

The emperor suddenly interjected while looking at me.

Emperor - " Since you have already spoken so boldly, then I will give you only this single day to present your weapons to me. If they are anything short of what you claim, I will be sure to cancel even the other two deals. 

The only reason I am doing this is because with every single product that you have taken out, you have tried to disrupt an entire industry. With the previous two products there is no way for us to instantly check your claims and therefore I did not interfere. This time however you yourself have decided to prove your claims. "

He then looked towards the blacksmith.

Emperor - " Help him with everything he asks and do as he says for a single day. Tomorrow I want to hear your evaluation of the product as well because you are the one who will have a hands on experience on this. "

After announcing his decision, he left me in the forge and left along with his entourage. 
