
Do not deserve

"Azazel has been relatively quiet for the past few days" said Captious

It was midnight, and the three closest High Council members were having a meeting in Stella's office, outside was completely quiet with no one in sight, and the atmosphere was somewhat peaceful.

"What do you expect? The man just lost his wife" said Sapiens

"I never took Azazel as the sentimental type" said Captious

"In all honesty me neither" replied Stella

"Well you can never really judge" said Sapiens.

"For him and his wife to stay together for all this time, then he must have really loved her and they must have gotten along well" said Sapiens

"How are you so sure Sapiens?" asked Captious

"We can never know what was really going on between them, that is only between Azazel and his now late wife" said Captious

"Trust me Capi" said Sapiens

"If a woman was giving him any sort of trouble, he would have gotten rid of her immediately" said Sapiens

"Men don't like women who give them problems" said Sapiens

"And Azazel is still a man" he said

"Who would have thought that I would hear this kind of marriage and relationship talk from you of all people" said Stella as she laughed.

To say that she was surprised would be an understatement, she was beyond amazed, this was the same Sapiens who always looked cold and angry, and yet here he was talking about marriage affairs like an experienced man.

Elora really did something to him then, because his sudden change of attitude was just shocking to everyone who knew him.

"Well of course, I do have the most experience among us" said Sapiens as he was bragging.

"Of course you do" said Stella as she could not believe that Sapiens was bragging about his marriage right now.

Well he was right, he was the only one married among them, Captious seemed to have no interest at all in settling down, while Stella was once in a relationship, but it did not work out, so she decided to take a break, a long one for that matter from relationships.

"Stella you should know by now that Sapiens here is a very proud man" said Captious as he laughed.

"Of course he is Capi" said Stella as she laughed.

"It's all thanks to my Elora" said Sapiens as he smiled.

"But to tell you the truth, I don't deserve her, she deserved someone better" said Sapiens as he smiled sadly.

He was grateful for what a wonderful wife he has, she even forgave him, when he only did a little, but he could not help but to feel bad for all the years of trouble and heartache that he had caused her, he always thought of how much better their marriage would have been, if he wasn't the way that he was before.

He was sure that if he was different and loved Elora from the start, Lucinda would have had at least three younger siblings by now.

"That is the truth Sapiens" said Stella

"We all in one way or another do not deserve to be loved" said Stella

"But that is the wonderful thing about Love" said Stella

"You don't deserve it, but someone will just decide to love you unconditionally" said Stella as a small smile formed on her face.

"Stella when did you become a Love expert?" asked Captious as he laughed.

"Oh Capi, you know me, I am a hopeless romantic, always have, always will" said Stella as she laughed.

"That is true" said Sapiens as he laughed.

"You know Elora told me that she wanted three children, but I only gave her one" said Sapiens.

"Oh well if you ask me, Lucinda made up more than that, with her own children" said Stella as she laughed.

"They are an army on their own" said Captious as he laughed.

"They are aren't they" said Sapiens as he laughed.

"When this is all over, you and Elora need to invite us all for a party" said Stella

"Seeing as I was not able to make your anniversary party" said Stella

"Of course why not? I am sure Elora will be thrilled" said Sapiens

"She has not seen you in a while, so it would be good catch up" said Sapiens as he smiled.

"Well then we need to arrange this as soon as possible, I also miss her" said Stella as she laughed.

"I do not know about you Stella, but for me, I cannot see Sapiens as a grandfather already" said Captious

"What do you mean by that Capi?" asked Sapiens as he looked offended

"You know what Captious, it's true, it is because he's Sapiens" said Stella as she laughed

"Well I do think that I fit the role quite nicely" said Sapiens

"I mean for one, I already have the white hair, and the beard" said Sapiens as he stroked his white beard.

"Oh Sapiens, but you have had white hair for as long as I can remember" said Captious as he laughed.

"Yes, I agree with Captious, you have had white hair for as long as I can remember too" said Stella

"The both are just jealous of my nice shiny white hair" said Sapiens

"You and who??" asked Stella

"No Thank you Sapiens, I do not want to look old" said Stella as she laughed, and Captious and Sapiens joined her.

"So Jake how is married life eh??" asked Lucas as he winked and teased Jacob.

"Luke, you never will grow up will you" said Jacob as he sighed, at his somewhat childish friend.

"Well Jake, that is because I was never a child" said Lucas as he winked

"Anyway, you did not answer my question" said Lucas

"And you will not let me be till I answer you" said Jacob as he knew that this could either go two ways, the first way being he gives in to all of Lucas's questions, and the second being, Lucas nagging him till morning, and he was out here because he wanted some peace and quiet.

"Do I have to reply to that" said Lucas, and it made Jacob sigh.

"Married life is good, since I married the most beautiful, smartest, kindest, and also most playful, woman in the world" said Jacob as he did not notice that he was smiling at the mere mention of his beloved wife.

"Ahh I see, Lover boy" said Lucas as he smiled, he was happy for his brother.

If you think about it, they were very close brothers, they both ended up marrying witches, and those witches were best friends, everything in their lives just tied them together.

"You see how happy you are, now that you have a wife" said Lucas

"I like this mood of yours better than the always serious, busy and working Jacob" said Lucas

"You know you could have been this happy much earlier, if you had just made a move, and you and Bella would not have had that 'will they won't they, until they finally theyed" kind of relationship" said Lucas a she laughed.

"Okay Okay, I get that you will keep on blaming me about that" said Jacob as he sighed.

"But anyway I believe that there is a time for everything" said Jacob

"And I feel like it was finally time for me and Bella to be together forever" said Jacob

"Yeah, whatever you say, but this would not have happened, without you using my children as bait for Bella" said Lucas

"Well I mean, they had to help their Uncle win the heart of their Aunt" said Jacob

"Mhmm coward" said Lucas as Jacob laughed.

"So how are things with you mother in law?" asked Lucas

"Well my father in law is very nice, he already accepted me into the family" said Jacob

"And your mother in law??" asked Lucas as he knew that Fawn was not an easy person to deal with.

"Well she, she nags me all the time, everyday it's a battle" said Jacob

"I respect her as she is Bella's mother, but she can be too much sometimes" said Jacob."

"And what does Bella think?" asked Lucas

"Well she has stopped arguing with Bella, and she has transferred all her aggression on me" said Jacob as he sighed.

"Bella says that I worry too much, and that her mother would finally accept me sooner or later" said Jacob

"The only time we actually sit and talk maturely without any fights, is when she asks when me and Bella are going to start having children" said Jacob.

"And even then I try my best to avoid the question, because Bella says that she is not ready to have children yet" said Jacob

"Brother it sounds like you are in a spider's web" said Lucas as he patted Jacob on the back, he was finding this too hilarious, who knew that the great Jacob could be so afraid of his mother in law.

"I tell you, when she brings up the topic of children, I always wish that she went back to arguing with me" said Jacob as he sighed very deeply.

"Relax, it will get better soon" said Lucas as he laughed.

"I hope it does" said Jacob
