
Never going to be something more

Glamour's POV

I and Hamdi stayed at the lake for a while, my mood going from sad to being happy from watching all the couples that were also at the lake.

Hamdi didn't stay out long, he went back into the car to receive a call. I stood by the lake, hugging my hands to myself while watching every other person that was there.

I don't know how long I stood by the lake. Hamdi came to stand quietly next to me for a while, before asking me where I met Darhl.

I was quiet for a while because I don't know if I could tell him the truth about where I met him. Well, technically I met him on the day I was getting married because that night at the club I only saw him from a distance and not met him.

"When did you guys meet, how long have you been keeping him a secret," Hamdi spoke again after I didn't answer for a while.

I know I couldn't tell him we met just a few weeks ago, because then I would have to tell him why I'm getting married to someone I met less than a month ago because then I'll have to tell him the reasons why I did that.

"A year ago," I lied through gritted teeth. I knew Hamdi would probably see through my lies because I'm a very bad liar.

"Do you love him?" Hamdi asked instead of commenting about what I just said.

"I do," I said a little too quickly even though I know that's something that would never happen not even in a million years to come.

"I guess you do love him that much huh?" Hamdi said with a sad smile before saying.

"I don't know why but I don't trust him, I feel like he's not good for you. but hope he loves you more than you love him," Hamdi says and I looked at him and saw that he was also staring at me with raised eyebrows.

I almost snorted at the fact that he asked if he loved me more than I loved him because I knew its never going to happen, he doesn't stand a chance to even do that.

I didn't know if I should tell him yes or not, I knew I had to say more lies to cover up for the first one I had told.

"Probably," I answered before saying something quickly to change the subject.

"Let's go home," I said not wanting to keep talking about my nonexistent love life.

Hamdi stared at me for a while before saying okay.

The ride back home wasn't as fast as when we were coming, and we weren't quiet also.

"When are going to finally get married, Dee," I asked Hamdi wanting to keep a conversation flowing.

"On my wedding day," he said back and I punched his shoulder with a roll of my eyes.

"Don't worry though you'll be my personal wedding planner, " Hamdi said after a while and I smiled before looking out the window.

The window was up because the sun was at its peak, and I felt an intense cravings for ice cream.

However, before I would tell Hamdi to stop at a nearby ice cream shop, I saw him slowed down and entered into the parking lot of one of the Ice cream shops by the road, just as if he read my mind.

"Cranberry with chocolate chips for you, and dark chocolate for me," Hamdi said before getting out of the car to g get us the ice cream.

Hamdi knew everything about me and me likewise. I watched how he went into the ice cream shop after pushing the double transparent doors.

I didn't get down from the car, but u could see a few people inside the shop, some were eating ice cream while others were seated and waiting for what they had ordered.

Hamdi went straight to the front counter to place his order before coming back to sit inside the car.

We waited quietly until our ice cream was brought to the car, and we started to eat it.

Eating ice-creams always boost my mood from sullen to excited, most especially when I'm eating my favourite ice cream with my favourite toppings.

"You're the best big bro ever," I told Hamdi who was also eating his ice cream excitedly.

"Yeah, because I got you your favourite ice cream?" Hamdi quizzed with a raised eyebrow.

And I started laughing because he knows me too well. Although I meant what I said, but he probably just wanted to lighten up the mood even more.

While eating the ice cream I had completely forgotten about why I was feeling down a couple of minutes ago.

We drove back home after finishing our ice cream. The moment we entered into the main gate, I felt the sadness threatening to return.

But I tried not to think about anything that would ruin my day, at least I should make the most of my time here before I would be forced to go back with the evil person that had become my husband.

Hamdi didn't go to the garage to park the car, he drove to the front door and we got out of the car. Usually, he would have given one of the security men to go park the car, but today he just went into the main house without doing that.

'Maybe he wants to go out later,' I thought to myself.

I went directly to my room to see if Maya was still around, but found that she had left already, but she left a note on my bed.

However, before I saw the note, I was greeted by the familiar sweet scents of my room, and also by the familiar dark themes of the room.

Everything in my room were in a dark shade, just like I remembered it. from the blue black flower printed wallpapers, to the Royal blue curtains that were always let down everytime of the day, to my black bed covers. And that made me felt a little at home even though I know I could no longer stay for as long as I liked.

I picked up the note Maya left me not wanting to let myself become overwhelmed by another wave of sadness.

'I'll be back.' the note says and I laughed to myself after reading it out loud, Maya always liked to sound mysterious like she's a secret agent from a movie or something.

I dropped the note on my dresser before checking for my laptop. I found it in one of the dresser's locker, and also found that the phone Darhl got me was in that same locker.

I picked them both up and went back to sit on my bed, even though I had no idea who put them there.

I opened my laptop and switched it on, deciding to watch a movie but then my phone lit up in my hand.

It was a short text from a new number saying

"Hey, you feeling any better?"

I stared at the phone for a while, wondering who it could be before ignoring the text and decided to search through my laptop for a movie to watch.

even though my room had its tv, I always enjoyed watching movies on my laptop more, so I hardly put the tv on.

However, the moment my laptop finished booting, the first thing I saw was my unfinished assignment that was on the face of the laptop.

"Shit," I cried out knowing it's supposed to be due by next week. The assignment was given to us a few weeks ago, but my life's events had completely lead me to forget anything about the assignment.

I connect my laptop to the internet and was about to continue with my research but then my phone started to ring.

It was the same number that had texted moments ago. I wanted to ignore it, but then my curiosity got the upper hand so I picked up the phone before putting it to my ear, but remained quiet.

"Glamour," A dangerously low voice asked into the phone, and I felt a cold shiver run down my entire body.

It was him, of course, what was I thinking, picking up a call from a strange number.

I remained quiet for a while not sure if I want to be on a call with him. But for some reason, I couldn't end the call, it was almost like I was in a trance that I couldn't get out of.

What are you doing, end the call already, my subconscious scolded, but I couldn't, and then he spoke again,

"Hope you're fine now," He asked again and this time I around I couldn't remain quiet.

"I'm fine," my small voice said like they own a brain of their own.

"Why am I sounding so small," I asked myself in my head as it felt new to me, but then I was reminded of what transpired between me and my parents.

Knowing that he knew a deeper weakness about me was making me feel small, and even though I despised it, I still couldn't help but sound that way.

"I booked an appointment with Dr Pepper for you, you could start your session after we go to San Francisco," he said and all the feeling of being small was immediately replaced by fury.

"Did I have any conversation about seeing anyone with you," I asked him seething with anger.

"Little Missy, please calm down, didn't you talk with your parents," he asked and I felt the urge to smash my phone at the wall, but I couldn't because then I would be able to give him back my retort.

How dare he, try to tell me to calm down.

"Who are you to tell me when to calm down. I don't know what you spoke about with my parents, but you should better not start to imagine anything that you and I know is impossible." I said all in one breathe before adding...

"You shouldn't imagine that you have any control over my life just because I signed a damned contract with you or whoever it was, the only thing you get and would ever get from all this, is the title of being my husband, so you better stop getting ideas that you could be something more," I finished saying and was about to end the call but then I heard him snicker before the line went dead.

By the time I finished venting out all those words I was already breathing out in huffs. But even after telling him all that, I still didn't feel better so I forcefully threw my phone to my Tv, but it missed it and hit the wall above it before shattering to the floor.

I'm gonna make sure that's the last time he's ever going to snicker, I promised myself.



😩😩 I'm sorry guys I've been unable to update due to a few stuffs going on but here, I hope you enjoyed the whole ride with Glamour
