
Marriage Prospects

Captain had been following me for close to a year now, and I had absolute confidence in the man to carry on my orders without any additional supervision. The reason for this meeting was sure to change many things for me and for those around me. Even if I had yet to disclose anything about this daily report meeting carrying any additional significance, the smile on Adishri before departing and the eager captain was all I had to look at to know that they too understood the change that was about to happen.

The feeling I had currently was of nervousness, of excitement, of a dad who was about to see his children lead their own lives without his care and protection.

It was not long before Adishri arrived in my chambers.

The atmosphere in the room was tense. Each one of us had a knowing look that once I began with my orders things were about to change for real.

Adishri was the first one to break the silence in the room and began with her report.
