
Save him

"Wow, that's… a lot" said Matt as he and Annie were walking from the garden together.

"I know right, it is… a lot to take in and think about, and understand, and try to wrap your head around, it is a lot" said Annie as she agreed.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't be there with you and Maddie, my Grandfather wanted me to have lunch with him and I couldn't say no" said Matt.

"It's not a problem Matt, I understand" said Annie as she looked at him and she smiled as he smiled at her.

"So how is Maddie dealing with this? I mean, we all know how much she doesn't like her mother" said Matt.

"Well honestly I don't know, and that makes me worried, for one, she showed no reaction when she saw her, no happy reaction, no sad reaction, no angry reaction, nothing, she was just being expressionless, and you know how hard it is to know what Maddie is thinking" said Annie.

"I know, and from what you said it seems that Maddie's mother is nice" said Matt as he smiled.

"She is, but I don't think that Maddie thinks so" said Annie as she sighed.

"But I mean, I am worried about you, Maddie can be upset with you for suggesting that her mother stay together with you guys in your room" said Matt.

"I mean, she didn't look upset with me, and she didn't say anything, I think that she was kind of expecting it" said Annie.

"Besides, I want her to at least make up with her mom, they both deserve to make up, they shouldn't be enemies" said Annie.

"I agree with you, I think it would be easier for Maddie's mom, but for Maddie, she doesn't let go easily" said Matt.

"I know, I just hope that she would sooner or later" said Annie as she sighed and she and Matt stopped walking when they saw Ollie in the distance speaking to some older people as he caught sight of Annie and Matt in the corner of his eyes.

"Dude, you need to save me, do something to get me out of here" said Ollie as his voice popped in Matt's head as Matt laughed and Annie looked at him.

"What's so funny?" asked Annie.

"It's Ollie, he wants me to save him and get him out of there" said Matt as he laughed and Annie laughed.

"Save him how?" asked Annie.

"I don't know, think of something" said Ollie as both Annie and Matt heard him and they laughed.

"How is he simultaneously speaking like that?" asked Annie as she noticed that Ollie was talking over there while still talking over here.

"I don't know, but he sure wants us to save him" said Matt as he laughed and he had an idea.

"Prince Oliver, I am sorry to interrupt, but I require your assistance with something" said Matt as he walked closer to Ollie and Ollie stopped talking.

"Ahh I see, sorry everyone, there is something important I need to attend to, we can continue this meeting later" said Ollie as he smiled and he spoke to the people as they all nodded and Ollie walked away with Matt.

"Thanks Matt, you are a lifesaver" said Ollie as Matt laughed.

"Anytime dude" said Matt as he laughed.

"Ollie isn't it a bad thing for you to ditch your meetings?" asked Annie as Ollie looked at her.

"Well no, not really, I mean I've been in that meeting for hours now, I just need a break, and I can't make up an excuse to leave myself because my Father will check up on me" said Ollie as he sighed.

"Anyway, what's going on, where's Maddie?" asked Ollie as he couldn't see Maddie anywhere.

"Well she's in our room" said Annie as she smiled.

"I see, and how did meeting her mother go? The Chancellor told me about it" said Ollie.

"I mean… goodish I'm not really sure" said Annie.

"How is Maddie?" asked Ollie.

"Well Maddie is Maddie you know" said Annie.

"I am sure that she will be fine" said Ollie as he smiled.

"I hope so" said Annie.

"So Matt, what do you require my assistance with?" asked Ollie as he looked at Matt.

"What do you mean? I just made something up" said Matt as he laughed.

"Well we need to find something to do, because if my Father checks in and doesn't see me in the meeting, we will no be happy at all" said Ollie as Matt laughed and he shook his head, he couldn't have said that before.

"Well I really don't have anything to do, except for arranging my Grandfather's office, he wants to take some books to the library" said Matt.

"Perfect, I can help you with that, it's a valid excuse, Annie are you coming?" asked Ollie as he looked at Annie as she laughed.

"No, I am going to check on Maddie actually" said Annie as she smiled.

"Well okay, good luck with that" said Ollie.

"Thank you" said Annie as she smiled.

"Come on Matt, let's go before Professor Reagan finds me here" said Ollie as Matt laughed.

"See you later Annie" said Matt as he smiled at Annie.

"See you" said Annie as she smiled and Ollie and Matt walked away as Annie felt someone watching her and she turned around to see a foul frown looking Armand looking at her as she remembered what she did to him last time when her powers were going overboard.

Annie knew that she had a wrong to right, so she walked towards him as he moved away.

"What do you want to do this time? Finish what you started hmmm?" asked Armand as he moved back and he narrowed his eyes at her.

"Mr. Armand" said Annie.

"It's Armand, and stay right where you are, or else I will use force" said Armand as Annie stopped walking.

"Sorry Armand, I am sorry for what I did to you last time, it was a mistake, I shouldn't have treated you like that" said Annie as she apologized and Armand scoffed.

"Just what kind of game are you playing at you wicked, evil girl??" asked Armand.

"First you do what you did to me, and now you claim to apologize, you really are something" said Armand as he scoffed and Annie just sighed as she shook her head, she didn't know what this guy's deal was, he was just crazy though.

"Look, I just wanted to apologize because I feel bad for what I did to you, that's all" said Annie as she turned around and she walked away as she shook her head.

"You can't fool me you demon" said Armand as Annie ignored him and she walked on her way.

"Hey Maddie" said Annie as she smiled and she walked into she and Maddie's room.

"Hi Annie" said Maddie as she looked at Annie and she smiled.

"What are you doing?" asked Annie.

"Oh nothing really, do you want us to have bunk beds or separate beds, because thanks to you, there's another bed here for Clove" said Maddie as she smiled.

"Are you angry with me?" asked Annie.

"No, not at all, I saw it coming, anyway, should we leave the beds like this?" asked Maddie.

"We should leave them like this" said Annie.

"Alright then" said Maddie.

"Maddie, you should know that this will be good for you, you know, getting to know your mom more" said Annie.

"Mhmm, whatever you say" said Maddie as she shook her head and there was a knock on their door.

"Come in" said Maddie.

"Oh hello" said Clove as she smiled and she walked into the room as she closed the door behind her.

"Hello" said Annie as she smiled.

"Hi" said Maddie.

"Oh you both can just call me Clove, and thank you for allowing me to stay here" said Clove as she smiled.

"You are welcome Clove" said Annie as she smiled.

"I don't mean to impose, I mean…" said Clove.

"You are not imposing at all" said Annie as she smiled.

"Right Maddie?" asked Annie as she smiled and she looked at Maddie.

"Right…" said Maddie slowly.

"Oh thank you both" said Clove as she smiled.

"Maddie, it's so nice to meet you, I just love you so much" said Clove as she hugged Maddie again.

"But you don't know me, how can you love me?" asked Maddie as Clove broke their hug.

"Well because we are cousins, and we are the only people of our family left, so we need to stick together" said Clove as she smiled and Maddie just looked at her.

"Ooh before I forget now, I have something for you both, for allowing me to stay here and being so nice to me" said Clove as she smiled as she looked at her black sling bag and she looked through it as Annie and Maddie looked at each other.

"Here" said Clove with a smile bright smile.

Haha Annie Grey will now update with one chapter a day haha.

Dan_does_it_allcreators' thoughts