
Two of them

"Well no, not necessarily, no Maddie should not cease to exist" said Stella as Annie, Maddie and Matt all looked at her with a confused expression on their faces.

"But how come? That doesn't make sense, when someone goes back in time to kill the woman who gave birth, shouldn't you cease to exist?" asked Maddie as this made no sense to her at all.

"Well maybe in other cases yes, but not in this one" said Stella.

"One thing stays sure, you are Azazel's daughter, his flesh and blood, you cannot cease to exist" said Stella.

"But this makes no sense, then doesn't that mean that there is some sort of alternate universe where I don't exist or what?" asked Maddie as she was finding it very hard to try to wrap her head around this.

"There is no alternative universe, no parallel universe, nothing like that, being the society that we are, there are certain rules put in place to ensure that the world doesn't end in a catastrophe with selfish people aiding their selfish ambitions, they are not allowed to use time to their advantage, and even if they try to it will fail" said Stella.

"Then how come Selene was able to change time?" asked Annie.

"Well because she surely did not use natural means to get what she wanted, there is a power backing her, because her actions went unnoticed even by the time keepers themselves" said Stella.

"The rules work in such a way that in order to keep everything in balance the world evens everything out, there is no parallel universe or alternate one because every thing was pushed together and balanced in this one timeline that we are in" said Stella.

"It is hard to explain actually, but there is no alternate timeline" said Stella.

"Alright, so I don't cease to exist, and everything goes back to normal?" asked Maddie.

"Not really" said Stella.

"Because of the way the world is, due to what Selene did, we have a few additions" said Stella.

"Additions like how?" asked Matt.

"For one, it would be the revelation that Azazel has another child a son… we don't know anything about him, who he is, where he is, nothing, just that he exists" said Stella.

"This is so stupid" said Maddie with a scoff.

"Where did the new son come from? I mean isn't Maddie Azazel's only child?" asked Annie.

"Not anymore" said Curtis.

"I would take a guess that Selene did something, and hence why Azazel now has a son in the picture" said Stella as Maddie sighed.

"Just great, now there are two of them, much more to deal with than one" said Maddie as she sighed.

"I don't think Azazel's son would be a problem, I only received a little information about him, he does not seem to be with Azazel in any way" said Stella.

"Alright, so let's see, Selene went back in time to kill Clove before she ever met Azazel, which now resulted in a new son, and I am still existent here, since everything has to remain in balance" said Maddie.

"Exactly like that Maddie" said Stella.

"Mhmm, okay, and because of that change that Selene made, Azazel recovered and he became stronger" said Maddie as Stella nodded.

"Okay, anything else?" asked Maddie.

"There is one more thing" said Stella as they all waited for her to explain.

"No one remembers Clove, Maddie" said Stella.

"How do you mean?" asked Maddie.

"No one remembers her except us, and I believe some other people, I mean, she was killed by Selene before she met Azazel, so no one remembers her, there is no record of her, nothing" said Stella.

"So no one except us remembers Clove?" asked Maddie as Stella nodded.

"Hmm, well, that's nothing big, no one remembers her anyway" said Maddie as everyone looked at her.

"What?? Why are you all looking at me like that?" asked Maddie as she looked at everyone, she didn't know why they were all looking at her like that.

"Maddie, are you okay?" asked Annie as Maddie laughed.

"I am okay you guys, seriously, stop looking at me as if I am saddened by this news, not really" said Maddie.

"I mean Azazel, Clove, Selene, the three of them obviously had some problems, and if Selene got rid of Clove, that doesn't bother me at all, I mean as long as I am still myself and I exist" said Maddie as she laughed.

"Alright dear, if you say so" said Stella.

"And I do say so" said Maddie with a smile.

"Is there anything else you want to tell us Aunt?" asked Maddie.

"No, nothing more, I am awaiting a new report that is being carried out by the time keepers, I want a through scanning of the timeline, to be sure of any other anomalies" said Stella.

"Alright" said Maddie.

"Well you can all go now dears" said Stella as she smiled.

"Alright then, see you later Aunt Stella" said Maddie as she smiled and she stood up as Stella smiled at her.

"See you Aunt" said Annie as she smiled and Matt did the same as they all walked out of her office, and the door closed behind them.

Curtis turned to look at Stella as she looked at him, they both had the same look in their eyes.

"I am worried about Maddie" said Stella.

"I agree with you, knowing Maddie, she always has that I don't care attitude, she forgets that it's okay to care sometimes" said Curtis.

"I feel like she will end up feeling overwhelmed" said Curtis.

"I agree with you Curtis, and that's why I worry, I know that she's trying really hard not to care, I expected her to take the news of what happened to her mother, you know… a little more seriously, but it doesn't seem to affect her at all" said Stella.

"She just needs time, she will be fine, I mean, she is Maddie after all" said Curtis as Stella really hoped so.

"I mean… I never thought that something like this could happen, if Aunt Stella and Curtis weren't the ones who explained this to us, I would have never believed it" said Annie.

"I know right?" asked Matt.

"It feels like some Sci-Fi movie, going back in time…" said Matt.

"I agree with you" said Annie as she looked at Maddie who had been quiet the entire time that they had been speaking.

"Maddie, are you okay?" asked Annie as Maddie snapped out of her thoughts and she looked at Annie and Matt who were sitting on the other couch in the library.

"I am fine" said Maddie.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Matt.

"About everything Aunt Stella said, I don't know about you, but I find it hard to believe that no one remembers Clove except for us" said Maddie.

"How come?" asked Annie.

"I mean, I just can't believe it, surely someone has to remember her, I mean she just can't be erased just like that" said Maddie.

"I know what you mean Maddie, but what if she is?" asked Matt.

"I know that she died already, I mean I did see her grave" said Maddie.

"Maddie" called Annie as she felt like Maddie was being a bit insensitive.

"Okay fine fine, I mean, I went to where she was buried, so does that mean that the grave , yes I said grave because that's what it is" said Maddie as Annie shook her head.

"Yes her grave shouldn't exist then" said Maddie.

"I don't know about that Maddie" said Matt.

"Well then we need to find out, just to be sure" said Maddie.

"Maddie, what are you thinking about?" asked Annie as she looked at Maddie, she could see that Maddie had an idea in her head, and that worried her.

"On how I will find out if this is true or not" said Maddie.

"And how exactly will you do that?" asked Matt.

"Well by going to ask the only person I know who can tell me if this is the truth or not" said Maddie.

"Maddie, what are you talking about?" asked Annie.

"I am going to have to go back to Sunset Village" said Maddie.

"And on my own" said Maddie.

"What, no way Aunt Stella would allow you go there, and not to talk about alone" said Annie as Matt agreed with her.

"Well the only way to know is to ask her" said Maddie.

"I am going to ask her right now" said Maddie as she stood up.

"Maddie" called Annie as Maddie ignored her and she walked out of the library.

"Matt, say something" said Annie as she looked at Matt.

"Just leave her alone Annie, I am sure that Aunt Stella won't allow her go anywhere at all" said Matt.

"Alright, you are right, Aunt Stella won't allow Maddie go anywhere" said Annie as she nodded her head.
