
Book 1: Chapter 71 - I've got some good news and some bad news.

   Tense moments pass but eventually Ivory squeals and drops the test onto the floor. She begins jumping round from foot to foot in excitement.

   "I'm not pregnant!" She yells out loud, fist pumping the air. My eyes widen and I grab hold of her before placing my hand over her mouth.

   "Shut up! They might hear you!" I hiss and she immediately grows silent before nodding in agreement. I pause, watching her with narrowed eyes before I slowly remove my hand from her mouth. Thankfully, she doesn't begin screaming about her pregnancy test results again.

   "That was so close," I tell her, blowing out the breath I've been holding in anticipation the entire time. Ivory nods, mumbling an agreement. She bends down to retrieve the pregnancy test box from the floor. "What shall I do with this?"

   I shrug, looking around the bathroom for a good hiding spot.
