
ch 8 Another dungeon

In a room, a man was sleeping with a green hoodie on and a mask. He slowly got up from his bed and stretch before going to the kitchen and cooking himself toast and eggs. Sitting down with the plate of food he took a bite on it. *Crunch* He chews slowly and closes his eyes thinking what happened yesterday.

He still felt everything that has happened till now. *Sigh* "Someone...Hmm, I'm not sure if I needed more strength or not...Well no need to think more" Dream said finishing his breakfast before standing up and getting his phone calling someone.

*ring* *ring* *ring* *catcha*

[Hello mister Dream what could we help you with?] Siad a man on the other side of the phone as Dream didn't speak for a second before speaking to the person on the other side. "Yea just wanted to say if a person has said something about an increase in a dungeons ranking?" Dream asks. He wanted to find out where the person who obviously lead him to a trap. The bad thing for him is the person is too weak to kill him.

[Well sir no. No one has said anything of a sort. Wich dungeon are you talking about mister Dream? There's a lot of dungeons are actually raising in ranks as many casualties were reported a day ago] The man on the phone said a little tired.

"Yea the S rank ice elemental dungeon raise to an S+ rank one. Can I ask about how many dungeons have gotten stronger?" Ask Dream as he was thinking about what the ogre has said. He said that they would be awakened soon but who are they? One person or many? A lot of questions but no answers. Dream can only small and think of the fun future. He really doesn't care if a person dies or not.

[Well sir most of the dungeons at A1 city and B2 City are getting stronger as you said before the ogre you have been the ice elemental and more. But we don't know the cause yet] The person said a little depressed. Getting more and more casualty isn't a good thing. Now that he thinks bout it. It's the first time Dream ever contact them.

"Hmm well thanks, and can you send me all the dungeons that have gotten stronger or have raised ranks of difficulty?" Dream asks before hanging up the call and going out again not before checking the list that was sent to his phone. 'Thinking now how did they know it was me? Is it my voice...No not my voice...Yea it's definitely my playful voice well nothing to do but go get going in a dungeon' Dream through before running to one of the SS rank dungeons that have gotten stronger.

He wanted to find out if he could still win it or not. He could always run if he wanted to so going won't lose him anything its also a win-win for him to try out his training with his other self or another version of himself.

Running around at the top of the building Dream watch as the people run around with a smile on their face. Stopping on a high building he looks at the people and smiled a little bit. "Wow never seen you smiled before like this" Dream heard a melodic voice behind him.

He didn't look back at her as he already senses her a few moments ago following him. "Well just seeing the happy smiles always put a smile on my own face as you know im an entertainer hahaha" Dream said with a small smile on his face as he looks at Vivi.

"No no, I haven't noticed," She said a little irritated about what happened yesterday. *Sigh* She sighs thinking about the kiss he gave her yesterday that makes her cheeks a little bit red. "So not gonna get me then?" Dream asks her as he keeps on looking at the people below.

"No just walking around. Later I need to leave and go to the elven country so you won't be seeing me for a while. I need to be there as im getting a new weapon" She said with a small smile on her face. "Is there a dungeon on the elven territory?" Dream asks a little curious. *Giggle* "No all the dungeon is on the human city like this one but the other country has different kind of thing going for them."

"Like mine that supplies most of the fruits and vegetables that humans eat, Beast people where most of the weapons are made and demonic race where magical items are sold at," She said before taking her leave not before she has kissed him back. "I need to go now but before I go," She said slowly walking in Dream's direction before kissing him on the cheeks and disappearing.

Dream look in one direction and saw a Vivi running very fast like a chipmunk. *Pfff* "Hahahahaha what was that? *Sigh" Dream said before heading to the dungeon called dragons lair. He has already made an appointment early on as his last visit to the dungeon isn't really legal. The good thing for Dream he is an S-rank hunter.

Coming closer to his destination he saw that the beautiful city that is filled with people was no more and what was left in the forest for miles but a wall is seen in the distance. That is where Dream was headed.

Arriving at the entrance of the dungeon he saw the person on the counter and went to his side. "Hello I have an appointment in the name Dream," He said with a smile as the person behind the counter nodded his head before opening the gate. "There you go sir Dream" Nodding his head Dream head for the entrance.

Before he goes in he checks his inventory and saw an Ice sword broke in half, A battle-ax, snowballs, pumpkin head, wood, and finally some ender pearls. Nodding his head he steps forwards as the environment change from walls to dark rocky walls that look like a cave. "Looks like I'm going to have to battle some dragons or wyverns not sure" Dream said with a playful smile on his head before walking forwards.

Walking forwards it's not long before he saw a dragon look alike. It has red eyes dark red scales 2-inch claws coming from its hands and feet while the wing coming from its back. It is standing on his two feet and was holding a spear. "Not a dragon more like dragon beast or monster hybrid kinda looks funny *Chuckles* Little fellow comes here ain't gonna hurt you," Dream said as he charges at them holding a battle-ax on his right hands as he swings it forward but he got block by the spear the dragon was holding.


He roared at Dream as he beautifully rotated his spear like he/she was following a string headed for Dreams head. But Dream dodge at the last moment before moving back a distance as he took a deep breath and close his eyes waiting.

As the dragon holds his spear in one hand and trowed it at high speed heading for Dream head. As the spear begone to get closer. Dream move his head avoiding his head from exploding and a small scratch appeared on his cheeks. "Well looks like getting stronger is a yes yes *Chuckles* To bad for you that no one can kill me," He said as he charges forward to the now disarm dragon or dragonkin as he slices off his arms.


The drain roared in anger as he saw a man smiling at him shadowing his face only slowing his mask and a smile on his face making the dragon frighten as it died in cold blood. Now Dream looking at the dead dragonkin he smiled and walk forward "This would be fun" He said as he vanishes into the dark.

Gave it a little bit more time than my other chapter so what you guys think?

M2skMancreators' thoughts