
Soy Boys Everywhere 11

"Let's go, Let's go!" Kurumu cheered as she swung your dorm room open early Monday morning and skipped out, excitement visibly pouring from the girl.

Today was the day you all would be handing out your first edition of the Youkai Newspaper. With all the work she had put in, Kurumu was eager to give them out and bask in her accomplishment.

With a smile on your face, you were about to follow after her, "Kai?" Moka spoke up from behind you, stopping your in your tracks.

You turned to find her sitting on your sofa, a small smile on her face, "What's up?" you asked.

"...Well, I've been meaning to ask you to do something, but I couldn't do it with Kurumu around," Outer Moka said, running a hand back and through her long and shiny pink hair. You raised an eyebrow, and in response, she hiked her skirt up a bit on one side, showing off more or less all of her full, luscious creamy left thigh to you, "It's something I heard once. That, a man giving a kiss on woman's thigh, is promising to be hers forever."

The first you'd ever heard of something like that, "And you want me to do it?" you grinned.

"Won't you do it, please?" she fluttered her eyelashes at you.

Instead of answering verbally, you walked forward and dropped to your knees in front of her. Moka giggled happily as you hoisted her foot over your shoulder and leaned in, pressing your lips against her inner thigh, "I'm all yours." you promised. Her giggling cut off into a little moan as you kissed your away up her thigh, until your head disappeared under her skirt and your pressed your lips against her core through her lacy pink panties.

"Kai..stop!" she gave a giggling moan, her hands reaching down fist into your air, but in direct contrast to her words, she was using her grip on your short hair to pulled your face into her groin harder.

You would possibly have lost track of hat you were doing and gotten really frisky, if something dropping to the floor didn't draw your attention. Moka yelped and pushed her skirt down and your face away, and when she did, you looked to where the noise came from.

It was outside your room door, the room door you hadn't shut. Tsukune Aono stood there, his backpack having dropped out of his hands and being the thing that caused the noise. His face was beet red and his eyes shone with fervent jealousy.

He stared longingly at your girlfriend, before realising what he was doing, "S-sorry!" he apologised, bowing at the waist, before grabbing his backpack and rushing away at top speed.

"Heh," you smirked, turning to look at your pink haired girlfriend, "Oops."

Moka sighed, cheeks pink, "...Well everyone already knows we're having sex...I suppose it isn't that big a deal, that Tom Aolo caught us doing naughty stuff." she reassured, well more herself than you.

'Ouch, I almost feel sorry for the guy.' you snorted. The guy had a blatant crush on Moka. Unlike the others he wasn't one that voiced it out like an idiot, but his longing stare and puppy eyes whenever she walked passed him were pretty blatantly obvious.

And she didn't even remember his name. Sucks to be him.

An hour later, the four of you were outside the main school gates, large table set up with hundreds of newspapers stacked atop it.


"It's Moka! And she's handing them out! Lemme get one!"

"Oooo Kurumu is doing it to!"

"What cute illustrations!"

"Holy crap there's a column written by Kai on how to be manly! I need to make sure to grab the new ones as well!"

You honestly weren't expecting the newspaper to be as popular as it apparently was. People were lining up by the dozens and near begging at points for one.

...Though, as always that popularity came because of the two beautiful girls behind the desk alongside you handing them out. Your glanced out of the peripheral of your eye, to where Gin was leaning against a tree, a smile on his face.

He really was happy that newspaper club was up and running again, wasn't he?

It took a bit for it to calm down, but even, there were still quite a few people lingering around outside the gate reading through the newspaper. That one guy you overheard gushing about your article was still here as well, grouped up with a bunch of his friends and animatedly pointing at parts of the paper he was holding.

"I can't believe how well the paper did!" Kurumu gushed, jumping onto your side and wrapping her legs around you, her bodacious breasts squishing up against the side of your head, "Yahoo!"

"We did good work." you replied, wrapping your arm around her waist. It was good to see her in such high spirits.

"We really did!" Moka beamed, hugging you from your other side, "We should celebrate!"

"I'm game," you grinned, "Maybe some sake and the three of us relaxing in the jacuzzi?" it had finally arrived last night, and you'd knocked out most of the wall into the empty dorm beside yours, joining them together. The only part of the wall remaining, was the part in the middle where your television was mounted on it.

"That sounds fun, but I've got a better idea," Kurumu gave you both a saucy wink, "How about, you, me and Moka, all naked and having a non stop threesome!"

"We're too young for Sake!" Outer Moka scolded you.

"No." while Inner Moka flatly rejected Kurumu.

A sudden commotion along the path towards the school stopped you from replying. You turned, Kurumu and Moka still latched on to you, to find a group of black uniform clad people making pushing their way through the throngs of students.

You let your senses wash over them, and your eyes widened slightly. They were all well above the average person at this school as far as youki went, and one specifically had an absurd amount, greater then both of yours and Gin's put together. Not anywhere near Inner Moka's level, but they had the most youki you'd sensed outside of Moka herself.

"Salutations," the owner of the absurdly powerful youki smiled politely at you, dipping his head ever so slightly in greeting as they stopped in front of the table you were behind. He was a tall man with sharp features and long blonde hair, "I am Kuyo the Head of the Public Safety Commission, I'm pleased to make your acquaintance." he introduced himself, while the vast majority of the black clad youkai spread out around him, and a specific group of four lingered personally behind him.

A short cute girl with a mischief filled grin on her face and a spear hung over her shoulders. A tall, purple haired beauty. A huge, massively framed guy with long black hair and a grinning boy with spiky grey hair and round spectacles.

Out of all of them, the tall purple haired girl had the weakest youki.

Kurumu and Moka most likely sensed the sudden tense atmosphere, as they quickly got off of you. The outside of the school gates had went eerily silent as soon as they stepped up to the table.

Before you could say anything though, Gin was suddenly in front of, holding an arm out...protectively? Blocking the long haired blonde from looking at you.

'The hell is going on here?' you wondered. The Public Safety Commission were more or less the student police force, charged with defending the students and dealing with the likes of Saizou. But, you'd never even heard anything of them doing much at all, and only really knew about them because of the student handbook.

Kuyo snorted at Gin, casually reaching down with white gloved hands and picking up one of the newspapers, idly reading it over, "So you're the new Newspaper Club, hmm? I have to admit, this is quite good content," he hummed genially, before a sudden killing intent fuelled youki spiked into existence and focused on you all, and you felt Kurumu and Moka lock up beside you, "However! Who gave you permission to hand these out? I do not remember us inspecting these at all!"

The genial look had disappeared, replaced by fury filled eyes, "Do you not understand the problems that this type of thing causes us?" he snarled, and then kicked the table hard, sending it flying through the air and soaring into the distance like a light ball, the remaining newspapers scattering everywhere, "How dare a gang like you selfishly do whatever it wants and disturb the piece and order of this academy!"

"Our papers!" Moka gasped, shocked.

"Do you understand fools!? We are the ones protecting the peace of this academy!" Kuyo continued on, "If you are going to run a club and hand out anything here, then you must first have our permission!"

He raised his leg higher, before bringing it down on one of the newspapers that had fallen before him, grinding it into the dirt with his shiny black shoes, "We the Public Safety Commission will crack down on any ruler breakers like you, you best remember that!"

"H-hey stop that!" Kurumu stepped up, a distraught look appearing in her eyes, "We worked hard on those together! All we're doing is handing out newspapers!"

The purple haired girl scoffed mockingly before spitting, a wad of web flying out like a bullet and would have slammed into the blue haired girl if you didn't swipe your hand through the air and slap it into the sky, the force behind the blow blowing it off course before it could stick to you.

"I think this has-" you stepped forward, but Gin cut you off.

"Leave it, you'll only provoke them." the werewolf hissed, and it was then you noted the absolute fury in his eyes, his gaze focused on Kuyo. But at the same time, there was a healthy dose of worry and fear.

"I see the newspaper club is filled with lowlifes as always," the purple haired girl laughed, sneering at Kurumu in disgust, "The newspaper club hasn't changed a bit from last year, how pathetic." and to punctuate her statement, she jumped onto another newspaper and started tearing it apart with her high heels.

"Our newspapers!" Kurumu cried.

"..This is too cruel!" you heard the guy who was gushing over your column earlier say, and step forward, but got pulled back by his friend.

"Stop you idiot, don't get involved! If we go against them we'll get dragged off and that's it for us!" he hastily and fearfully said.

Kuyo snorted, "You fools best keep this in mind," he warned, promptly turning on his feet and beginning to walk away, "There won't be a second warning. Keito, you keep an eye on these fools, make sure they don't get up to any shenanigans."

"Yes sir!" the purple haired bitch quickly snapped to attention and saluted him.

Kuyo (Human Form)

Youki: S+

Strength: A+

Durability: A+

Speed: A++

Keito (Full Power Spider Bitch)

Youki: B++

Strength: C++

Durability: C++

Speed: B++

Deshiko Deshi (Full Power Jiang Shi)

Youki: A

Strength: B++

Durability: C++

Speed: B+

Morisaki (Full Power Cerberus)

Youki: A+

Strength: A

Durability: B+

Speed: A

Sato (Full Power Golem)

Youki: A-

Strength: A-

Durability: A++

Speed: D++

Would be a big help if you guys could follow/fav my pokemon stories here: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4029118/0-Jordinio-0

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