
Book 1: Chapter 55 - The consequence.


   I groan as he lays into me harder, his fists colliding hard with my face and stomach. He shakes his fist from the force of his punch, bouncing backwards on his heel, his adrenaline blowing through the roof.

   My swollen face looks up into Amil's, seeing the anger vibrating off him. I can barely see out of my right eye and the longer I go without putting ice on it, the smaller it got.

   "You fùcked up Jake!" He yells for the millionth time in the past hour. My head turns to the right and I sneer at Amil's brother. He owns the house I escaped to, instantly ringing Amil to fill him in on what was going on. He was a coward and sat back whilst Amil bought in the money for his greedy, power fuelled family.

   Amil's brother gulped at me, the fear clear in his eyes no matter how much he tried to mask it. I know fear, I can smell fear. Amil was the one who taught me that.
