
My Costar asks about kisses

Xin Hulei brought his bike, so he can't easily teleport them to his apartment.

On the drive to the apartment complex, Yao Shen has second thoughts. What if someone catches them? What if someone recognizes them as he rides, plastered to Xin Hulei's back through the night? 

What if a nosy neighbor sees them parking the bike together?

What would people think?

What should they think?

Yao Shen isn't sure himself of what prompted him to ask Xin Hulei to take him home. He only knows that going back to his impersonal hotel room after what they told Gong Tao felt unbearable. 

He doesn't want to be alone.

And whether he likes it or not, Xin Hulei is the only person who understands why.

Xin Hulei drives the motorcycle right into the building's garage, lifting his chin to the security guard on duty who opens the gate for him as soon as he sees the familiar bike.
