
Heaven-Earth Disconnect

Attempting to move his limbs, a resistance met with his arms and legs, as if he was engulfed in liquid. Blinking a few times, his eyes were already opened, still seeing nothing but darkness all around him. A muffled hum resonated against his eardrums as he continued to sink down further into this darkness helplessly.

"Helpless" might be the improper way to describe it--he didn't have any qualms with sinking down into this mass of darkness, it was quite comforting in all honesty. After fighting so hard, he finally was able to rest.

"Is that what you want?"

It was a voice he knew well, a voice he had missed dearly, calling out to him as he relieved himself to the whims of this sea of black.

--...What I want?

"Are you fine with just giving up? After all of the pain and suffering you've put yourself through? After the blood and sweat you've cast away, the promises you've made to yourself?
