange creature with the country of the planet was looking for their peace.

This creature looked incredibly terrible, it had a human face, but its body ... this creature had two pairs of arms, and its skin was grayish with black veins on its limbs.

This strange race of creatures called themselves the "血" race, or the race of blood. They named themselves that because of their ability to absorb the blood of their victim. The more they absorb blood, the stronger they become, it doesn't matter whose blood they absorb, even the blood of their relatives was food for them. Each pair of these creatures has about 10-12 children, but until the age of ten, only 2 or 3 survived, and the rest of them were unlucky and they became food for their parents or older brothers and sisters.

Their planet was completely unsuitable for growing plants or even ordinary grass, there were no animals on this planet, even water was in limited quantities. This is why the blood race was a cannibal race.

But this race each time survived thanks to its King of Blood, the King of Blood, who possessed the strongest abilities of space and could open portals to other worlds. It was thanks to its King of Blood that the Blood Race conquered many different worlds and "swallowed" them cleanly.

And it was this time that the Blood King's gaze fell on the world of Cultivators, but every time he opens the portal, his ability, so to speak, "recharges" for exactly 10 years, and there are three years left until the next use. ...
