
Qin Lan Shows Sign Of Being In Love

She can still vividly recall how her father always called to ask her about her love life. His nagging about marriage got to a point that she often ignored his calls since by that time she could already recite what he wanted to say.

Thinking back now she kinda understands why her father was so impatient. He raised her all alone and the fact that she was an only child made him even more worried.

"Since you were willing to come all the way to live here does that mean you have no plans of falling in love or getting into any relationship?" Catherine asked like a good cousin would have done.

Qin Lan's lips curled into a beautiful smile when she heard Catherine's question. Her charming smile made Catherine wonder what was wrong with her.

"If it was two days ago you asked me this question then my answer would have undeniably been a YES but not anymore....," Qin Lan chuckled. She was practically daydreaming in front of Catherine.
