

Glamour's POV,

Hamdi and I sat in his room and played PS5 games for hours without knowing just how much time had passed, just like the old days, when things were still normal.

I didn't smack Hamdi's head like intended to when I walked in, because I found him playing games, and I was a big sucker for that, so I forgot what I was planning to do the moment I saw that.

We continued to play the games, sometimes I win, while other times Hamdi does and it kept going on until it was time for Hamdi to go pray.

Hamdi had an alarm that rang each time it was time for prayers because they weren't any masjids close to where our house is, and he has to rely on the alarm if an application he has which always vocalizes the Adhan(call to prayer) when it was time for prayers.

Hamdi puts down his gamepad and got up from where we were sitting and stretched his hands with his shirt rising a bit before saying he's going out to go and pray because it was time for maghrib (the prayer after sunset.)

Hamdi went out of his room, after performing his ablution in his bathroom, and I knew he was going to their prayer room; the one he and dad use.

Watching how Hamdi always never neglects his Sallah always made me feel inspired to become a Muslim,  but I just don't know why I still haven't converted.

I believe in the oneness of Allah, deep down within my heart, and I know a little about the verses of the Quran, but my acts are still yet to match that of a believer.

And I do not know why I still have not converted even after all these years.

However, I think deep down it's probably because I feel mom is going to feel a little lonely if she were to be the only none Muslim at home and I didn't want her to feel that way.

Although I was yet to become a Muslim, I knew a lot about Islam and I loved everything about the religion.

I got up from the floor and also left to go back to my room since I didn't feel like playing the game alone.

I had totally forgotten about the new phone I got until I saw it laying around on my dresser's table and that made my mind unintentionally trailed back to the conversation that made me shattered my perfectly good phone, well I'm not too sad about it since he got it with his own money.

I don't know why I was thinking back to that conversation even though u didn't want to, and I couldn't understand how I was able to remain calm right now that I'm thinking about it.

I heaved a huge sigh of relief although I'm stressed out of my head, it's like my body is giving off negative signals.

I was still unsure of the location of my shotgun, or the bag that carried it, but that was like the least of my troubles now, as my mind recalled the conversations I just had with mom.

"Shit!" I yelled and pulled the roots of my hair a little when I realized what I just did.

"I can't believe I forgot that damned Mr Husband is going to be the getting me a therapist," I said loudly to myself while plopping down onto my bed.

I couldn't tell mom any after agreeing to what she just asked, because I couldn't possibly come up with any reasonable excuse, and that meant I would have to put up with it even if it kills me, well not literally.

I have so many things to be worried about right now, but I decided not to be worried because I don't want to miss out on my only chance to savour the good moments I might be able to ever enjoy in my life before it becomes officially over after Mr husband comes back and forces me to move in with him.

I know even if I were to succeed in killing him, my life would still never revert to begin normal, because then I would become a murderer whether I get caught or not, and I know I might never remain the same person I used to be after that.

Maybe killing him would make me the worst person than Dharl is, but I don't care, because it's either I kill him, or everyone I ever cared about dies, and I would gladly prefer it if it were the former rather than the latter.

However, since I've decided to enjoy my stay here back at home, I went over to my bathroom to take a bath while forcing myself to think about anything but my current life events.

I was in the shower longer than I had intended because I was busy trying not to think about something that kept bugging me, and that made me realize the more you try not to think of something, the more you're making yourself think about it.

I got out of the shower reluctantly and went to sit in front of my dress and watched my reflection in the mirror in front of me.

Sitting in front of the dresser before putting on my clothes, is something I rarely ever do because most times I'm already late, or I'm trying to quickly put on my clothes to quickly go back to watching my Kdrama.

However, right now things kept roaming around on my head as I watched my reflection in the mirror.

"I did this to myself, I can't really blame anyone, I shouldn't blame anyone," I repeated to myself so many more times.

I didn't try to fight off the thoughts anymore after I realized it was completely useless to do so, and after deciding not to fight my thoughts anymore, I thought about everything until my thought became weaved into each other that I couldn't distinguish between what I'm supposed to be thinking about and what I'm really thinking about.

I was still staring at the mirror, but my eyes only noticed my reflection. Although my room was dim lighted, I was still able to see how sunken my eyes have gotten, and how colours were barely even visible on my face.

I sighed heavily, and then picked up my body lotion and started to apply it on my legs and arms, and when I finished, I got up and went to my closet to pick out something to wear.

I couldn't really find what I wanted to wear, but I settled with a baggy t-shirt and a short shorts, before going back to the dresser and picked up the phone I had gotten.

I switched the phone on and plugged it before getting into my bed and turning on my laptop that was on it, deciding to browse up a few more things I might need for decoration, as I had just remembered that I actually have something that needs my attention, something that actually makes me happy.

I searched through different sites, seeing different ideas, I then jotted out a few more things I need to buy.

When I finished surfing the Internet, I decided to call Maya to tell her we need to go pick up a few other pieces of stuff tomorrow.

However, the phone started to ring and I knew it was Maya, even before I checked it, because she's the only person who has this number for now, and that made me think to myself how we probably have telepathic powers.

So I removed the phone not bothering to check the screen and received it before putting it to my ear.

"Hey, you need to come over early tomorrow, or I would come to pick you up, I saw a few things we need to get," I said without pausing, or waiting for her to say anything, and when I finished blabbering all that, I waited for her to say something but the line was silent.

"Wait was I talking all to myself, " I said confusingly and moved the phone away from my ear to check again but then my eyes widened the moment I saw the number, and it definitely did not belong to Maya.


Well, I wanna write notes, but I feel like I haven't earned the right to, because I couldn't keep my promise however I'm sorry things were a little bit hectic, I had to balance school, managing a server and also writing two books which is a pretty tough job for someone as lazy as me🤗📝

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