
I want to see your blood

Theo's POV: 

This is the first time someone is alive for more than a minute after physically assaulting me. Even when I was in the deep abyss, I never gave up pride. I managed to get back at all the Shadow creatures who troubled me. 

The Nephilim clan was very much impressed by my valor that they offered me their powers and released me from the abyss. But now, I am obligated to lose my dignity in front of this lame prince! 

"Prince Darius," my fake father Samuel shouted. "You can't abuse my son like this! I will tell his highness about your cruelty!"

"Lord Samuel," Darius shouted while he was still grabbing my neckline. "Pray to the Holy Aiden that the King doesn't behead you for the treason you committed!"

I waved my finger when Darius was not looking at me and signaled Samuel to back off. He doesn't have to get too involved in this act. This only concerns me!
