
Beauty and the Saiyan?

Hisui, the Princess of Fiore, has invited both Fairy Tail & Blue Pegasus to the Banquet Hall inside of Mercurius for the celebration of Goku's victory. Not to mention, a the winning wager. Mostly everyone was in the hall, all dressed up. In a private room, Goku & Mirajane were alone together.

"Hold still, Goku. I can't fix your tie with you all uppy, you know. You act like you never wore a tie before. You have though, right?"

"Eh, back then give or take. I wasn't very fond of it though"

"You have? What was the occasion?" Mirajane asked.

"Nothing much. Just a wedding" Goku replied.

"Oh, were you attending a friend's wedding or something?"

"Not exactly. The wedding was for me to get married."

"Eh? Oh, that's right... You mentioned you got married a few days ago. So, what was this person like?"

"Someone I've known since I was little. Back then, she asked me if we could ever get married and I said sure, haha."

"S-So, this person was like a childhood friend?"

"Eh... I wouldn't say that. I hardly knew her when we were little. But when we met up again at the 23rd Tenkaichi, I didn't recognize her. Because I forgot." Goku giggled.

"That's awfully rude of you, Goku. You kinda stood her up to that."

"It's not my fault I thought marriage was food. I didn't know much back then."

"Yeah, I guess I can't blame you for that..." Mirajane was looking at the ground.

"Are you okay? You look a little down." Goku noticed.

"My face made it noticeable?" Mirajane said as she looked at him.

"Mhm. That and your voice didn't sound the usual cheerful tone. What's wrong?"

Mirajane took a look at Goku. When she finished tying his tie, she moved on to styling his hair. The style she was going for, was the same one during the Arale episode in Dragon Ball Super Episode 69. Where Goku took on the job as a security guard...

"A lot of things, Goku. There's so much going right now, I just wonder if it could affect you, me, & everyone else at Fairy Tail."


"Back at the infirmary room, in our guildhall, you mentioned Time Rift effects. Goku, you're not the same person you were when you came here. The info you gave me about how you acted, I made a comparison to how you act here."

"Uh-huh..." Goku was waiting for Mirajane to continue.

"I've been thinking about you a lot. Eh, not in that way, of course!" Mirajane said quickly, "With what you told me about how you divorced your wife, I'm... actually concerned for you."

"Why? I'm feeling fine. There's no need to be concerned for me, Mira."

"That's just it, Goku. You think that you are, but you're not. Your mind has developed these fake planned out words that got implanted to your brain. You're not really thinking for yourself because like I said earlier, the Time Rift effects gave you things you probably never been exposed to. Or... at least haven't experienced in a while..."

"You're saying the same things from when we were both at Kuro Café... Where are you getting at?"

"What I'm trying to say is, with the way you are now, you could've used these given emotions to fake the conversations with Fairy Tail & me. Meaning... You probably mean the opposite of what you really meant. You probably don't want to be here or something and you... You probably don't like me..."

"..." Goku was speechless to utter a word.

"I keep thinking that you being here could either be a coincidence or some sort of accident. The bottom line is, what you're thinking and saying is probably what you were given to say. And because of that, you don't really have your own voice of opinion..."


"I'm... not sure if you really do like Fairy Tail or me because of what happened to you."

"Mira..." Goku tried to call her.

"Goku, I don't know what you think of me. We've known each other for a week and a half and even you know as well as I do that's not enough time to get to know each other."

"Mira..." Goku tried again.

"We're just strangers, Goku. Nothing more, nothing less. After I'm done fixing you up, I'm... I'm going to leave you be. You probably don't want me around so I'll- -"

Mirajane wasn't listening. Or rather, she couldn't hear Goku call her name over her own voice. So, to capitalize her attention up to 100% percent, the full-blooded Saiyan was about to do what he did to his best friend on Planet Namek. He placed his right hand on top of Mirajane's head. From start to finish, he was about to begin his inside exploration of the She-Devil's mind. From seeing it himself, Goku sees the memories of Mirajane's early childhood.

The memories of the Strauss trio joining Fairy Tail. Her goth little self with her intense rivalry with Erza, to the incident with Elfman and his Takeover magic mishap that led Lisanna to Edolas. The battle with Phantom Lord, the fight with Laxus & the Thunder God Tribe. To the seven years Tenrou Island hibernation to lastly, the Grand Magic Games with Future Rogue & the Seven Dragons. Goku has seen it all...

After he gave himself a recap of Mirajane's past memories, he lets go of his hand. He was shocked to see what life she was accustomed to and all the bad things she had to endure when she was little. Especially when people called her a monster. But now, seeing the Mirajane in front of him, Goku knows that if someone called her a monster in front of her face, she wouldn't mind. Or rather, she doesn't care anymore because it doesn't bother her in the slightest...

"D-Did you just skim through my memories?" Mirajane gasped out of the sudden actions, "I felt as though my life just flashed before my eyes..."

"Yeah, because you kept saying we don't know each other, right? Well, now we do. Or at least, I do anyway..."

"Not that I don't mind going down memory lane, but why would you do that?"

"I'm not smart when it comes to hitting the books, but even I can tell if someone's having trouble. I did that because you think we're not friends. We're friends, Mira. And this is me speaking. Not the purple eye floater, not the Time Rift effects. Just me."

"How can you be so sure? 'It' planted you those words to say."

"Because I drove that thing out of me. I wasn't really that affected by it. It just gave me a headache. But I'm with you on what you said. It gave me things to say because the knowledge I got was implanted to me. So... I might as well make use of them."

"Goku, I'm still not sure about this..."

"How 'bout this? What if, I told you that I want to be with you forever. Together forever." Goku said as he looked up at her.

"What, like a couple of things? You're saying you want to make a promise to me? Why?" Mirajane wondered.

"I'm still a little bit in debt to you. I know Wendy was the one who healed me but you took your own time to care for me for three days. So, I want to pay you back. One day, when I went to one of my son's presentation at his university, he told me about things like this. If you want to pay them back, you should give them your life. Or something... I don't know. I fell asleep five minutes in."

Mirajane giggled, "You don't have to give me your life, Goku. I promise you I won't stray that far for a debt you owe me. But... I am curious as to what lies ahead of us. Do you really mean it, Goku? When you said you want us to be together?"

"Uh, sure. Yeah, I do. Why? Is that a bad thing?"

"No, no, it's not. It's just... I just want, I don't know, make you happy? You seem very high spirit when we get together."

"And because of that, you want to make me happy? I'm confused here, are you talking from the bottom of your heart or is that all planted in your mind to say?"

"Both? Point is, Mira, I care about you. I did say I want to protect you. Because I- -"

"Cherish me? Right, I forgot about that." Mirajane blushed, "You don't have to make such a promise like that, you know. I can just be fine with you being in our guild."

"No, I insist! Mira, I promise you, we can be together forever. If you want, that is."

"But why me? I know you were in my care so that I get, but out of all the girls around Earthland you choose me? I just don't get it."

"Your cooking tastes good. That's why." Goku smiled at her.

Mirajane blushed again but this time, it was noticeable for him to see. She took a step back from hearing that and was stuttering. His smile shooked Mirajane's to her very core. And it was weird for her. Every day, she sees the smiles of her friends and family's smile and even the smiles of strangers on the street. But seeing a smile coming from the Saiyan was just so... Unexpected.

"If we were in a relationship, you would be rushing it, Goku. It's not wise to do that."

"You seem okay with it. Your face is red, too." Goku said as he placed his right hand on her forehead.

"Huh!" Mirajane panicked.

"It's fine if you don't want to speed things up. Just know that I'll always protect you, Mira. Cause I cherish you!"

"(That's right. He wants to feel what it's like to protect something he loves. Wait... D-Does he have a crush on me?) Goku, by any chance, do you have feelings for me?"

"What is that? What kind of feelings?"

"It means do you like me? Like really, really like me?"

Goku still had no clue what she was talking about...

"Yeah, I like you." Goku said, "I like you a lot. You look strong and you cook better than my ex-wife!"

"I-I think you're missing what I'm trying to say, Goku. Like as in you have a deep affection for me? With great interest and pleasure?"

"..." Goku blinked twice, "Don't know."

"Love, Goku, love. Do you love me?"

"If it means liking you, then sure! I love you, Mira!" Goku said, "Is that part of wanting to protect you and cherish?"

"In a way, yes."

"Then, yup! Consider me as someone who loves you!"

"Well, then..." Mirajane fake laughed, "I'll be in your care, Goku. Please take care of me."

"Yep! I will!"

"(He doesn't know what he's saying but... If he's willing to say all of this from the bottom of his heart, then... Perhaps, I should probably tell him how I feel...)" Mirajane continued to blush, "I know this is sudden, Goku, but I kinda like you too."

"Cool." Goku stood up and went to the mirror, "Heh, I look funny."

"Do you like it? I did the best I could with the hairstyle you had on. Hope it's to your liking."

"It's cool, I guess. I'm just looking forward to the food here. That green hair girl said it's a banquet in my honor so you know the food's gonna be good!"

"It's weird for you to love me considering how we've just met but loving food is something all of us can agree to. Let's not waste time and head outside, okay?"

"Yeah, you got it, Mira! Grab ahold of me, I'll use Instant Transmission to teleport us there with everyone. They're probably eating without us!"

"Only one way to find out, um, sweetie..." Mirajane blushed at the last word.

Goku got out of his Instant Transmission gesture and looked at Mirajane dumbfounded. He was certain Mirajane knew his name, so why call him a different name. Goku was innocent so he didn't know it was a nickname.

"What? Mira, who's sweetie? My name's Goku."

"It's just a nickname, Goku..."

"Why give me a nickname when I have a name? That doesn't make sense..."

"Haha, Goku, when two people are close to each other, they say things from their heart to take it to the next level. Like the nickname, I called you. When I called you sweetie, it's because we're close. Because the promise you said about how you want the two of us to be together? It's a good feeling to give each other nicknames."

"Oh. Like you and me, right?"

"Mhm, that's right. You and me. But I totally understand if you don't want nicknames in our relationship, Goku! You can address me in a normal way too if you want- -"

"Nope, I'm okay with it. Nicknames for us two, huh? Is that part of cherishing the loved one?"

"Indeed it is..."

"Then, by all means, Mira, go ahead. If it makes you comfortable."

"Hehehe, you know, it's funny. We don't know each other that well and yet, we're already going in that direction. Well, I guess we should get going. We've been in this room for a while so without further ado, let's meet with everyone else"

"Right!" Goku said as he got in his Instant Transmission pose.

"(I do feel something special between us. Let's hope it doesn't get rushed or ruin with what's ahead.)"

"Instant Transmission. Here we go. Grab hold, Mira." Goku stuck out his hand.

"Yeah..." Mirajane said as she took it.

Weaving two of his right index & middle finger on his forehead, Goku got a lock on everyone's energy. Mirajane was on Goku's left side and was looking at their hands. This was all too quick for Mirajane because this is a first she's ever been in a relationship. Even if Goku doesn't see it that way because he's dense. Just this once, she tightens the squeeze and looked at Goku, who was still in the process of teleporting both of them to everyone, with a smile...

"Okay, next stop, the banquet!"

Banquet Hall...

Two weeks had passed since the last banquet. The last recent banquet was in celebration of the defeat of Future Rogue & the Seven Dragons. With, of course, the closing of the Eclipse Gate. Both the guilds, Fairy Tail & Blue Pegasus, were attending the banquet lead by the Princess of Fiore in Goku's honor. Even though Blue Pegasus had lost, the Princess of Fiore thought it'd be nice to still invite them for putting up a good fight with Fairy Tail's newest member.

Bob, the master of Blue Pegasus, was talking to his guildmates about Jenny's performance. Although she may have lost, Bob still congratulated her for trying. Still, with the sudden flying move sets and fighting style similar to Goku's, Jenny didn't remember all of that. The only thing she remembered was when she & her guild was at Blue Pegasus. After that, it became a blur. Hibiki, Eve, and Ren were at odds with this, but with the given time, they'll figure out the cause a to why Jenny couldn't remember.

The match was over but was still being talked about around the banquet hall. Lucy, Gray, Juvia, Erza, Natsu w Happy, & Lisanna were still amazed by Goku's limitless raw power. Natsu most of all. Out of everyone, he was the most fascinated about the Saiyan's power and wanted him to showcase it more. However, his thoughts about Goku were intervened by Lisanna as she came over to him for a chat...

"Hey, Natsu." Lisanna waved.

"Hmm? Uh, it's you, Lis. Hey." Natsu waved back.

"So, uh, Natsu. How do I look? Pretty amazing, right?" Lisanna asked as she was waiting for a compliment.

"Isn't that the same dress you wore the last time we were here, Lis?" Natsu questioned.

"Eh? Oh, um, haha, yeah. I haven't worn this since the previous banquet we were in." Lisanna fake laughs, "Say, uh, Natsu. I was wondering if you have any free time tomorrow."

"Why? What's up?" Natsu looks at her.

"I was thinking that maybe you and I would, oh, I don't know, get together and hang out. Like... Like a date..." Lisanna asked shyly.

"Lis... What do you mean? We're always together."

"Eh? What, uh, what do you mean by that!?" Lisanna blushed.

"We're always together, Lisanna. In our guild, Fairy Tail? C'mon, that was easy!"

"N-No, that's not what I meant by hanging out- -"

"I wonder where Goku is. What he showed us by turning blonde, I felt his energy rising up like crazy! I wonder if he can make me do that. Fashion wise, it looks weird, but the given power, it's awesome!"

"Natsu!" Lisanna yelled to get his attention, "I want the two of us to hang out together as we used to when we were little!"

"..." Natsu was quiet but his eyes widen.

"I want things between us right now the same way it was before. But instead, I want us to be more than just parents, you know."

"What do you mean by that?" Natsu asked.

"Natsu... I want us to be official. Like, the promise you and I made when we were little. About getting married?"

"Eh..." Natsu couldn't help but blink several times fast, "You know what, Lis? I think I'm just gonna go to that table and eat out the shrimps. See ya!"

Happily, and the clear mind of a dense boy, Natsu smiled at Lisanna as he was waving a temporary goodbye at her. It was clear that still, to this very day, Natsu was the same dense old Dragon Slayer as he was when he was little. And because of that, her hopes of marrying him due to the promise was up. From one thing to the next, Lisanna was sure that all Natsu could think about was Goku & getting stronger. And so, with much disappointment, she gave herself the chance to let out a sad sigh...

"(Sigh* Why is he so dense? It's not hard to give me an answer, Natsu. Whether it'd be a reject or a yes...)" from far away, Lisanna was watching Natsu & Happy eat all the food on one table and was causing a ruckus around him.

"I know we're wearing the same clothes from the previous banquet but still, Gray, you look great." Lucy compliments the non-shirtless Gray.

"Uh! Trying to hit on my man, you wrench!" Juvia said as her eyes were burning bright red in flames.

"Err... Juvia, it was just a compliment..." Lucy tried to calm Juvia down but nothing had worked.

"Thanks. You look great too Lucy." Gray returned the compliment with his shirt off.

"M-My beloved Gray just called... another girl pretty..." Juvia was suffering a nosebleed due to seeing a shirtless Gray.

"Okay, then..." Lucy sweated a little from seeing Gray catch Juvia's fall.

"And what's going on over here?" Erza said as she came over to check on Lucy, "Juvia passed out on seeing Gray shirtless again, huh?"

"Yeah, the usual. What's up with you, Erza?"

"I am waiting for Goku to arrive. I want to know more about his transformation that he did to Jenny Realight."

"It's cool, I'll give him that. But why do you want to know more about it?"

"We've been his students for over a week now, right? He's been teaching us things that are out of our range but we still managed to learn it."

"And let me guess, you want to see if that golden transformation can be taught to us?"


"Well, you're going to have to wait a while longer, Erza, because he's still in his room with Mira, still."

"Speaking of Mira, she seems to be a lot closer to Goku than any of us. Wouldn't you agree, Lucy?"

"Yeah, I mean, we had Goku for a week and all of a sudden Goku & Mira are so close. Did we miss something?"

"Apparently. We can talk about Goku & Mira later, Lucy. For now, let's focus on this banquet, okay? For Goku."

"Right, for Goku." Lucy smiled.

In another section not too far away from Lucy & Erza lies Cana, Levy Gajeel, & Wendy w Carla. Wendy was talking Levy & Gajeel while a drunken Cana was found partying around them. Usually, when Cana drinks she can hold her ground to alcohol. But on this occasion, she went all out just for the sake of Fairy Tail capping another victory. A huge one since "someone" kind of went toe to toe with Goku...

"I've been under his teachings for over a week now and I'm still surprised with what Goku can dish out. What really caught me off guard was the somewhat of a Takeover magic." Wendy said.

"You can say that again, Wendy. I'm still shooked on why someone strong like him is even in our guild. Not that there's anything wrong with it." Levy said.

"Spikes said he wanted to protect Mirajane because he wants to 'cherish' her. He's a weirdo, but also intriguing." Gajeel said as he was eating pieces of metal.

"For once you said something really genuine, Gajeel." Levy praised Gajeel.

"Don't get used to it..."

"(His race is called the Saiyans. With his ridiculous strength, I wonder what kind of powerful foes he must've fought to achieve the level he's at right now. It's truly a power to be confident of, but also wary.)" Carla was spacing out, "Hmm?"

"Haha! C'mon, Wendy! Let's dance the night away!" Cana developed the hiccups and was laughing. She exposed her breath to Wendy.

"Cana, are you feeling okay? (Oh, man. Her breath... She's been drinking again. Why am I not surprised?)"

"Hehehe, let's not lower the mood here! I need someone to dance with because I'm in the mood to show off my moves! So, whadda say? Be my partner, flat chest?" Cana looked at Wendy all cutesy-like.

With those heeding words, it struck a nerve on Wendy. Hearing those two words, she took it personally. It was like she had been struck in the heart with an arrow. But, it wasn't because of a love cupid, no. It was because of Cana's hurtful words, despite her being drunk...

"F-Flat!?" she looks at her chest then whimpered, "I'm still growing, Cana! Just you wait!"

"Haha! Now's the spirit, baby!" instead of trying to mingle, Cana unconsciously fell on Wendy. On the ground and on top of the Sky Dragon Slayer, Cana was suffocating her with her large breasts.

"W-Wendy! Get off her, you boobasoras rex!" Carla came rushing to Wendy's aid and tried to pull her out but struggles to do so.

"And there goes Cana. Never a dull moment with her and her booze." Levy nodded her head sideways.

"What can you always expect from the someone who binges on booze?" Gajeel said.

The rest of Fairy Tail was also having a blast as well. Laxus & the Thunder God Tribe were chatting with random girls while Elfman & Evergreen were having their own lover's quarrel. It wasn't long until Goku & Mirajane made their appearances. Arriving on set thanks to Instant Transmission, the two had made it on time.

Upon sight, Goku was filled with excitement. Finally, after battling someone who went under the mind control of the Time Rift effects, now was the time to eat. Goku was going to make sure nothing escapes his stomach. With excitement in his eyes, he started drooling little thanks to the amazing smell...

"Look, Mira! There are so many foods on the table! Haha, I can smell it from over here! It smells so good!"

"Well, go on ahead!" Mirajane chuckled, "In a way, it is a banquet in your honor. You deserve it so eat to your heart's content!"

"You bet I will! See ya!" Goku said as he ran to the table filled with the luxurious food.

"I swear, that guy will be the death of me. Though it could be a good thing." Mirajane said.

"Hey, sis! What took you guys so long?" Lisanna asked.

"We were held up on something that took a while to comprehend. So, yeah." Mirajane answered.

"Hmm, you seem to be in a good mood, Mira. Wanna tell us the haps?" Natsu said as he looks at Mirajane showing of her angelic smile, "Uh, did Goku teach you something he didn't teach me!?"

"No, he didn't reach me anything, Natsu. He and I just had a friendly chat. Maybe more than just a 'friendly' one..." Mirajane continued to smile.

"Friendly, hmm?" Lisanna elbowed her older sister funny, "Like, what kind of friendly, Mira?" she teased.

"Stuff..." Mirajane said, pretending to be unphased.

"Well, whatever it was, I'm sure that was the reason you're smiling right now. And I'm glad, sis! But are you sure it was just 'stuff'? Could it be something else than stuff? Like what kind of stuff?"

"Lisanna, why are you asking me these things?"

"Because you're in lovvee with him, Mira! You were probably talking about some romantic 'stuff' you want to do to him personally!" Happy came in as he teased.

"Eh? W-What!? Happy! It's not like that!" Mirajane blushed, "He and I are just friends. Nothing more, nothing less."

Happy, while flying around a blushing Mirajane, continued to tease Mirajane. Lisanna joined in on the teasing train because doing this will make her forget about her failed attempt to try to ask out Natsu. As for the Fire Dragon Slayer himself, he had no clue on what was going on in front him when seeing Mirajane, Lisanna, & Happy. He heard it first in front of his face but still had no clue what they were talking about.

By the time Goku arrived at the tables filled with food, he began eating like a maniac. Shoving food combos the size of his hands inside of his mouth, Goku devoured it all. He moved on to eating noodles. Slurping to later gulping, he was leaning the bowl he had on him towards his mouth. Table by table was being emptied by the full-blooded Saiyan. Everyone around him dropped their jaws in seeing the food disappear like that. When Goku went on to the next table, someone unexpected paid him a visit...

"Yo, Goku!" the mysterious person waved from behind.

"Hmm?" Goku turned around, "Hello." he waved, "Who are you?"

"The name's Jason and I work for Sorcerer Weekly Magazine!"

"Cool. Don't know what that is but cool." Goku smiled, "So, do you need me for something? Wait, how do you know me?"

"Haha, I was there when you were battling Miss Fiore! And I must say, your match was so cool!" Jason said as he was jerking both his clenched fist up and down.

"Oh, cool. So, what's up, Jason?"

"If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you some questions!"

"Sure, let 'em on me."

"Okay, first one! This is one of the questions everyone from the arena is wondering. When you turned your hair blonde, is that some kind of Takeover magic?"

"Nope. It's not Takeover magic, Jason. I can guarantee you that."

"What is it then, Goku? Everyone, including me, was speculating it'd be that."

"Super Saiyan." he held his right index finger up.

"Super... Saiyan? What is that?"

"It's what you call my golden blonde hair that you saw back at the arena. It's something only certain people can do. And by that, I mean my race. The Saiyans."

"Saiyans? That's... so cool!" Jason yelled in excitement, "Would you mind showing us your transformation for a quick photo?"

"Sure, knock yourself out, man," Goku replied as he set aside his shish kebob.

"Whenever you're ready, Goku!" Jason got his camera ready.

"Right" Goku smiled.

Goku's natural black hair started flowing up. Getting into his SSJ hairstyle, the outline of his body was beginning to glow golden yellow. His energy was off the radar and because of his immense energy, it alone was shaking the hall everyone was standing on. His hair was blinking golden yellow every second the moment a human eye blinks. After some time, Goku ended it off by transforming into his SSJ form. Natsu & the others who were taught Ki sensed Goku's power and turned around and saw his SSJ hair...

"W-Wow... Goku's energy... It's off the charts..." Natsu stuttered.

"Natsu, his energy is way bigger than yours and everyone we know..." Happy pointed out.

"Yeah, his power alone makes me realize how far off in strength we really are." Natsu admitted, "But, that doesn't mean I'm going to give up!"

"Mira, his transformation's really pretty." Lisanna was in awe.

"SSJ..." Mirajane's eyes widen at Goku.

With Goku's SSJ shown to everyone, the center of the attention started to revolve to him. He found it to be a bit awkward since everyone's eyes were laid upon him. But still, nonetheless, he demonstrated to Jason & everyone in the banquet hall his SSJ once more. Jason saw his golden spikey hair, his green emerald eyes and his aura that shined brighter the sun.

"Satisfy, Jason? This is SSJ." Goku smirked confidently.

"So... Cool! Haha! How did you achieve such a cool power, man?"

"I watched my best friend die in front of by some evil person name Frieza. Tell you what, I'll be a pal and lend you in on a little secret."

"What's up?" Jason whispered as he leans over to Goku.

"SSJ is an amazing form, Jason, but I've got more where that came from. I've got more transformations that'll knock your socks off!"

"No way! Are you serious, Goku!?" Jason shouted in excitement, "Are you telling me there's a level far beyond your SSJ?"

"Yep, yep. Want to see a SSJ level that ascends far beyond that of a regular SSJ?"

"I'd love that, man! 'Cause that'd be cool!"

"Let me know when you're ready? Is it now?"

"Haha, you bet, dude!" Jason yelled.

"Right... Here we go..."

Goku had risen his power up even further. With his energy rapidly going higher, his aura expands to an even greater size. His front bangs started to change its position and the electricity that sparks the level of the ascended SSJ made an appearance. Both Fairy Tail & Blue Pegasus were seeing it for themselves. Natsu & his guildmates were witnessing a person not only shaking the hall but probably Earthland itself!

Just as when Goku was finishing up his process of entering SSJ2, the gust of wind he created just by powering up, flipped a table filled with desserts. Flying at such ridiculous height, the desserts flew out from the table and struck a certain green hair girl that was of royalty. This person had led out a constipated scream that he didn't realize the consequences of doing that will be brim.

Goku heard a scream behind him. The scream, however, wasn't in a panicked way. After hearing the latent scream, Goku turned around and saw the person who got caked on. During the time Goku was powering up, Natsu & the others felt their bones chilling due to the energy and pressure the Saiyan was emitting.

"Uh, Princess Hisui!" Lucy runs over to her aid, "A-Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah... I'm covering in frosting but I think I can live to see the next day." Hisui said as she wipes frosting out of her eyes.

"Thank goodness..." Lucy sighed in relief then turned towards Goku, "Hey, Goku! What were you thinking powering up like that? You could've destroyed this place and harmed the Princess!"

"S-Sorry, Lucy..." Goku said as he was scratching the back of his head, "Hold on, you said Princess?"

"Yes, the Princess of Fiore! Princess Hisui!"

"Wait, what, you for real!?" Goku took a step back.

"Yes, for real!"

"Errr... My bad, then."

"Y-Your bad? Ugh, You're just as reckless as Natsu!"


"Hmm?" Goku heard another voice calling Hisui's name so he turned around to see, "Huh... It's a guy with a very long nose."

"Princess, are you all right?" Arcadios asked as he was next to her.

"I'm fine, Arcadios. I'm covered in sweets in every place you could think of but I'm fine."

"That looks edible, too." Goku came in on their conversation with his hands behind his head.

"Edible? Wait, who are you?"

"Yo, I'm Son Goku! But, you can just call me Goku, long nose!" he waved.

"Son Goku... Wait, you're the man who took on Jenny Realight back at the Grand Magic Games Arena. Hold on, are you the one responsible for covering the Princess in sweets?"

"Looks like I am. I heard screaming when I was powering up. Must've been hers. My bad..."

"Come, Princess, you need a change of clothes. I'll escort you to your room."

"Right..." Hisui said as she flicked away a strawberry that previously laid on her left shoulder.

/20 Minutes Later/

"Honestly, Goku, you've got to be more careful when you show off your power." Lucy advised, "Not all of us are used to your crazy power yet. Ease up on the juice, man. When you have the chance, you should apologize to the Princess when you get the chance."

"I don't see how it'll do her any good. But, okay. I'll go see what I can do."

"Good. Chances like this rarely come around so you better make it count! Now, how are you gonna get do so? Hisui's heavily guarded so it's going to be difficult."

"Well, hearing that from you, I can just teleport to her." Goku placed two of his right index and middle finger on his forehead, "From the looks at it, she just arrived at her room. You're right, Lucy. There are many people around her. Well, outside her room. K, I'll go to her now with Instant Transmission. See ya!"

"N-No, Goku, I don't think it's a good idea to-"

"Talk to you in a bit, Lucy!" Goku had vanished in front of her to meet with Hisui.

"Seriously? I swear I feel nothing like came through to that thick skull of his. I better meet with up Natsu & the others. Let's just hope he doesn't screw up his apology."

Hisui's Room...

After a non-commodity event with the sweets covering the Princess of Fiore's body, Arcadios had successfully escorted Hisui to her room. Taking off her attire, Hisui had towels covering her body & hair. Upon entering her bathroom, she hangs both of them up and started her shower to rinse off her sugary smell. For about thirty-minutes of hot water, Hisui finish. Coming out of the bathroom, she had both her body and hair covered in towels again and heads to her bed where her new fresh clothes were...

"Princess...?" Arcadios knocked on her door, "I heard the water stop, so does that mean you're out?"

"Yeah, I'm out, Arcadios," Hisui answered as she looks at her door.

"Since you're done cleaning yourself, I'm going to assume you're getting changed, right? If so, my men and I will leave you be to do whatever you please."

"Yeah. You're dismissed, Arcadios."

"Right. I'll see you next time, Princess Hisui."

After hearing Hisui's words of dismissal, Arcadios and the guards behind him were heading out for the Princess to have alone time. Three minutes had passed and Hisui still hasn't gotten changed yet. Something was on her mind. Looking back at the fight with Goku & Jenny, all Hisui could think about was the Saiyan himself.

She sighs. Looking up at her roof, she was imagining Goku in his SSJ state. With his behavior at the arena and moments ago, she knew right away the type of person Goku is. She didn't mind being covered in sweets because she can somewhat tell Goku's a kind person who didn't mean it. Hisui rolled over to her left side, exposing her entire body as the towels And again, she sighs...

"Goku, I wonder... What are you..."

When thinking about him, she gets a clear image of the Saiyan talking to She-Devil of Fairy Tail back at the Grand Magic Games Arena. Seeing both of them smile puts a curious thought to her. What could be his relationship with her? How close are they? This was just a hunch but she had a feeling out of everyone in his guild, she assumes the Saiyan likes the She-Devil the most. Her hair, that was still wet, was getting on her bed. In a few seconds, Hisui heard a whooshing sound coming from behind her, not knowing it was the sound of Goku's Instant Transmission...

"Arcadios, is that you? I thought I dismissed you already." Hisui got up from her bed sheer naked and turned around towards the door, "If you don't remember, I need some... alone... time... Wha..."

"Hello, Princess!" Goku waved, getting out of his Instant Transmission gesture.

"Y-Y-You're G-Goku... from the Fairy Tail guild..." Hisui's stuttering gave her the sighting of the Saiyan.

"Yep, that's me! How you do!"

"Son... Goku..." Hisui whispered to herself.

"That's my name. Hey, you're naked." Goku pointed out.

"Eh!?" Hisui looked down at her body and realized she was naked, "(I've been so busy rattling Goku in my mind; I didn't realize I was still in the real world!)"

Hisui's eyes were shaking rapidly. Her carelessness cost her; her pride as her body was being displayed to a Saiyan who belonged in the Fairy Tail guild. It wasn't her intention to have her body get exposed to a commoner, and it was too late to take it back. When Goku was about to take a step forward to shake her, Hisui adorably freaks out and comedically kicks Goku's left cheek.

She grabs her towel to cover her body and because of that scream from earlier, Arcadios came rushing to her aid. Hearing the commotion, the chief bangs on the door after rushing down the from the hallway.

"Princess! Are you okay? Did something happen?" he said in worry.

"(Oh, no! It's Arcadios! If he sees me with Goku, he'll freak out!) I, uh, I'm perfectly fine, Arcadios! There's nothing wrong!" Hisui said as she was looking at Goku crouching on the ground.

"Are you certain you're okay, Princess Hisui? Like there's nothing wrong?"

"Y-Yes! I'm perfectly fine!" she was steaming up due to Goku.

Even though he had heard Hisui's response, he was about to barge in anyway. However, had he done that, he probably would've received an earful from her. So, as her personal protector and chief of the Blossom Holy Knights, he'll take Hisui's words and back off...

"All right. If you say you're fine, despite the scream I heard, I'll take my leave once again. As you were, Princess." Arcadios took his leave and walks away peacefully.

"(I hear his footsteps. He must be walking away. Okay, that's good.)" Hisui looks at Goku again who was rubbing his left cheek. She restarts to freak out adorably again.

"Ah, yah, yah. Man, you sure know how to kick, huh?" Goku sarcastically said.

"W-What are you doing here in my room? How did you get here, too!" Hisui as she continues to freak out, "You saw me naked..."

"Hmm, I see no problem in that. Isn't that normal?"

"Normal? N-No, Goku! That isn't normal at all. The only time a guy should see a girl naked is if they're married or something."

"Oh, really? That's weird. But, whatever. I've got to tell you something if you don't mind."

"And what is that?"

"To apologize for caking you, Princess!" Goku bowed his head down to display his manners, "I'm very sorry, good sir!"

"S-Sir?" Hisui's eyes flinched a little.

"Oh, right, you're a girl. Sorry, I'm not good with those kinds of stuff yet. I'm still a little new, kinda." Goku said as he was scratching the back of his head.

Hisui cracks a smile and chuckled at Goku's mildly manners. To carry on their conversation, she decided to not lazy around and change into her usual outfit. After doing so, she gets up from her bed and walked towards Goku...

"Son- - Goku... You don't have to apologize, all right? Clearly, you weren't at fault here. I mean, you were since your crazy power blew the table of goodies."

"Really? Wow, not the reaction I was expecting. You're somewhat of a soft princess, huh?"

"Judging from their appearances, people are different than from what they are assumed to be. But, if you like, I can be a little bit aggressive and such." Hisui insisted.

"Nah, it's good, Hisui. I like you better when you're soft. It brings out the nice side of you." Goku smiled.

"N-Nice side...? How can you confirm that when we just met? It doesn't make sense to say that, you know..."

"Don't know. Just a feeling I'm getting from you. On a side note, Hisui, are you sure you don't want to accept my apology?"

"As I said, Goku, I'm fine. I know you really didn't mean it when you trashed me. But... There is something you can do for me to make up."

"Sure! Name it and I'll do it. I won't mind!"

"R-Really?" Hisui quickly looks at Goku, "You're not pulling my leg?"

"Nope. I'll do whatever you ask me for." Goku replied back with a smile that shooked Hisui.

"(Out of everyone I've known and besides my father, no one has ever just called me by my name. They affiliate me with Princess; it's been so long since I've heard just my name alone...) Well, if it isn't much trouble, Goku, would you care to tell me about your origins and how you came here, please?"

"Okay. Mind if I sit on your bed to tell you?"

"Not at all! In fact, I'll come to join you if it's okay."

"Be my guest. Wait, I'm the guest though, haha." Goku chuckled, "I'll start explaining where I came from in the beginning, so prepare yourself."

–27 Minutes Later-

In that amount of minutes, Goku started off his story with his adventure in the original Dragon Ball series. Where he meets Bulma and together, the two sets off on an adventure to find the seven magical dragon balls. His story continues with his Turtle Hermit Master training both a young Goku & Krillin, to his intense clash with Piccolo Jr. in the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai Tournament. For now, he ended the story of his early life...

"Wow... Your life is so... amazing, Goku." Hisui praised, "It sounds like you go on adventures a lot. In a way, I'm jealous."

"Jealous how?"

"You go on adventures, Goku. All I do is Princess duties for my kingdom. I don't mind doing it since I love my people, but it wouldn't hurt to have some fun in my life, right? Also, in your world, you were married to a person named Chi-Chi?"

"Yup. She and I made some promise when we were little. And I didn't even know what marriage was but I said yes, anyway. I thought it meant food."

"Haha, so, in a way, you were forced into marriage, huh? Your wife must've had an obsession over you if you two met again at the 23rd Tournament. I'm somewhat jealous over that."

"Why are you jealous? Marriage is awful."

"Eh? What do you mean by that? Isn't the wife you're with, happy?"

"Well, she's not as pretty as Bulma and she's always nagging about what's right for our sons and such. It was weird."

"So, what, did you just decide one day you weren't going to have it anymore?"

"Yep! I filed a divorce."

"W-What!? Hearing your story, I would assume you would be happy with the marriage life."

"I rather fight than earn Zeni to provide for my family. Now that I think about it, I'm friends with someone who has a lot of Zeni! Oh, wow! How did I not think of that?" Goku smacks his head.

"(He's quite hard on himself, haha.)" Hisui giggled, "Your stories are fascinating, Goku. Perhaps in the future, you'll tell me more about them?"

"Sure, but... How? You want to hang out or something? That way I can tell you more about my life."

"(H-Hang out? As in, a date?!) A-Are you suggesting it be a date, Goku?"

"If you want to think it is, then it is."

"Sure! I would gladly take your offer! Once a week! how does that sound?"

"Sounds good to me, Hisui."

"Perfect! Wait, how will it work though?"

"How will what work?"

"We've agreed for the two of us to hang out but how can we execute it? How will we meet each other?"

"Good point. Hmm, oh, I know! We can disguise you. Seeing how you dress; I think it's clear to us that you wear fancy clothes. So, what if we dress you up in simple clothes and cover up some parts that defy you. If we do that, then I think we've got a keeper."

"Sure thing, but all my outfits consist of fancy things that are to my liking. I don't think I can go out and buy normal ones."

"That's fine, I think I have girl clothes in my square container for you."

"Square container? What?"

"It's a long story, Hisui, but you got to believe me on this when I say it. I have these capsules in my square container that'll help you in your situation to disguise yourself. Trust me."


"Haha, I guess it's better to show you rather than to explain it. We should head back to my place so I can show you."

"Y-Your place? Call me dumb, Goku, but how do we do that? This place is heavily guarded and it'll cause a ruckus to my home."

"I'll teleport us to my place."

"Eh? Y-You can do that?"

"Yep. It's called Instant Transmission. I used it to get here. Basically, to use it, I would have to lock on a person's energy."

"Forgive me for speaking out of terms, Goku, but wouldn't that mean there would be a person in your home you would have to sense? Because otherwise, I don't think it's possible to go to your place with your Instant Transmission if there's nobody there."

"Oh, good point. Well, I'm stuck in a pickle... Oh, wait! I know!" Goku snapped his right fingers.

"You have a plan in mind, Goku?"

"You bet I do, Hisui! I can just carry you in my arms and take us to my place!"

"E-Eh!? What?!" Hisui blushed from his words, "Carry me? Goku, you're so straight forward..." she looks at the ground to avoid him staring at her.

"Yes, it could work!"

Hisui's room wasn't like any other room in Mercurius, compare to the other rooms, hers would be the biggest room ever to exist. Next, to her fathers, that is. There was a window next to her bed that was the size of a quarter size Spirit Bomb. So, with the idea in his mind, Goku went to the window and opened it up. He entered the balcony and flies up to place his right hand over his eyebrows to see the view.

He looks around to see where the direction to his house is. But, no dice on his end. Just an endless scenery of other buildings that were below Mercurius. He whistled to the sound of the wind and took note that he doesn't know where his house is.

"Um, Goku... How is going up there? Any luck with finding your house?" Hisui politely asked.

"No dice!" Goku replied back as he flies back down to her, "Unless..."

"What are you doing this time?"

"Since there's no one at my place, I couldn't sense it. That, Hisui, is correct on your part. Let me see if there's anybody in the guildhall..." Goku concentrated on finding an energy source back at the Fairy Tail guildhall.

"Um, what are you doing?" she tilted her head to see Goku's serious face.

"I'm trying to see if there's anyone back at my guildhall, Hisui. Hmm? Aha! There is! I'm sensing... Two people! Okay, Hisui, hold onto me!" Goku held out his hand for her.

"Right..." Hisui's right hand came in contact with Goku's left and together, the two vanished to the Fairy Tail guildhall for a greater chance to reach the Saiyan's house for the capsule idea of Hisui's disguise.

the Fairy Tail Guildhall...

Goku's energy sensing was on point. There was, in fact, a person back at the guildhall, still. Two people, actually, and they were also Fairy Tail members. These specific people had forgotten about the duel with their newest member, Goku, & Blue Pegasus. The reason for their forgetfulness, was because the two were "busy" trying to impress their leader of Shadow Gear, Levy. The two people were also in Shadow Gear and were on her team of three. Those two are none other than Jet & Droy...

"You know, Droy, we're the only two people in our guild who didn't come to support the new guy in his fight." Jet said, looking at his friend eating a drumstick.

"Yeah, I know, Jet. But, what can I say? I couldn't turn down food. It's like the food I eat shares a deep connection with me where we're forever together." Droy said as he yanks the skin off the drumstick with his mouth.

"Much more than Levy?"

"Oh, no! Not that! Levy's more important than that!"

"Sigh,* Then, why didn't we go with them? I mean, we can go now but it's probably too late."

"Sorry, Jet. I'm just so addicted to food."

"Food? Me too, buddy!"

The third voice that related to Droy was Goku. He, along with Hisui, had arrived at the Fairy Tail guildhall, safe & sound. Upon hearing that voice, Jet & Droy turned their attention to Goku and seeing him out of nowhere spooked them to go completely white as their eyes went in circles. Their hearts had skipped a beat, making Jet jump back a little as if he got jumped scared before. Hisui lets go of Goku's hand and was now standing next to him...

"So, this is the Fairy Tail guildhall that you & Lucy Heartfilia are in? My, it's certainly how I imagine it." Hisui said as she looks around.

"Yeah, haha. It's somewhat better than you had hoped for, I guess."

"Y-You're Goku!" Jet said, pointing his right index finger at him.

"Yo! What's up, you two?" Goku waved.

"What are you doing here!? Are you supposed to have your match with Blue Pegasus?" Jet asked, stuttering due to how shocked he is to seeing Goku appear out of nowhere.

"Well, I already had my match with Blue Pegasus and won. Oh, and I'm here because I'm showing Hisui my house."

"Hisui? Hold on... You don't mean... the Princess of Fiore? That Hisui?" Jet's eyes were getting big.

"That's right! Say hi to them, Hisui."

"Uh, um, hello there. Nice to meet Goku's guildmates." Hisui waved at the two.

"Hey, if I'm not mistaken here, aren't you the two who hangs out with Levy a lot? What were your names again? Oh, Met and Joy!" Goku snapped his fingers after an attempt on figuring out their names.

"Errr, no. My name's Jet, dude. And my buddy over their macking on a drumstick is Droy. How do you not know our names, man? You've been here for almost two weeks! You could've at least taken some notes..."

"Hehe, sorry. It's just that there are so many people in the guild. It's kind of hard keeping up with names. But, hey! I know you two & Levy are in a group called Sunny Gear, right?"

"Uh, it's 'Shadow Gear'." Droy corrected him.

"Ah, right, right, right. Okay..." Goku clapped his hands and turned to Hisui, "From out the entrance over there I can take us either for a walk or I can fly you out there. Option 2 is much faster, in my opinion."

"If it's faster, then I'll do you the honors and pick flying. Fly me there, Son Goku."

"Good choice, Hisui! Well, I see you two later. All right, I'll carry you in my arms and I'll fly us there- -"

"Wait, Goku!" Jet yelled.

"What's up?" Goku turned around.

"Listen, man, before you and Hisui go to your place for something, mind if you take me and Dory to levy & the others? I regret not going. It's really boring here with the whole gang."

"Yes, I want to be reunited with Levy!" Droy shakes his head in agreement.

"Sure, why not. I'll back right back, Hisui. This won't take long."

"Okay. Guess I'll wait for you. Hopefully, it won't take a while."

"Trust me on this one, Hisui, it won't." Goku said as he head pats her, "All right, Jet, Droy. Hold onto me!"

Goku held out his left hand to them. Jet took his hand with his right one while Droy was holding onto Jet's left one. Goku managed to get a good energy reading on Levy & the others. Before he was about to use Instant Transmission, he looked at Hisui and smiled. A smile that Hisui read as "It'll be quick, Hisui. I promise you that!" And so, Goku, Jet, & Droy disappeared in front of her eyes. For about forty seconds, Hisui sat down on a chair and whistled...

"Hmm, this has got to be the longest forty seconds of my li- -"

"Yo! Ready to see those capsules for your disguise?" Goku said, reappearing in front of her.

"Huh!? That was quick. I blinked and all of a sudden you teleported in front of me. But yeah, I'm ready, Goku."

"Okay." Goku picked her up into his arms and went outside on the stairs, "Hold on tight, Hisui. We'll be there in a jiff."

"R-Right..." Hisui blushed but avoided it from Goku, "(He's carrying me like I'm his lover or something. No, I shouldn't think that. Son Goku's probably in a relationship with that white hair woman so I shouldn't take this a lover's thing between him and I.)"

"Right! Next stop, my house!"

Kicking it into overdrive, Goku was letting loose for once since his battle with Jenny and turned into an SSJ. With the wind blowing her face at a rapid rate, she squints her eyes noticed herself ascending up to the sky. Then, within a blink of an eye, Goku showcased his amazing speed. His golden aura was had pitched in and merged with her, making her able to enjoy the wind breeze as they come. The trip to Goku's house wouldn't take long and Hisui knew that. Still, an "adventure" like this is something she'll take since she never got the chance to go explore her own adventures...

Hisui's Room...

Arcadios, along with his guards, were on their way to Hisui's room. Arcadios was in front of her door while the guards stand behind him. He gives the door three knocks. Knocks that were about to tell her he was done with whatever he was doing as chief. Now, with the free time he has right now, he was planning to check up on her and ask her if she was still going to go back to the banquet hall to join the people she invited...

"Princess? Why aren't you responding?" Arcadios wondered.

"Perhaps she's asleep, sir." Guard one said.

"Could be. But Princess Hisui wouldn't sleep at a time like this when she was the one who's throwing the party for one of the Fairy Tail's newest member. Something's not right..."

The gigantic sized windows were still opened inside of Hisui's room. The night was still young but the wind begs to differ. Making its way inside, it blew the Princess of Fiore's room to where her jewels, clothes, & all other accessories to fly over the place.

Arcadios heard the loud noise and decided to check in on her. In doing so, he kicks the door open and the first thing he saw was the large opened windows. He runs to the windows and entered the balcony of it. With Arcadios entering the guards behind him entered as well and searched around her room only to find out she wasn't here...

"Sir Arcadios, the Princess isn't anywhere in sight! She's not in this room." Guard Two confirms.

"I can see that..." Arcadios said, "Princess Hisui, where are you? (Did she decided to go to the banquet hall after she was done putting on her clothes?) Check in on hall. Alert me if she's there or not."

"We checked the moment we came in, sir Arcadios."


"She's not there..." Guard Three regrets to inform.

"What should we do, sir Arcadios?" Guard One asked.

"I can only assume she's been kidnapped. Tch, have the guards around the hall in and out form search parties. She must be found safe and sound. If the King hears about her daughter's disappearance, much less killed, I'll never forgive myself."

"But, sir. Won't that cause a commotion?"

"It doesn't have to if people don't know about it. Now get to it, you all." Arcadios commanded.

"Right! Sir, yes, sir!"

All the guards that were with Arcadios were now going on high alert to finding the Princess. All of them are planning to inform the other guards so they can rally up in parties to search for King Toma's daughter. At once, every guard was on the move, leaving Arcadios alone at the balcony still...

"(Let's hope nothing happens to her...)"

Banquet Hall...

"It's been well over thirty minutes." Gray said, "I wonder what's taking Goku so long. It's not that hard to say, 'I'm sorry'."

"Well, my love, Juvia thinks Goku must've gotten lost. After all, this is a big place."

"Fair point, Juvia, but that shouldn't be the case." Erza points out Juvia's flaw.

"What do you mean, Erza?" Wendy asked.

"This is Goku we're talking about. It won't matter of the place is a thousand times bigger and larger, all he was to do is trace down a person's energy, and then poof! There he is."

"But, Gray is right on his part. It shouldn't take long to say one apology." Mirajane said.

"You okay, sis? You're putting on an obvious face."

"I'm fine. I'm just... a little shaken up."

"Really? What for?"

"It's something he said when we were alone together. That's all."

"Ooh, tell me! What did he say to you?"

"Hehe, it's nothing for you to know, Lisanna. At least, not yet." Mirajane smiled to the ground, blushing at what Goku said earlier.

"Well, if we're pitching in ideas on what's taking so long, I'm going to come out and say he's probably throwing a thesaurus at him."

"Thesaurus, Lu? He can hardly come up with his own words," said Levy as she stands next to him.

Makarov & the first master of Fairy Tail, Mavis, were also had no hunch on why it was taking so long for Goku to apologize as well. Then, when theories were being thrown around the banquet hall left to right, the trio Dragon Slayers decided to sniff their noses to confirm everyone's suspicion. Natsu, Wendy, & Gajeel chuckled at what they found out about Goku...

"Haha, well that explains it. What a turn of events, Spikey." Gajeel laughs.

"I take it you three got something?" Mavis asked to make sure.

"You bet we do, First Master. I can't smell Goku cause he's not here but I also can't smell Hisui, too."

"What? Are you sure, Natsu? You're saying that Goku & the Fiore Princess are here in the same building as us?" Makarov said.

"If I can't smell them, Gramps, Wendy & Gajeel can't, too. Right, you two?" Natsu said as he looks at them.

"Yep, I agree with Natsu, Master," Wendy said as he looks at Makarov.

"Salamander usually isn't right for shit, but this time, he is."

"Um, I beg your pardon? I'm not ringing any bells here, so would someone care to enlighten me?" Mavis called for.

"It's a long story, First Master, but to sum it up, Goku has the ability to teleport by just using two of his index and middle finger" Mirajane informs.

"It's called Instant Transmission, if you were curious, too." Erza came in.

"Haha, he really puts the 'M' in a magician, doesn't he? I can't help but feel like he somewhat likes to do that. That's just me, though." Mavis laughs.

It wasn't long until Fairy Tail saw all the guards of Fiore huddling outside. Seeing that many guards entered them to get curious as Curious George so they couldn't help but listen in. With their ears out to hear in on their conversations, Fairy Tail at that given event was also taking in the name "nosy" since clearly, it was what they were doing. After hearing mostly everything, Natsu 7 the others returned to Makarov & Mavis to tell them the news...

"Well, that's one thing to take note of," Natsu said as he placed both his arms behind his head.

"And what would that be, my boy?"

"Goku & Hisui aren't in the palace."

"Which means we can only assume they're out in the city somewhere." Erza speculates.

"So, are we going to search for him or something?" Mavis wondered.

"That would be the obvious answer, First Master, but I'm guessing we don't have to," Makarov said.

"Why is that, Third Master?"

"Because Goku's probably just showing the Princess the ropes," Makarov replied.

"And they're probably making out in a secret place. Mira, your boyfriend's cheating on you with a Princess!" Happy teased as he was flying around Natsu's head.

"Happy, knock off the teasing, will ya?" Mirajane said embarrassed.

"You seem confident about Son Goku's return, so it's your call, Third Master. I'll trust what you're doing. (I'm also curious as to how this will all go.)"

"So, your newest member decided to go AWOL with the Fiore Princess and you're all here sitting ducks with no care in the world?" Hibiki said as he came in on Fairy Tail's conversation.

"Hibiki..." Lucy looks at him, "And Blue Pegasus. What brings you guys here to us?"

"We couldn't help but overhear about Goku making an escape with the Fiore Princess. I didn't take him to be a player." Hibiki admits.

"Well, he managed to help me overcome whatever it was that overtook my body. I'd say he's got my will at his command." Jenny said.

"You're not serious about that, are you?" Mirajane asked with one eyebrow up.

"Indeed I am, Mirajane. Hey, quick question for you, girl. If it's not a bother, mind tell what your relationship with Goku is? I mean, you're gorgeous as heck, girl, but the same goes to me, too! And yet, Goku didn't pay any attention to me when I was showing him the stuff."

"I haven't known Goku that well but even I know he's not the type to flirt with a girl. Much less with you, Jenny."

"All that time you've been with him, you know that much? That means he's not the type to go crazy over my looks. Then why is he into you? Are you his girlfriend? Lovers?"

"I wouldn't say we're lovers but we're somewhat close."

"Close in meaning?"

"We're somewhat more than friends. To me, that is. I don't think Goku realize what he's really saying."

"What did he say that made you think you two were going to be together?"

"He said he wanted to cherish me, to protect me because he finds me as a loved one."

"But... You two just met. What kind of trickery is that? Sounds like a rushed relationship..."

"Could be. I mean, he's from another world. He didn't know about stuff like that since most of his life he was only interested in eating big and fighting strong opponents."

"Do you see him as boyfriend material?"

"He's cute, I'll give him that. But no..." Mirajane said as a lie.

"Good. Then you don't mind me going for him, right?"

"Eh? Come again?" Mirajane freaks out.

"To be honest, my preference in men is strictly high and it pains me to see someone as dumb as him to not see me as a sexy gal. So, I'm going to make him mine!"

"But what for? Because he didn't find you attractive?"

"Errr... That and I'm a bit curious as to where he originates."

"Jenny, I'm glad you don't hold a grudge to him but because you want to know where he originates? I'm... I'm not going to stand by and let you take him."

"But, why? You just said you don't like him so this is the perfect opportunity for me."

"He's not like any other boys I've met and known. There's something about him that makes me want him for some reason. And it's not because he rejected my beauty, no. It that and the fact that he saved me during our sparring. He knew right away I was under control and saved me without killing me. And because of that... I sorta develop a crush on the guy."

"Jenny..." Mirajane's eyes were shaking in shock.

"So, as the current Miss Fiore, I'm going to find it to be a mission of mine to make Goku my lover! Why you may ask? Because other than true love, sooner or later, when we become actually lovers, we'll be known throughout Earthland as a power couple! Son Goku, the strongest man on Earthland! And Jenny, the incredibly sexy woman who'll marry him!"

"Let me get this straight, Jenny. With what you're saying, it sounds like you're using him as a marketing purpose?"

"I did say I develop a crush on him. A huge one, in fact." Jenny blushes when saying that.

"I'm sorry, Jenny. Really, I am, but I can't let you have him."

"Hmm? And why not?"

"He and I promised to be together forever and I can't have him go to you with that promise intact. He did say he cherishes me..."

"But you just said you didn't like him."

"Well, I lied... I... I do..."

"Mirajane... (Heh, I knew it.)" Jenny's eyes widen, "Hmph, then it's settled. I considered you as a rival for me and what better way to showcase it than to win a man's heart! You're not going to win this time, Mirajane!"

"You're in way over your head if you think you can win him. He's dense for goodness sakes. Whatever tricks you'll pull, whatever stunt, it won't work. He's a fightcoholic. He would've picked fighting over you."

"Heh! The same could be said to you!" Jenny tested her.

"We'll see about that, Jenny. We'll definitely see..."

Goku's House...

After about four minutes, Goku & Hisui arrived at his house. Goku was in his SSJ form just to show off for Hisui. When his golden yellow hair was displayed, he let out even more power just to hurry up to his house. As they set foot inside, Goku placed her down and together, the two entered his room...

"Square container, square container, where could it be?" Goku said as he was looking around.

"Wow, this place, your room, it looks so advanced. Is it weird I said that?"

"No, no, it's fine. I get that a lot from my friends at Fairy Tail. Oh, here it is!" Goku found the container on a dresser that was inches away from his bed.

"So that's it, huh? Hmm? What is this?" Hisui took a look at the pot of Senzu Beans, "Beans?"

"Yes, beans. Beans that can heal you to full health no matter how much pain you endure. They're called Senzu Beans."

"Senzu Beans..."

"Yep, Senzu Beans! As long as you're not dead, the beans can heal you if you're close to death. I've used it a lot of times back in my world when I was fighting strong people. Let's get back to your disguise though, Hisui."

"Oh, yeah, you're right."

"Catch, Hisui."

Gently, he threw the square container to Hisui. She successfully caught it with her two hands. Opening it up, she saw over two-hundred capsules and was surprised. She saw different sections to with labeled names on what they each do. Not only that, but the labels came in color for the capsules. Seeing this, Hisui was baffled at how many capsules there were and noticed the small sizes of them as well...

"These are capsules? They're a bit smaller than I expected."

"Mhm. Now, all we got to do is find a capsule in particular and press the head on it and then, 'BOOM!' Something will come out! But the question is, how can we find out which one capsule has clothes in it?"

"Maybe it's in the section where the label on top says 'Clothes,' Goku."

"Oh, hey, you're right, Hisui! I'm surprised you figured that out, man. Nice going!" Goku praised.

"I-It wasn't that hard, Goku... (He's a sweet guy but also not the sharpest tool in the shed.) Okay, so, you said to press the head of it and something will come out? I'll take this orange one."

"Sure. Throw it on the ground right after."

After grabbing the orange capsule from the Clothing section, Hisui pressed the on its head and threw it near the bed. A big puff of smoke had appeared after the sound of pressing it came, but after ten seconds, it dialed down. From out of the smoke came a dresser for the females...

"Amazing, Goku. How does a dress like that fit inside of something small of the orange capsule?" Hisui said as she went to it, "It's the real deal."

"That's the power of capsules for ya! Open it up."

"Yeah, sure thing."

Before doing so, Hisui checked around the dresser. The dresser had four section drawers and immediately, she opened up the top one. When she pulled the top one out, she saw a bunch of girl clothes and wanted to question Goku about why he has clothes opposite of his gender...

"They're so many clothes here, Goku. It's all made for girls like me, so why do you have this in your container? Why do you have something like this?"

"I don't know," Goku said honestly.

"O-Oh... Guess I'll pick out my disguise, then..."

Despite having large amounts of clothes at her place, she wasn't going to be picky about the clothes for her disguise. So, to hurry on up, she picks out a few things and headed straight to the bathroom. While Hisui was getting changed, Goku decided to lay on his bed to wait for her. It went on for about ten minutes and when it was all said and done, she finished...

Coming out, she surprised Goku with her newly disguise outfit that was perfect for her to hang out with him in public. She was blushing because what she picked wasn't what she always wears. But, this was an exception.

She was wearing a white tank shirt that covers her entire waist underneath while being covered with a long lighted green waistcoat. She also picked out shorts that were ripped and denim but perfect for a girl her size. Her shoes became nothing more than boots that were adjustable to her liking. For her hair, she tied it back to make it a ponytail, with a cap covering her hair. The cap had four orange stars on it and was colored in orange and black. She finished up by wearing glasses with no lens in it...

"W-Well? What do you think, Goku?" Hisui asked as she blushed.

"Wow, it looks great!" Goku stood up from his bed and gave her a thumbs up, "At first, I couldn't recognize but hearing your voice made me realize that it's a solid disguise! You had me fool so I think we'll have no problem going out in public together."

"Oh, thanks, Goku..." Hisui smiled as her cheeks were still pluming in red, "But... Do you think I also look a little..."

"A little what?"


"Um, sure. If that's a code to say when we're in public together with your disguise, then cute is the right word for you, Hisui!" Goku cracked a smile.

"T-Thank you..." Hisui was happy to hear that, "So, what's now on our agenda? We've got our disguise picked, where do we go from there?"

"We can hang out tomorrow if you want."

"Tomorrow? Oh, no I can't, Goku."

"Why not?"

"Starting tomorrow, for a week and a half, I'll be out of Crocus for some priorities I have to attend to. Arcadios and I will be roaming all over Fiore to fix issues that need to be resolved. I apologize in advance, Goku! I'm terribly sorry!" Hisui bows her down to him.

"Uh, hey, hey! It's no biggie. You have to do all these things because you're a Princess and attending to your people's needs is something you're obligated to do. So I understand."

"R-Really?" Hisui got out of bowing, "It's going to be a really long time until I get back, you know."

"Eh, no worries. I've waited longer for things back in my world. This isn't anything special. I'll wait for you." Goku said as he placed his right hand on Hisui's head to pat it.

"You're saying... You'll wait for me? Like, really wait? You're not just saying that?"


"You won't really forget?"

"Would I forget something I promised to a friend?"

"R-Right..." Hisui looks down at her feet, blushing.

Since Goku was in his room, he got out of his fancy suit and changed back his hairstyle to what I originally was. He puts on his Gi attire with no symbol on it and noticed Hisui was going to do the same. Heading back to the bathroom, she was going to change back to the usual outfit she always wears. Coming out, she puts back her clothes back into the drawer and closes it.

She stepped away and came behind Goku. He was walking towards the dresser as a whole and pressed the button on it to turn back into the orange capsule. When Goku found the capsule on the ground, he picked it up and gave it to Hisui to keep...

"Here, hold onto it."

"Thank you, Goku." Hisui took it with her left hand, "So, from the looks of it, I'm guessing we're going to back to where my place and where your guildmate is, aren't we?"

"You're correct, Hisui. Now, hold onto me!"

And in moments, Goku and Hisui were holding hands once again. He got a clear energy reading and at once, the two teleported back to their destination of Mercurius and to where Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus, & Arcadios were at. The front of the Mercurius...

Universe 6, Champa's Planet...

Bulma & the others had safely arrived at Universe 6. As Whis navigates everyone in the God Cube to Universe 7's parallel twin, they all were heading towards to Universe 6's God of Destruction, Champa. When they arrived, Beerus & Whis told Champa & Vados about what had happened with their ace in the hole fighter in their universe...

"A wormhole, you say." Vados said, "That sounds like a demon's doing."

"Indeed, sis. And we've already figured out who it was that was behind the accident with Goku."

"Towa the Demon Scientist and her assistant Mira," said Champa, looking at Vados' brother seriously.

"And that's the story, Lord Champa. Your brother told us you have something that can help us cross over a timeline to where Goku is. Please, if it's not a bother, could you help us out?"

"So let me get this straight, you all lost that Saiyan that went up against Hit and based off of a hunch you think he's in a different timeline thanks to some demon?"

"That's pretty much the sum of it, yeah," Bulma said.

"Hmm, and why should Vados & I help you? You guys are from Universe 7! The things that happen in that universe is none of my concerns! I'm the God of Destruction of Universe 6 for peep sake, guys."

"Yeah, but c'mon, Champa! You owe your brother a favor!"

"You forgot 'Lord' when saying my name, mortal. And what favor!?"

"The favor where he used the Super Dragon Balls to revive your Universe 6's earth! That one!"

"Eh... How did she..." Champa gasped, "Err... Fine! We'll help! Sheesh..."

"How kindly generous of you, my Lord." Vados compliments, "Since Lord Champa's on board, what's the plan on traveling to this other timeline?"

"Is there a catch to this? You're not going to tell us about the dangers and taboo of time travel?" Vegeta questions Universe 6.

"We're well aware of it, Vegeta. And we strictly stand against it. However, something like this doesn't concern our universe, so we're okay with it. Not to mention that something like this doesn't happen very often. So it's thrilling."

"What Vados said is right, but we're also keen on protecting Universe 6's ass. If what you guys say is true and demons are behind this, then no universe is safe."

"What do you mean by that?" Gohan asked.

"He's saying that the demon race isn't supposed to be taken likely. They're formidable people that have the power to take what belongs to them. Some specific demons rival Destroyer Gods like Champa and me."

"Eh!?" Universe 7 gasped.

"It's true. Two demons, in particular, gave Lord Beerus & Champa trouble."

"Well, where are these demons then?" Bulma was scared to ask.

"You don't have to worry, Bulma, the demons that fought our Destroyer Gods have sealed away," Whis informs.

"Where did they get sealed off to?" Gohan asked, "To hell? The afterlife?"

"The Demon Realm. It's a dimension below Universe 7."

"Something like that was in our universe?" Piccolo was baffled, "How come we've just noticed this now when this was under our noses?"

"There a lot of questions to be answered, but it's best to set them aside for now. What we really should be focusing on is getting Goku back." Bulma points out.

"Bulma's right. Champa, hurry and take us to someone who can help us with our God Cube."

"What, God Cube? You're trying to modify it?" Champa wanted to know.

"Yes, brother. I know there's a planet in your Universe 6 that specializes in time traveling. So do us all a favor and take us there." Beerus demanded.

"Always commanding me as if you're superior, Beerus? Heh, you're lucky this matter was led by demons because otherwise, I would've flat out said no."

"D-Does this means you're going to help us, Lord Champa?" Gohan came in front of him.

"I hate owing debts so... Yes..." Champa replied.

"Haha, all right! You hear that, Goten? They're onboard!" Gohan looks at Goten.

"Before we head out to the planet you're speaking of, Beerus, me and Vados have to go do something that'll take a day."

"What? Oh, hurry up and get it over with already." Beerus grunted.

"Don't tell me what to do!"

"Everyone, you are all welcome to stay on this planet as you see fit. We are going to help you but there are maters of our own that we have to attend to. Sorry for bringing this up when your friend's in another timeline."

"It's good, Vados. Take all the time you need. Bulma, Vegeta, the Saiyan children, & Piccolo won't mind waiting one more day, right?" Whis looks at him.

They all shook their heads in telling them that it's okay. Beerus didn't mind too and made himself comfortable by opening up a capsule. Inside the capsule was a beach chair he was very familiar with on some planet in the South Galaxy. Together, Champa & Vados walked a few feet from everybody. As they were doing that, Universe 7 were doing their own things to kill time.

For the spare time Universe 7 has in Universe 6, they were going to make the best of it until Champa & Vados gets back from whatever it is they're about to do. Beerus was going to take a nap, Whis was going to train Vegeta while Bulma, Gohan, & Piccolo were going to reexamine the energy gun with the X-symbol on it. As for the kids, Goten & Trunks, they were going to play tag...

"My Lord, did you ever consider the possibility of where it is we're going?" Vados asked.

"Yes, I know where we're going to head, Vados."

"Then what is it, then?"

"We're going to head to Planet Makju to meet with someone who can take care of those two demons that were responsible for sending their Saiyan to another timeline. I don't know why they would do that but something tells me Beerus' Saiyan is gonna be a guinea pig for them."

"I see now. You don't want those demons to revive them & wage war to our timeline, right?"

"Yeah and I don't have time to cross over timelines to fix my brother's shit problem. So, we're going to go to someone that can."

"You're hiring someone? Can I go on ahead and assume you're referring to..."

"Hmph, that's right, Vados. The Infamous Assassin of Universe 6, our universe, Hit!"

"Then I'll go ahead on blasting us to full speed." Vados had her staff ready.

"Hehe, punch it, Vados! To planet Makju!"

Late Evening

Crocus, Mercurius Hall...

Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus, & Arcadios were in front of Mercurius Hall. The sun had risen down and the banquet party inside was still going on. Everyone was having their own conversation and one of the main ones that were still talked about was the disappearance of Goku & Hisui. Arcadios was talking to Makarov about his newest member and Hisui...

"This is outrageous, Makarov!" Arcadios said, "What's someone from your guild doing with Princess Hisui?"

"I'm just as surprised as you are, Arcadios. I'm not sure where those two went but, trust me when I say this. They're going to return before midnight. I guarantee it."

"Let's hope you're right..."

Some conversations had ended. Some continued on and the subjects were changed. The topic of Goku & Hisui was still in the air and just as when Arcadios & Makarov had finished their talk, both the Saiyan of Fairy Tail & the Princess of Fiore, King Toma's daughter, had arrived in front of everyone...

"Hey, everyone." Goku waved.

"Goku!?" the entire Fairy Tail guild yelled his name.

"P-Princess?" Arcadios saw Hisui next to Goku and ran to her, "Are you okay? You're not sustaining any sort of injury, are you?"

"I'm fine, Arcadios. Really, I am. Nothing really happened. Goku & I just took a ride around from where he lives."

"Eh? Say what now...!" Arcadios freaks out.

"Yo, Goku!" Natsu waved at him, "How's your time with Hisui, huh? Why were you guys alone for? Were you teaching her something you didn't teach me?"

"Natsu, it wasn't like that." Erza said as she hits Natsu in the head, "If I recall, Goku wouldn't leave any one of us out when it comes to learning something new from him."

"Oh, yeah. My bad, haha..."

"You're such an idiot, Pyro." Gray shakes his head.

"Go suck on a turd, Frostbite!" Gray verbally fights back.

"Now, now, you two. Let's not fight in front of the Fiore Princess, okay, you two?"

"Lucy's right. Take it easy now." Wendy said.

"Those two are a bunch of ruthless savages, I swear." Carla inquired.

In seeing Natsu & Gray argue and ignoring Lucy & Carla, Goku couldn't help but let out smile and laugh. Because seeing his two students fight almost every day reminded him of Vegeta and himself, too. Excluding the part in race difference, the rivalry was still the same in his book. No matter the worlds he's been involved in, to him, there will always be people with a rival that signifies pride. Himself & especially Vegeta is proof.

The intense rivalry between Natsu & Gray continued. Goku was over in seeing them argue so he decided to turn his attention to Mirajane. After he spotted the She-Devil, he ran to her. Jenny was next to Mirajane and had assumed he was coming to get. So she panicked cutely. Seeing him headed this way puts Miss Fiore at an all-time high. Unfortunately, she realized Goku headed past her and went for Mirajane instead.

In conclusion, Jenny Realight's entire body went to shambles and turned white. Her face looked as though it was done with life and her eyes were in circles that roamed endlessly. She was disappointed...

"Hey, Mira!"

"Hey, dear..." Mirajane smiled at her.

"D-Dear!?" Jenny looks at them, "D-Did you just say... DEAR!?"

"I did. Got a problem?" Mirajane raised her right eyebrow to mock her.

"(Uh... This lousy weasel!)" Jenny's eyes returned back to white circles, her background consisted in purple with lighting behind her back.

"Dear? Mira, you're so bold." Lisanna complimented her older sister with a thumbs up.

"I know, Lis," Mirajane smiled at her, "So, uh, Goku..."

"What's up, Mira?" Goku gave Mirajane a friendly smile.

"I see you changed back into your usual outfit. I kind of it this one better. You look more, you." Mirajane said, patting Goku's head as a way to start her competition with Jenny.

And it worked. Jenny was overloaded in jealousy and Hisui pouted at Goku smiling at the She-Devil's action. Erza was mesmerized at the relationship Goku & Mirajane was holding. Seeing the two talk like they've been married for years makes her wonder if they do like each other. Lisanna thought the same. What her sister's relationship with the Saiyan what she wanted to have with Natsu...

But Natsu wasn't like Goku. He didn't act the way Goku does and it was funny to her. Some time ago, she made a comparison that both Goku & Natsu were similar in a way but then again... They're not the same person...

"Where were you anyway with the Fiore Princess?"

"At my house. I was helping her with something."

"Hmm? Well, at least you came back so I'm not mad at you or anything."

"You're not? Really? Why would you be mad for?"

"It's nothing big to make a deal out of. Just think nothing of it, Goku. Do that for me, okay?"

"Uh, sure..."

"Hey, your name is Son Goku, correct?"

"Hmm? Yeah, that's me. Who are you, long nose?" Goku said as he turned to him.

"My name is Arcadios. I am Princess Hisui's protector."

"Oh, cool. Nice to meet you, Arcadios! My name is Goku." Goku bowed.

"Yes, I know. I've heard stories about you. You and your match with the Blue Pegasus guild. Now, mind if I ask you a question, Son Goku?"

"Lay one on me."

"Why did you take Princess Hisui out from her room for? How did you get inside in the first place? Look, the point is, you left her unprotected. I commend you for beating Blue Pegasus but how do I know you're not what you seem to be, from the rumors?"

"I am strong. I'm probably the strongest person on Earthland. Want me to prove it?"

"I would be honored if you could show me the power that defeated Jenny Realight."

"Arcadios, where are you going with this?"

"Princess Hisui, if your friend here's strong as people bring him up to be, then show me that power. If you show me something that can make me believe you can protect her, I'll forget this ever happen. The part where you 'kidnapped' her, that is."

"Are you sure about that? Goku's pretty strong, man. You're gonna regret it." Gray gave Arcadios a heads up.

"And why's that?" Arcadios asked.

"Because Goku's a powerhouse fighting lover!" Happy said.

"Got that right! If anything, Goku can really bring the hurt to someone like you." Natsu adds.

"My beloved and Gray is right. You're going to wish you hadn't requested that."

"I'll believe it when I see it, lady," Arcadios said.

"Let's go, Goku! Show him what you're made of! Show him not only your power but also Fairy Tail's might!" Mavis encourages Goku.

"You sure? Like, really, really sure? I don't want you to get blown away."

"If he says it's okay, Goku, it's okay." Erza reminds him.

"Right." Goku's clear aura was shown to everyone, "Guess I'll show you what the ascended SSJ looks like."

Goku's clear aura had transformed itself into the bright golden color. Static electricity started to flow around Goku as he continued raising his Ki to the point where everyone could feel the immense pressure he was giving off. Due to the roughness of showing off his power, Arcadios acted for himself and shield his body to Hisui, making her come go behind him.

Fairy Tail & Blue Pegasus were at a loss of words. Goku's energy was skyrocketing high and when it was said and good, Goku entered SSJ first. The majestic look of his SSJ spikey hair brings a bright color that shines in their eyes. The way Goku was powering up reminded Natsu of Gildarts back on Tenrou Island. After ten minutes of yelling and pebbles, rocks levitating, Goku showed everyone SSJ2...

"What do you think? This form is called SSJ2. A level way higher than what I showed back at the Grand Magic Games."

"A-Amazing... It's like I'm looking at a god. (How can someone like him possess this much power? He looks the same age as Princess Hisui!)" Arcadios continued to stutter.

"His power's way different than back at the arena!" Wendy pointed out, "There's electricity flowing around him..."

"It's his hair, guys. Look." Levy looks at it, "His front bangs changed position. I got to say, he doesn't look half bad."

"Juvia think it's stylish."

"Say, Natsu. What do you think of Goku's SSJ2 form?" Happy asked as he looks at him.

"It's... Awesome. It reminds me of Gildarts showing me his power, too. Gave me flashbacks..." Natsu admits.

"(This pressure I'm feeling, it's heavy.)" Arcadios felt as though thirty pounds was added to his weight.

"So, what do you think?" Goku asked, going back to his base form.

"Uh... I, um..." Arcadios's face was sweaty, "I apologize, Son Goku. I guess I overreacted when you took her. I assumed you weren't as strong as you look. Clearly, I was wrong. And for that, I'm sorry."

"You're good."



"Son Goku, it also makes me believe you can be suitable to protect Princess Hisui if she were to ever get outside the capital. Other than the guards and myself, I can somewhat see you as her guardian angel."

"Thanks, I guess..." Goku laughed it out after.

And just like that, Goku's Banquet Party came to a close. The commotion Goku caused by "kidnapping" Hisui dialed down. Goku had promised Hisui to hang out every week and that's what they were going to do. When Hisui's week and a half trip ends, that is. In the upcoming date between the Saiyan & the Fiore Princess, something unimaginable will happen.

And it'll happen in the most crucial way that'll devastate Goku completely...

Universe 6, Planet Makju...

The God of Destruction of Universe 6 & his angel attendant had arrived on Planet Makju. The two were at a city where nighttime had struck. Champa & Vados was meeting with a client in a secret alleyway. Direction wise, Planet Makju was in the South Galaxy region far away from Champa's planet...

"So, I'm sure you're wondering why we came here out of the blue, right?"

"I suppose."

"It's simple. We need you to do a mission from us that'll require things that are out of this universe. You're perfect for the job since you do this all the time." Champa said.

"It's even in your nature to do so because you've been doing this gig for over a thousand years." Vados added, "We need you to get rid of two people."

"Yes, I suppose it is. Who are my targets?"

"Two demons that go by the name of Towa & Mira. I already went ahead and told you what they're plans are so we'll cut to the chase, Hit."

The Infamous Assassin of Universe 6 came out from the shadows. His hands were in his pocket when he was walking to Champa & Vados. He is known as the "Never-Miss Hit," and as the "Legendary Hitman." He is the leader of Team Universe 6, the Assassin Hit...

"The demon that goes by the name of Towa can mess with time. Hit, her targets in another timeline where Universes 1-12 is gone, but 13-18 remains. For the remainder of what goes on right now, Lord Champa and I shall allow you to use our the God Cube."

"What can that do? If she's in another timeline, then how can the cube cross over?"

"Haha, I knew you would say that, Hit! No worries. The God Cube got modified with a function that can cross over timelines."

"I see..."

"Here, Hit." Vados gave Hit communicators, "We'll contact you with this. Don't call us, we'll call you. As for me, I'll contact you myself and keep you up to date with anything that involves Towa. You have any questions before departure, now's the time."

"I have none." Hit enters inside the God Cube, "Start it up, Vados. I'm ready."

"Let's get going, my Lord," Vados said as he was walking towards the God cube.

"I know, Vados. I know." Champa entered the cube with them.

"Hmph." Hit smirked, "Time to begin the job."

