
Caught red-handed

Knowing that they just had four hours to finish mending the dresses and go have lunch, everyone got ready to put in their best effort.

Jia Li took off her wedding ring and tied up her hair properly before she began to work on the dress.

There was a big clock with a timer already set and placed in front of the big room, so the 20 of them would see the time they had left, each time they turned to glance at the wall.

After working for 4 hours, the timer went off, and everyone was asked to leave and go have lunch. Everybody sighed in relief and left for the canteen for lunch.

Jia Li was too tired to say a word to anybody she went straight to get her food before going to sit at an empty table. 

Bai Jun was the second person to arrive. She ordered her meal and found an empty table to sit down and eat.
