
Princess Johanna

There was a steady patter of rain upon the window. The sound seeped inside the room, as it brought calmness to mind like a soothing lullaby of nature.

Nesrin and Izekiel have slept with enough distance between them. When they slept they were sharing a blanket but later Izekiel had covered her completely with it to make sure she doesn't falls sick.

Now she was snuggled under the warm cover, while he slept on the side with only a light shirt and pants. It was even half open and revealed a well defined expanse of smooth chest.

Though they have slept apart, somehow, their hands have wandered close and braced each other.

Nesrin's sleepy eyes slowly opened because of too much heat and when she looked ahead, she couldn't help but frown.

He slept peacefully, as the moonlight graced his bewitching handsomeness, his dark ravenous hairs and the bare skin of his chest.
