
Business Meeting (3)

Arrogance and confidence. They go hand-in-hand most of the time but only one of them is always viewed in a negative light.

If you’re arrogant, people will frown upon you. Whether you have something to back that up or not, it doesn’t matter. People will find that arrogance distasteful.

However, if you’re confident, people will look for the reason why you are like that. And it’s only ever seen as a negative trait if it swelled up too much that it transformed into overconfidence.

And in that light, overconfidence and arrogance became synonymous with each other.

At the moment, I may have been exuding that trait but looking down at my feet, I still have them grounded. Pushed down by the responsibilities that I’m currently shouldering. Even if I wanted to shake those off, it’s impossible, or rather, those were pasted and stuck to me.
