
Chapter 35 Truthful Threats.

"Have you spoken to Ivory lately?" I ask Tobias casually as I'm plating up dinner. He shakes his head, placing knives and forks down onto the kitchen table.

"No, she's been spending most of her time with Ben." He responds, walking up to me. He wraps both arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Why do you ask?" He murmurs. I begin chewing nervously on my lower lip, deciding whether it's a good idea to confide in Tobias.

Do I tell him about the call from Ben?

If Ivory is involved in a dangerous situation and something happened to her, I would never be able to forgive myself for not telling someone...

Would Tobias ever forgive me knowing that I knew and could have prevented it from happening?

I don't realize that I've zoned out completely, my hand holding the plate in mid air. Tobias takes it from me, his features crumpling up in confusion. He turns me around slowly, his eyes flickering between both of mine.
