
His opinion

Maddie opened her eyes slowly as she yawned and she rubbed her eyes as she felt the rays of the sun on her face.

Maddie looked around as she found herself in a not so small room as the sunlight came through a little window.

Maddie turned to her right as she saw Annie sleeping on the other bed, very peacefully, as she smiled, she was happy that at least Annie could have a peaceful rest, after all, she had been really stressed lately with everything going on, and well it was too much for her to handle it on her own.

Maddie yawned again as she remembered that she had no back pain, she could not remember the last time she had slept on a bed, it was actually nice, now she truly appreciated the comfort having a bed.

Maddie got out of bed carefully as she did not want to wake up Annie, she wanted Annie to rest for as long as she could, so Maddie quietly walked to the door of the room, she got her shoes as she held them in one hand and she carefully opened the door, and then she walked out of the room as she closed the door behind her softly.

Maddie stepped into the hall as everywhere was so quiet, it was actually creepy, Maddie could not hear or see anyone in sight, so she quickly put on her shoes as she walked in the direction that they came from yesterday and she walked out the front door as she happened to see, Maddie, Matt and Curtis standing outside as she walked over to them.

"Good Morning Maddie" said Matt as he smiled and he saw Maddie walking towards them.

"Hmm Morning Matt, and Curtis" said Maddie as she smiled and Ollie shook his head as even early in the morning, Maddie never once forgot to not annoy him.

"Where is Annie?" asked Ollie as he did not care about Maddie's attitude.

"She's still sleeping, I didn't wake her up well because, yesterday's dinner was rough on her" said Maddie in worry.

"How did she take it?" asked Matt in concern.

"Bad, she blamed herself, but I told her not too, I hope that she actually listened to me, because everyone is free to think whatever they want to think, but the truth is always the truth no matter what" said Maddie as she shook her head.

"You are right about that" said Ollie as he had to agree with Maddie, he only hoped that Annie still did not blame herself, because none of this was her fault at all.

"Mhmm" said Maddie.

"Anyway, where is Alina?" asked Maddie as she could not see the cheerful girl anywhere, not to be offensive, but Maddie found Alina way too cheerful for her liking.

"Well she's making breakfast" said Matt.

"And Ivor?" asked Maddie.

"Alina said that he always wakes up early to do some things, and that he will return soon" said Ollie.

"Good, because I don't think Annie would be happy to see that guy anytime soon, his words really hurt her yesterday" said Maddie.

"Well that is only his opinion, I am sure that other people don't think like that, for example, I don't think like that at all" said Ollie.

"That's because you are just weird blondie, but other people do think like that" said Maddie as she looked at Ollie, Maddie thought that maybe he did not think like that because he was their age, or maybe because he got to know them, but other people who didn't know them, or know just how nice Annie is, would think the same way that Ivor did.

"Hmm" said Ollie as he was weighing Maddie's words, maybe she was right, but he considered himself a very understanding person, he was not one to just judge someone over a one time meeting, no, not until he knew them very well.

"Annie is not safe here, with people who think like this, none of us are" said Curtis as Maddie, Matt and Ollie all turned to look at him.

"Which is why we are leaving today" said Curtis.

"Okay then, I agree, I even think that we wasted valuable time that we could have used to progress further on the mountain" said Maddie.

"I agree" said Matt.

"Curtis you should have told us this earlier, so we could have woken up earlier and we should be on our way now" said Maddie.

"We would have left earlier, but Alina was awake when I woke up, and she insisted that we don't go anywhere and we stay for breakfast at least" said Curtis.

"And you could not say no?" asked Maddie.

"You try saying no to Alina" said Curtis as Maddie knew that he was right, that girl was just to much, she talked to much, and she always had many questions, so much so that Maddie thought that she could never be quiet.

"Alright, alright then, once we eat breakfast, we are leaving right?" asked Maddie.

"Yes, we are" said Curtis as he nodded his head.

"Better" said Maddie.

"Anyway, we just have to tell Annie, which reminds me Curtis, I think that you need to speak to Annie, I did try my best, but I am sure that she still feels bad, but I know that she will listen to you if you talk to her" said Maddie as she was still very worried about Annie.

"Don't worry about it, I will talk to her" said Curtis as Maddie nodded her head.

Ollie smiled, Annie was right, Maddie did care about her a lot, Ollie was starting to see the nice side of Maddie that Annie always spoke about, the nice sweet side, that cared for her friends.

"Why are you smiling Blondie?" asked Maddie as she noticed that Ollie was smiling.

"No reason" replied Ollie as he smiled and Maddie just scoffed at him, it was too early in the morning for her to start arguing with him.

"You guys didn't wake me up" said Annie as she yawned and she walked to where Maddie, Matt, Curtis and Ollie were standing.

"We wanted you to rest" said Maddie as she turned to look at Annie as she smiled.

"Mhmm" said Annie as she rubbed her eyes.

"Good Morning Annie" said Matt as he smiled.

"Good Morning Matt, Good morning everyone" said Annie as she smiled, Matt looked relieved, Annie looked better than she did last night.

"Morning" said Ollie as he smiled.

"So what were you guys talking about?" asked Annie as she looked at Curtis.

"We are leaving today, after breakfast" said Curtis.

"Well okay then" said Annie as she had nothing against that at all, actually after what happened yesterday and with what Ivor said, Annie didn't want to stay here any longer, she didn't feel safe here, in a place where people hated her and her entire family.

"Hey you guys, It's breakfast time" said Alina as she popped her head out of the front door and she smiled, she had been looking for them everywhere.

"And here comes Miss cheerful" said Maddie under her breath as she smiled and Alina was walking towards them.

"Good Morning Everyone" said Alina as she smiled.

"Morning" said Annie, Matt, Maddie and Ollie as they smiled.

"I hope you all had a good night" said Alina as she smiled.

"Yes, we did, thank you" replied Curtis.

"Anyway, as the good host that I am, it's time for breakfast" said Alina as she smiled.

"Oh… is your master going to be joining us?" asked Annie as honestly, she didn't want him to.

"Well no, he went out early this morning, but he will be back soon, I will keep his breakfast for him, anyway, let's go eat" said Alina as she smiled and Annie felt relieved as she smiled.

"Alright then" said Annie as she smiled.

"Follow me" said Alina with a happy smile as she led the way and they followed after her.

"I made eggs for breakfast" said Alina as she smiled and she served everyone their plates as she sat down at her spot on the dining table.

"Dig in everyone" said Alina as she smiled and Maddie did not waste a second as she immediately began to eat, it felt so good, she had to say that she was used to them eating almost nothing but oatmeal all day every day since they had run out of other foodstuffs, but eating these eggs right now, Maddie felt like she had been missing out on a lot of delicious food, besides, it felt good to not be the one to cook.

"Wait… how do you have eggs?" asked Ollie as he did not touch his food and everyone turned to look at him.

"What do you mean Ollie?" asked Alina as she smiled and she turned to look at Ollie.

"I mean where did you get these eggs from?" asked Ollie in suspicion.

Thank you to Jisha_Bhardwaj for the power stone haha!!

Dan_does_it_allcreators' thoughts