
Vacation Plans

Amy stood over the bed where Miley lay covered up with her duvet, "I've had enough of this, Miley! Get out of the bed," Amy hissed as she pulled off the duvet.

She was about to get dressed for them to leave for the interview she had scheduled with the men applying to be Miley's potential husband, yet Miley, who she was doing all of these for, was still on the bed.

"I don't want to," Miley said with a sniffle.

"That's fine. Since you want to keep sulking, I guess I should call them and cancel all the appointments. And then I will call your parents as well.…"

"You can't do that!" Miley protested as she sat up to look at Amy with sad eyes.

"Yes, I can. And I will if you keep being a baby about this. You've been sulking for almost forty eight hours already. If you don't want to get out of bed or go on with the plans, you should as well stay in the hospital bed instead," Amy said with a frown.
