
Chapter 10

Tall Flunky tries to fix the jeep while Tai sits on a tree trunk with his injured foot propped up on a box. Neither of them are sure how they beat Short Flunky, now unconscious in the back of the jeep. Tai somehow managed to avoid all his ill aimed attacks and punched him in the face. Shorty won't be waking up anytime soon due to a sedative his brother gave him. Fluffy is only a few yards away, watching them like a hawk.

"Are you sure she isn't going to come eat us?" ask Tai.

Tall Flunky nods; "I'm sure. Poor thing, her tummy's sick after that forced regurgitation. Her hunger won't kick in again for at least a day or two. But don't go near her, she'll still kill you."

"You don't have to tell me twice;" assures Tai; "By the way, I'm Tai Kamiya, what's your name?"

"What do you want to call me?"

Tai's completely caught off guard by that; "What do you mean? What do your friends call you?"

"Friends?" replies Flunky as if he's never heard the word before; "Well, Yoshi, I mean Miss Yoshida; and Professor call me Flakey, human waste, (Beep), or It. Sally and the others call me Screaming Worm of Vomit. My brother used to call me Pebble, as in a pebble in his shoe. Lately he's been calling me Vomit and Old (Beep), Loser if he feels like being nice…."

Tai's shocked; "Are you kidding me? No no no! You're name? Real name."

"My 'Real' name? As in legal name on a birth certificate?"

"Yes, what's your name?"

Flunky's moved; "Jeez, nobody's ever asked me that before. Well, honestly I don't remember. I don't even think there is any record of our births or anything, we were born street rats in the alleys of Rio de Janeiro. Professor had Pebble Loser put on my license. I think way back when my sister called me Sad, or maybe Sid, until she started calling me Pebble and (Beep) at Big Shot's insistence."

Tai can't take anymore of this; "How about I call you Yujin (Pal) for now?"

"Yujin?" asked the shocked flunky; "But that's too, humane, nice. People are only nice to use you for something, then when they don't need you anymore, they throw you out like garbage."

"No they don't, not everybody."

Suddenly, they can hear the eerie shriek of the Tracker in the distance. "The Tracker's in distress!;" says a shocked Yujin; "But how? Even Fluffy avoids him?"

Tai springs to his feet, once again forgetting about his injured ankle.

"Wait? I feel mana coming from that direction;" says Yujin.

Tai's confused; "What's mana? Is that a good thing? No wait; we need to get there, NOW! Then we'll go rescue the others."

"You may need this;" Yujin reaches into his pocket and presents Tai with his digivice; "Sorry I didn't have time to nab your phone too."

"That's fine. Let's get going."


Agumon gently shakes Niximon awake. She opens her eyes and looks at him; "Da Da."

"Baby, Kat that was AWSOME!"

Katherine slowly gets up to see Izzy staring wide-eyed at her!

"Katherine, how did you do that? I've never seen power like that come from a human before."

Katherine takes out both her digivice and the amulet, the latter showing the last of a very faint glow. She remains silent.

"I didn't know humans could attack like digimon;" adds Agumon; "And Nixie here just skipped two levels. That never happens."

"I've never seen anything like that before, not even in the digital world;" exclaims Izzy; "Did that attack come from Niximon, or you?"

Katherine believes it came from both of them, but still she doesn't answer.

"Tentomon!" Izzy remembers.

"Here he is;" Agumon returns the cube to Izzy. It's only then that Izzy realizes that his burned arm has suddenly healed. Neither of the girls have burned marks on them either. In fact, it looks as if everybody's previous injuries and bruises have disappeared, including Agumon's.

"What happened to our injuries?"

Agumon's stomach brings them back to reality; "I can't take this anymore. I need food and I need it NOW!"

Agumon collapses into the water, Izzy picks him up; "Yes, let's get to the convenient store. Come on you two."

The boys exit the pond and get a little ahead. Katherine turns back and places her hand over the water. She manages to lift a small amount of water into the air and smiles.


Gabumon slowly wakes up in a groggy state. The last thing he can remember is being strangled by those plants' veins with his face and eyes burning from the acid attack. He thinks he remembers Matt calling out to him and what felt like needles in his arms. The thought of Matt causes Gabumon to jerk even more awake. He notices what appears to be a big cave with what looks like advanced sci-fi tech he's seen in movies. He tries to move his mouth, but its sealed shut by some kind of exceptionally strong gel stuff, bond together with Veemon, who's also slowly waking up. Veemon's memories are also sketchy, he remembers an awful dream of an exceptionally creepy face smiley at him and talking about dissecting them. Has he been watching too many scary movies with Davis?

Both digimon look up and see that very creepy face looking at them with a mad intent smile. They both try to jump up in terror only to realize their legs are also bonded together.

"Goody goody, you're both awake;" goes the creepy lady with huge, cracked glasses and messy, unkept hair, not to mention that she's almost naked, is very, very fifthly plus nasty smelling, causing the male digimon to close their eyes and cringe their noses. "Yea experiments, I can't wait to dissect you guys and your Masters to see what you're made of. I've never worked on any digital creatures before!"

She tries patting Veemon's head, who attempts his Vee-headbutt on her, hitting her in the rib cage and causing both digimon to somersault forward. Gabumon attempts his Blue Blaster, but he's unable to open his mouth.

Sally, showing absolutely no pain, then taunts the two hungry digimon by holding up what looks like a half-eaten molded sandwich with flies swarming around it; "Are you two hungry, what a snacky pooh?" She bites into the sandwich, grossing out the digimon and making them feel like they could lose their appetites.

"SALLY!" shouts Yoshi; "You can play with them later. Stick to the plan, and put on some clothes you shameless witch!"

She throws Sally a sports bra and something barely qualifying as a skirt; "Put them in the cage and padlock it, then activate your salamander to break the gates. Of course Dad would change the lock codes and even the manual locks on me, these keys are useless!" She slams down the keys. After the cage door is locked, Gabumon and Veemon both struggle to free themselves to no avail. What in the world is this stuff? Plus, the digimon can't talk, move their limbs, or face each other so they can't communicate. As they continue to attempt to free themselves, they watch in horror as Sally takes out a creepy, glowing book that magically floats and opens by itself; "Gel Magic, Go Sticky Salamander!" A giant purple salamander made out of the same gel substance that's bidding the two of them appears. It's about as the size of Ex-Veemon. Both ladies get on the gel salamander and ride it further down the cave.

After several minutes of unsuccessful struggles, Veemon finally manages to open his mouth and starts eating his way out of the tasteless gel, Gabumon catches on and dose the same. Several minutes later, they've managed to get loose. Veemon spits out a good deal of gel; "Yuck! Gross! I hope I didn't swallow any of that stuff."

Gabumon is coughing; "I think I did. I hope I don't get sick." Gabumon melts the lock with his "Blue Blaster", then they head in the same direction the women went to look for their partners. Soon, the ground starts shaking and a large shadow appears in the tunnel. The digimon can only duck in the shadows and hope for the best. To their horror, the shadow belongs to a giant Audrey plant. It's over twice the size of the ones they fought early, and much more "muscular" and hairy. The digimon remain still and quiet as the Audrey passes, while it dose smell them and briefly glances at them, fortunately pays no attention to them and moves on, seeking much bigger prey.

"Gabumon, this is bad, really really bad!"

"I know, but we must find Matt and Davis first. Let's keep going the way it came."


Izzy and company are hiking up a hill. This is the third hill they've had to climb in the last twenty minutes, and Izzy can barely support Agumon's weight anymore. Once they make it to the top, Izzy's muscles are screaming. He nearly collapses and drops Agumon, who lands with the back of his head hitting the ground hard. Niximon tries to sooth the back of of her Da Da's head.

"Thanks Baby. Izzy I'm so sorry, this is all my fault."

"Agumon how can you say that?" responds Katherine helping Izzy sit up.

"It's alright;" says Izzy; "Agumon, you can't help that overzealous metabolism of yours. And you certainly have nothing to do with those sociopath homicidal maniacs. We've fought some incredible difficult opponents and twisted people, but nothing like them before."

"It can't be far;" says Katherine; "We'll go on ahead and bring back some food."

"NO YOU WILL NOT!" shouts Izzy; "You're staying right here until I can get up again. We need to stick together, and don't argue with me."

She's taken aback a little, but knows he's right. Still, she refuses to sit down, knowing that she might not be able to get back up again for a while if she does. Nixie just bounces right behind her partner.

(Inside the cube, Tentomon can hear everything. He understands that everybody's exhausted, but he still wishes they could hurry up and get him out of there. He's feeling extremely claustrophobic.)

The group can hear the shriek of the Tracker in the distance, however, it doesn't seem to be coming towards them. All sounds are soon drowned out by Agumon's grumbling belly as he cringes from the pain in a fetal position. Unfortunately, the rumbling also seems to be attracting some local wildlife, including some possums, and Katherine can identify an incoming growl that belongs to a bear.

"Ah geez;" goes Izzy.

"Just leave them alone;" starts Katherine, however, Agumon rolls over and starting snapping at the possums, they growl and get offensive; "Agumon stop! They'll tear you up!"

"Not if I eat them first." Izzy pulls the ravenous digimon back, only for some of the possums to move aggressively forward. Nixie jumps in front and attacks with her bubbles, which distracts them long enough for Izzy and Katherine to drag Agumon away.

"NO NO, please let me eat them!"

Izzy barely holds himself back from slapping the digimon; "Honestly Agumon! Are you insane?"


"Nixie!" Niximon gets bit and Katherine's holding them back with a stick. To make matters worse, the bear shows his face. On a whim, she takes a chance to see if she can shot water at them. When it doesn't work at first, she takes out the amulet, which glows and suddenly water comes flowing from her hand. Izzy gasp, and the water forms into a large circle mass. The animals make themselves scarce, however, Katherine's unable to stop as the water mass gets bigger and bigger, until it backslides and engulfs the four of them. It floats into the air, and they can't breathe because they are literally underwater. Katherine desperately wishes for it to stop, and suddenly the water mass lowers to the ground and bursts, dropping everybody and leaving them even more soak and wet than ever.

"All man I'm never going to get dry;" says Agumon coughing.

Katherine catches her breath and swipes her wet hair from her face; "I'm so sorry."

"Was that you?" Izzy ask after catching his breath; "How can you possibly have powers like that without your digimon partner?"

"Nixie!" Katherine remembers and picks up her partner. She has a huge bite and is bleeding. Katherine quickly ask Izzy if he has a first aid kit, he has a small one and gives it to her, offering his jacket to rap around Nixie, although she's small enough for the small supply of gauze. Agumon realizes what has happened and bangs his fist on the ground.

"BABY! What have I done? Please tell me she's not badly hurt."

Katherine quickly works on her partner. When finished, Nixie's in some pain but is little works for wear. She bounces over to Agumon, looks at him with loving eyes, and kisses him.

"Baby I'm sorry, I should be keeping you from danger, not causing it."

Katherine calms down Izzy, who was clearly upset but understands that Aqumon didn't mean it. He gets up, scoops up the dino, and they are on their way once again.

It takes Izzy only seconds before he starts questioning Katherine again.

"Katherine, do you have some sort of powers, and I do mean before Niximon arrived?"

Again, Katherine ignores him. She's forced to face the fact that she's tried to suppress for a long time. Back in kindergarten, she could manipulate small levels of water to a small degree, but after both being bullied by other kids and shamed by the adults, especially her mother, she promised to forget and never use those abilities again. Every now and then, she would notice her water manipulation by accident, but always pretended that it never happened.

Now, however, it seems she can no longer hide them, on top of that, she wonders if the amulet has increased her powers ten fold.

"Katherine, come on, I need answers. Up until now I only believed that humans could only have the power to make digimon digivolve, as far as power by logical definition goes.

"Ah Izzy, I think she's ignoring you;" says Agumon. Suddenly, he notices a heavenly smell, the smell he's been waiting for all night. "FOOD!" Food, food, gloriously FOOD! Come on Izzy speed it up, food's calling my name."

"Agumon, be still;" responds Izzy trying to steady the over excited dino; "you're excitement is slowing me down."

Agumon can't be still, his stomach rumbles in anticipation of much needed relief.


Tai attempts to stumble along trying to disguise how much his ankle actually hurts, but Yujin isn't fooled. He hands Tai a long metal thing to use as a crutch. Yujin has been messing around with the jeep and hasn't said anything in a while. Tai's getting very impatient.

"Come on, what's taking so long? Can you fix it or not?"

Yujin slams the trunk down and sieges; "Well, this thing's shot and you can't walk. Guess we have no other choice. Tai, how much do you weigh?"

Tai's completely caught off guard; "What kind of question is that?"

"Just answer!" the previously nervous Yujin suddenly sounds assertive.

"140, why?"

Yujin huffs and looks at his still unconscious brother than back at Tai. He takes out his creepy book again. Tai gulps as a gust of wind forms around the three of them. Yujin utters; "Celestial Wind Ark" and slowly the wind gust lifts them off the ground. Tai is completely freaked out and nervous as they lift into the air.


"Keep it down, and stay still, I need to concentrate."

While Tai was willing to give this guy the benefit of the doubt, he's certainly not ready to trust him this much.

"You're not going to drop me are ya? How is this even possible? Are you even human? Oh wait, you have a digimon partner that's disguised as wind right, or inside that creepy book? Why is it even floating all by itself?"

Yujin gives him a funny look; "You've never seen a mage before have you?"

Tai's shocked; "A…MAGE? A witch doctor? But they only exist in fairy tales and fiction."

Yujin's a little offended; "I ain't no witch doctor! I assure you there's a lot more human mages then you'd ever expect. There must be thousands in Japan alone due to the exceptionally high concentrate of ancient mana in the land. I'm only a stage 7 however, so I'm on the much weaker side. My brother's also a stage 7, but with the stolen amulet he got up to 5 in raw power, but below 10 on control. Very few mages will ever get above stage 3."

"So, no digimon partner or anything, no digivice? This is all you?" Tai's brain is fried.

Yujin realizes he just told trade secrets to a complete stranger. Why did I just tell him all that? Am I really that desperate for some companionship before I die? I'm such a fool."

Yujin's wind ark starts to floater somewhat, and Tai freaks.

"Just as I feared, I've never carried 3 people before."

"You can do this!" Tai encourages; "Don't give up, you're doing great."

Yujin can't believe what he just heard. Nobody besides his sister ever encouraged him nor ever say he was doing well. He tries even harder to maintain the spell. Then they hear the eerie shriek of the Tracker through the wind. They look down to see the monster banged up and sneezing up water from its trunk.

"Water?" says Yujin; "but the Tracker shots acid tar and is mostly resilient to liquids. How did it get so much water up its nose?"

"Looks like it's been beaten!" smiles Tai; "I knew Kabuterimon would come through!"

They hear the shriek again and something black shots right through the wind. Tracker has spotted them and is started to shot tar again, but it's mixed with water and is much wetter and weaker than before. Yujin tries even harder to maintain control and avoid being hit; it's starting to take a toll on the mage. He's starting to breathe harder and sweat is appearing on his face. Tai notices they are descending, and finally the Tracker has recovered enough to cut through the wind, but Yujin manages to hold the wind long enough to make their landing smoother.


Tai's adrenaline takes over and he doesn't feel his ankle, but Yujin turns around after a few feet; "Big Shot!" He runs back to his brother and drags him along.

"Can't you wake him?"

"Not for a while, and we're much better off with him unconscious."

He directs Tai to get behind some trees, but all three guys get hit. Fortunately, the tar's much weaker and watery at the moment and hardly stings.

"Yuck;" goes Tai; "this stuff is sticky!"

"Hurry, it won't take him long at all to return to full strength." They get behind a cluttered of trees and Yujin creates a small breeze; "That should throw him off our trail momentarily."

Tai tries to wash off the tar from a puddle; "Why don't you just blow that thing away?"

Yujin's eyes bug out; "Are you crazy! I can't blow away no 5,000 pound monster!"

"Blow some water into its nose or something, you're the one with the crazy powers."

"I'm only a stage 7, remember?"

"Like I know what that means. If only Agumon were here."

"They must be close if the Tracker's here."

Suddenly an idea hits Tai; "Yujin, do you have any idea where they might be headed? Is there any place where they might find a phone or shelter? And in Agumon and Izzy's case, food and computer access?"

Yujin thinks; "Actually, the town's about 3 or 4 miles from here, they're probably headed that way. Oh, and there's a convenient store and gas station about a mile or so. We've helped ourselves….uh I mean, been there a couple of times."

"Can you use your wind to keep that thing off our trail?"

Yujin shacks his head; "Not for long, covering our scent won't help either, he's not called the Tracker for nothing."

"Then let's get a head start. If I get close enough to Agumon, he'll be able to digivolve. Do that trick of yours again and we'll get there in no time."

Yujin twitches his thumbs; "But I've already used a lot of mana. I only have enough power to carry two of us for sure."

Tai knows well enough to not leave Mr. Big Shot behind, not matter how rotten he is, but still…."Listen Yujin, just try. Push yourself, just get us far enough to get a head start on that thing, and I promise we'll protect you guys. You can do it. I believe in you in."

Yujin's speechless, nobody's ever said they believe in him, but is Tai putting his faith in the wrong person? The Tracker shrieks fearlessly, there's a couple of bears with cubs distracting it.


Yujin summons his grimoire and cast the spell. At first he barely gets the 3 off the ground, but with Tai urging him, he pushes himself like he never has before, and they take off.


Izzy's group finally make it to the convenient store. Agumon smells lots of food and kicks Izzy in excitement.

"Full speed ahead Izzy, I'm dying of starvation."

"Quit being dramatic like Mimi Agumon." Although Izzy actually likes that about his girlfriend.

There's one sole light on in the small parking lot, but the front doors are wide open and some glass is broken. At first, Izzy tells the three to wait while he checks the store to make sure it's safe. Unfortunately, Agumon doesn't have a drop of patience left, and Katherine doesn't think Izzy should go in alone, he agrees. As they enter, it's pitch black, but Agumon quickly causes Izzy to drop him and attempts to scoot away, Izzy grabs him again while trying to hang on to his digivice as it provides light. Katherine finds the light switch and turns it on, a couple of lights blow up and shatter, but most are intact. A raccoon, a ferrite, and a couple of squirrels run for cover. Despite minor evidence of animals ransacking the place, the store for the most part is still in tacked, however, it seems no people have been here in several days.

Agumon breaks free from Izzy, scoots straight for the first snack aisle, and starts ripping into packs of potato chips and other junk food. Finally having a chance to breathe, Izzy looks for some black tea. He's surprised to find that the store's coolers are still working. About to grab some black tea, Katherine knocks on the glass next to him and intently points to the milk and protein shacks.

"Ah, yea, I guess I should drink a protein shake, especially after carrying Agumon around for the past couple of hours." Izzy tells Katherine he wants the chocolate kind. She herself grabs a small bottle of low-fat chocolate milk, as protein shakes make her sick. Despite not eating since breakfast, she no longer feels like putting much of anything on her stomach, but knows she needs something to recover her energy and sustain her for a while. Maybe she should try eating at least half of a boiled egg. Izzy must have been thinking the same thing because he takes out a pack of 3 refrigerated boiled eggs and offers her one.

Next, Izzy checks his cell phone, but receives no reception. He picks up the land line, unfortunately to discovery that the cord has been chewed, most likely by a squirrel or some other rodent.

"There's a pay phone over there;" Katherine points out.

"Really, they still have those?" Izzy takes out some change and goes to the phone. The only numbers of the digi-destined that he has memorized are Mimi's and T.K's. With Mimi one a plane to New York and her phone in airplane mode, that leaves only T.K. Hopefully his phone will be able to pick up this call.

Niximon watches Agumon as he devours a row after row of snacks. She has a confused and questionable look in her eyes. Agumon notices and offers her a potato chip. She looks at it and then looks back up at him. "It's food Baby. Watch;" Aqumon stuffs the chip in his mouth and offers her another one. She looks at it, sniffs and licks it, then makes a clear yuck face and spits out the salted grease; "YUCK!"

"Yuck? No Baby, it's good." He tries again, but Nixie has her mouth sealed shut. Agumon can't remember the last he saw a partner digimon turned down food. He finishes the chips and tries something else, cramming almost a whole can of Bisukos (vanilla cream sandwich cookies) into his mouth and offering the last one to Nixie. She takes the tiniest of bites before spitting it out as well; "YUCK!"

"Niximon, there's no way you're not hungry, especially after digivolving, digimon are born hungry." He tries offering her a packaged hamburger which she flat out refuses to try. Katherine then appears; "Let me try something." She takes a little plastic bowl and pours some milk into it. Nixie looks at it, sniffs, licks, and finally her eyes light up and she drinks.

"She is a baby after all."

Agumon remains perplexed, but returns to gorging. Once he's devoured all the snacks on the shelves, he begs Katherine to give him a bust at the meat counter. While the food hasn't spoiled that much due to still being sealed behind glass, it's long since gone cold, but that doesn't matter to Agumon.

After two failed attempts, Izzy tries again and finally reaches T.K. The younger boy is so relieved to hear from Izzy, asking where he is and if he's seen Tai, Matt, Davis, or they're digimon. Izzy informs that he hasn't but that Agumon and Katherine are with him. T.K.'s hands the phone to Couch Hino.


Izzy calls the girl to the phone; "Aunt Nina?"

"KATHERINE! Sweetie, you ok? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine Aunt Nina. I'm with Agumon and Izzy."

"Is Agumon ok?"

"He is. We escaped."

"Praise God! You stay with Agumon and Izzy, we're coming to get you, ok."

"Don't worry Aunt Nina, I will. Oh, and I've got a digimon now!"


"I've got my own digimon partner and digivice. Her name's Nixie."

"Excuse me Katherine, run that by me again."

The phone informs that they have only one minute left, and Katherine quickly say bye and hands the phone back to Izzy; "Izzy Isumi."

"Yes ma'am."

"Take care of Katherine, don't let her out of your sight. Oh and I should inform you to stay where you are. The perpetrators may be letting lose even more monstrous plants and other things, so don't go wondering about. A team's coming for you guys, OK."

"Yes ma'am;" the phone dies. Well, at least they know where they're at. Izzy shakes a little at the thought of even worse monsters out there.

"NIXIE! Come back!"

Nixie bounces out the door. Her partner starts to give chase when Izzy grabs her. Agumon looks over from the refrigeration, where he's consuming crapes.

"No Katherine, you stay here," commands Izzy; "I'll go get her."

"But Izzy…."

"Katherine please, I promised your Aunt. She can't get far. You stay with Agumon, that's an order."

Izzy's tone is firm, and Katherine reluctantly agrees.

"Should I go after them?" ask Agumon.

"You keep eating Agumon, I'm going to wait by the door."


Tai, Yujin, and the still unconscious Big Shot continue towards the convenient store. Yujin is quickly losing stem.

"How much further is it?" ask Tai.

"Not far;" Yujin is gasping for breath, then he notices a street light up ahead; "That's it! That's got to it!"

Suddenly, the wind dissipates and they drop to the ground. Yujin collapses and breathes heavily. Tai gets up and rubs the back of his head; "Yujin, you ok?"

The mage catches his breath; "Yea, I just need a little down time for my magic to recover."

"Darn, we're so close. We should just walk the rest of the way."

"I guess we can, I can drag my brother, but I need a moment."

As inconvenient as that is, Tai doesn't argue. As they sit and rest, Tai's earlier adrenaline rush has worn off and his ankle, as well as his ribs and knee, are stinging with pain. Yujin quickly makes a slit, and Tai realizes how tired, hungry and thirsty he is.

"Hey Yujin, you got anything to eat or drink?"

"Sure, I got a couple of beers."

"Beer?" Tai's surprised; "Ah no thanks, I'm underage."

"Underage?" asked a surprised Yujin; "I've been drinking beer for as long as I can remember. It's our primary staple."

Tai cringes; "Do you have any water, or actual food?"

"Why would I drink the nasty water when I've got beer?" comes Yujin's response; "I think I've still got some of my biscuit ration left." He hands a biscuit to Tai, but the biscuit is so steel it can't even be bitten into, and Tai notices what looks like mold on it and throws it on the ground.

"Hey!" Yujin picks up the biscuit and puts it back into his bag; "Don't waste food. Hit it on a rock a few times, it helps. I usually soak it in beer for half an hour before eating it."

"I'll wait." Tai can't help but wonder what kind of life this guy has lived. Suddenly, they hear the Tracker in the short distance headed their way. "Doesn't that thing ever give up?"

"Not until it destroys its target." Yujin picks up the metal support and gives it back Tai, before he can get up, however, they hear something coming their way through the leaves. It sounds as if a basketball is bouncing towards them, and emerging from the bushes is Niximon. Tai shines his digivice on her and is stunned.

"Why that looks like, is that a baby digimon?"

"Hey…..it's the little shrimp!"

Nixie starts fuming, slaps Yujin in the face, and jumps on his head furiously; "Owe owe owe! What's wrong with you?"

Tai is astounded; "Little gray….shrimp? That's no shrimp, her tail's curving upward like a seahorse or sea dragon, I'm sure of it." Nixie hears Tai and her eyes perk up. She jumps on his shoulder and kisses his check; "Why hi there. Where did you come from?"

"Kat Kat."

"Ha, what did you say?"

"Kat Kat."

"Kat Kat. Katherine?" It takes Tai a second, then it hits him; "No way, is Katherine?"

"Niximon!" comes Izzy's voice.

"Izzy! We're over here!"

Izzy appears, breathing heavily; "Tai it's you!"

"You bet it is;" Tai smiles; "I see you've got a new little friend here."

"Long story, but that's Katherine's digimon. She was just born a couple hours ago."

"Really? Then that means;" Tai looks at her; "Katherine's now a digi-destined! That's awesome! Then you must know Agumon! I'm Tai, he's partner."

"Tai Tai? Tai Tai! Da Da's!"

She kisses Tai again, leaving him perplexed; "What did she just say?"

"Long story;" Izzy then notices Yujin; "You?!"

"Hey;" the mage waves shyly.

"You're here? And you brought him?" Izzy points to Flunky; "Great, now you can tell me all about those plants and that thing that was tracking us, and help me get Tentomon out of that cube!" Just then, they hear the Tracker, however, it's passes them, heading straight for the store.


Katherine peaks her head back in and see's Agumon suffering from a brain freeze after eating several cartons of ice cream too fast. She grabs some water and rushes it to him; "Agumon take it easy." He slowly drinks the water and looks down, catching his breath. "Sorry Kat." She rubs the digimon's head and instructs him to drink more water. A moment later, they hear a very unwelcomed shriek outside.

"No, it followed us!" She jumps up and runs back outside.

"Kat wait!"

Outside, Katherine comes face to face with the Tracker once again. It shots it tar and she just barely jumps out of the way. Tracker is about to shot her at point blank rage when fire hits his trunk. Agumon has regained his strength and is ready for action.

"Kat, let's do this together."

"Right;" she holds up her hand and aims for Tracker's nose. They fire at the same time, distracting the monster momentarily.

In that moment, Tai appears across the parking lot; "AGUMON!"


"Agumon, digivolve!"

(NOTE: I did borrow some elements from other anime. Always wondered what it would be like if the digimon ever faced magic.)
