
Have You Heard the News? Part 3

When morning comes, the suite is long deserted.

The group has their bodies and heads hooded beneath cutout hotel curtains, invisibly creeping around town. They easily managed to sneak past the hotel clerks.

Tumbleweed rustles through the streets. 

Except for Daniel, Rosalind, Feng Mian, and Jinn, not even a mouse dares venture to the surface.

Blood turned chunky purple blends with dark tar.

Beyond that, last night's outcome is disastrous. 

Doors swung open and left thus, one in every two apartments buildings they pass shows evidence of violent police takeover. Combat boots have left marks upon carpet, windows shattered by canes, and bullet holes decorate car frames.

"We're almost there," Daniel whispers, slightly pulling away his white curtains to be more audible. "Keep hanging on. Remember to keep listening to my feet and follow that sound. Tap twice if you're still there," Daniel stares at what looks like air next to him.
