

On the road of Andalas, Abimanyu's body lay limp and half conscious. There are several people nearby. Jhonny who just arrived immediately pushed the people who covered him.

"Come on, help me lift Abimanyu in the car?" Jonny shouted to his friend who has a car at the Night Club.

With his friend Jhonny's help, he lifted Abimanyu's body into the car.

"Abi, Abi..." called Jhonny patting Abimanyu's cheek. Abimanyu groaned in pain.

Blood dried up a little everywhere all over Abimanyu's body.

"Abi we go to the hospital, okay?" Jhonny pressed

"No, just take me home and pick up Kasih." said Abimanyu weakly enduring the pain in his back which ached.

"Let's go to Kasih's place, Bi." said Jhonny.

"No, later there will be a fuss. Kasih just invite to the house." said Abimanyu with increasingly heavy eyes, the heat of his body getting more and more painful.

Arriving at Abimanyu's house, Jhonny immediately went to Kasih's practice place by riding Abimanyu's motorbike.

Arriving at Kasih's house, Jhonny saw Kasih sitting with a man who looked older than Kasih. There was a tense look on their faces.

Jhonny walked in, greeted Kasih and nodded his head at Gilang who was staring flatly at him.

"Good afternoon Doctor, I ask you a favor ... my friend is badly injured. Can the doctor come with me?" Jhonny asked, a little hesitant, afraid that Kasih had forgotten him.

"Hey, ... why did Kasih have to come with you? just bring your friend here." said Gilang interrupted with unhappy eyes.

"Sorry, my friend didn't allow me to bring it here because the condition was so bad." Jhonny explained with a furious heart.

"And besides doctor Kasih got to know my friend." said Jhonny again feeling annoyed.

Kasih's eyebrows rose when Jhonny said that she knew his friend who was injured.

"What's your friend's name?" asked Kasih curiously.

"Abimanyu, Doctor." Jhonny replied briefly.

"Oh Abimanyu? I remember now, you are Abimanyu's friend right? what about Abimanyu?" asked Kasih a little worried.

"After being robbed by a doctor, the wound was quite bad. So we didn't bring him here." said Jhonny explaining to Kasih.

"Kasih! you're not going there are you?" said Gilang in a high tone.

"I have to go there Lang, as a doctor I have to help anyone who needs me. And it was my promise when I was sworn in as a doctor." said Kasih a little annoyed by Gilang's indifference to others.

"Then what about our program now? do I have to come to the party alone?" Gilang's voice got higher.

"If you want you can wait for me. I can't close my eyes if someone needs me." said Kasih, packing up the equipment.

"Oh yeah ... what's your name?" Kasih asked Jhonny's friend.

"Jhonny, Doctor." said Jhonny briefly.

"Come on, let's go to Abimanyu's house." said Kasih while carrying his doctor's bag.

Gilang, who felt ignored, was getting angry.

"Kasih, I hope you soon realize what you are doing! you don't respect me at all!" said Gilang grumpily gripping the door of Kasih's office.

"Come on Lang, this is just a small matter. I have to go first, we'll talk again when we get home." said Kasih still in a calm voice as if he was used to Gilang's temperamental nature.

"Come on Jhonny, let's go." Kasih said, turning to Jhonny who was already on his motorbike.

"Sorry Doctor, I picked up on a motorbike." said Jhonny with a bad taste.

"It's okay, take it easy." said Kasih calmly.

"Please get on Doctor." said Johnny after bringing his motorbike closer to Kasih.

Without hesitation, Kasih got on Jhonny's motorbike, and gave a smile to Gilang when Jhonny's motorbike had started to accelerate from his place.

Gilang looked at Kasih with anger in his chest, his hands clenched tightly.

On the way, Kasih enjoyed his journey calmly, as if there was no problem with the relationship between her and Gilang.

"Em ... Doctor, was that man Doctor's lover." Jhonny asked, venturing to find information for Abimanyu, who seemed to like Kasih.

"Yes ... he is my lover, Gilang is his name. Why Jhon? looks fierce?" said Kasih and smiled, because many of her friends thought that Gilang was fierce.

"It can be fierce, Doctor, the important thing is not to offend the doctor." said Jhonny.

Kasih just chuckled at what Jhonny said.

"It's still far away, Jhon?" Kasih asked as he started to pass through the rather shabby village, many small children were playing. Looks like the children on the street when you look at it from Kasih's eyes.

"Soon the doctor will arrive at the end of Abi's own house." Jhonny replied, occasionally greeting or greeting people he met.

Kasiih's gaze is focused on Abimanyu's house that is already visible, a house made of bamboo with part of a wall. Not big and not too small but it looks comfortable and dim because there are small lights on the edge of the house fence.

"We have arrived. Come on in Doctor." said Jhonny when he was in front of Abimanyu's house.

"Jhonny!" shouted Steffi out of the house with a panicked face.

"Abi fainted Jhon, his body was very hot." said Steffi nervously. Jhonny immediately put his helmet on the motorbike to panic too.

"Doctor, hurry in Doctor ... help Abi Doctor." said Jhonny with a worried face.

"Yes I will help him, calm down." said Kasih as she walked into the house.

"Where is Abimanyu?" Kasih asked when he was inside the house.

"Come Doctor, Abi is in the room." replied Steffi. Jhonny brought Kasih's bag and stood beside Kasih.

"This is Doctor, Abi's room. Come in Doctor. Doctor help Abi." said Steffi again with teary eyes.

Kasiih walked into Abimanyu's room. You can see Abimanyu lying on his side on a narrow bed.

Abimanyu was lying with a bare chest, with many wounds on his chest and on Abimanyu's face.

"Jhonny, please don't close the door. And I ask for help, can you get a basin and water. If there is a small towel too?" said Kasih to Jhonny. Jhonny also delegated to Steffi who usually took care of all Abimanyu's needs.
