
New Goddess, Past Demon (6)

"Fool," Valentine grinned. Taking a few steps back her figure distorted before turning into a lightly-dressed elf-- dark elf.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Liliath brought her forehead to the ground, repeating those words like a broken record.

"The hell is wrong with this.. another slave collar?!" I grimaced. They put a different slave collar on Liliath this time?!

"Good work you, I'll make sure to repay you two a lot tonight. Look forward to it," Javiel walked out of the shadows.

"I can't wait," Shea licked her lick seductively.

Locket merely showed a bashful smile.

This development.. is what I think it is right?

"Yup," Bleu folded her arms and nodded. Javiel threaded closer to Liliath.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, hikkh?!"

Javiel forced Liliath's head up by the chin to look at him. He smiled and with his other hand..



Drove his hand into her heart-- out to the other side.

The sight of the scene made me fall to my knees. Gruesome.. that was her heart.. he fucking punctured her heart.. Liliath wasn't lying when she said her heart was punctured last time..

Blood continued to spill from Liliath's mouth as a green light kept going around her-- they were healing her--

"Fun.. isn't it? To be betrayed?" Javile smiled. Dragging his arm out of her chest Liliath collapsed and vomited a pool of blood.

She convulsed. Right hand clenching her chest as she desperately tried to breathe.


Why the fuck did I create such a world?

"Why.. why Bleu.. why the hell did she have to suffer like this.."

I did this right? I created this world? I could've done something about this right? Maybe I shouldn't have created this world in the first place… but I didn't even know back then.. I was so naive, so glad that Liliath appeared for the first time. Overjoyed that I was able to help her..

This entire thing is a farce isn't it? Forcing her into this shitty situation and then bringing her to my world 'on a whim'..

"Now, now. You'll have lots more of this came from… we'll make sure you experience loads of it before killing you," Javiel held her into the air by grabbing her hair, laughing as he spoke.

"I'm sorry.. I'll do.. anything," blood spewed out of her mouth.

"No. I get that. All I need is your philosopher's stone. I'll transfer it to someone else and send your corpse as a gift to the king. Easy and simple as that."

"What?" I flinched in disbelief.

Transfer her philosopher's stone? You can make other people a demon lord?

"Apparently so," Bleu answered my question.

No, fuck. In the first place shouldn't I stop him? But this is a projection.. I movie.. it has already happened-- I made it happen.

Liliath lowered her head in resignation.

The world turned into monochrome.

"T-that's it right?"

"Nope. the next one is the last."

"How the fuck can you be so calm.."

"Because I have to. For your sake," Bleu looked at me sympathetically.

"I'm sorry.."

"I know.." Bleu embraced me again.

I calmed my rugged breathing before asking.

"Is Liliath planning something? She's been eyeing the philosopher's stone for quite a while now.."

She keeps telling me she doesn't have anything she wants from the shop but-- now that I think about it. She always lands on the page with the philosopher's stone..

"Perhaps, but I can't tell for sure," Bleu bit her lips, "I think I'll cut away the unnecessary parts for the final scene. I can't bear to see you like this.." whizzing her finger in the air, the scene changed.

Daylight pouring from the gap above, Liliath laying at a corner with that familiar teared cloth draped around her-- the same one I saw when she first arrived in my world. Blood was strewn across the small room.

"This is 3 months after Javiel started torturing her. And in a week's time, they were planning to finally extract the philosopher's stone from her body."


I dragged my sorry ass to where she was and looked at her. Her hair dishelled, breathing incredibly shallow. Her eyes were unfocused, arms as thin as a twig.

"I'm sorry.."

I fell to my knees. I hugged her-- a surprise that she had a corporeal form. I didn't get to see her expression but she slowly wrapped her arms around me. A teardrop fell onto the floor-- and became the catalyst to the mystical white summoner's circle.

Liliath disappeared under the blinding light, particles danced in the air. The world crumbled, and soon enough, I was back inside Bleu's vast white domain.

The hell.

I can't believe I cried. HAha..


I'm so stupid. She's the one going through all this and I'm the one to indulge myself in the sadness..

"I believe you know what to do Noel," Bleu hugged me from behind.

And my hazy, murky consciousness began to resurface.




The blurry ceiling came into view with little strands of velvet. The fragrant of her body-- a light sweet blood-like scent and the feeling of her skin on mine.

"Hey Liliath."

"Hm?" She continued to suck on my neck.

Stopping, she raised her body to look at me. Well, she's in fact strandling me. But that doesn't matter anymore.

Her delirious expression, beautiful face accompanied by her pair of ruby eyes shining like that of a devil, disheveled hair, her body giving off an unnatural heat and seductive scent. Her blazer was gone, her uniform unbutton leaving her breast and black laced bra open for me to see.

"I'm back."

I pulled Liliath towards me forcefully and brought her into my embrace. The smell of her hair tantalizing my nose, driving me nuts. But I endured. I held her head with my hand and another around her waist and kept it there.

"N-noel? Ah! Y-you're safe here Noel. You'll be safe with me."

"Yes, I know."

"N-Noel know right?" Liliath started giggling, she tried to pull away but I kept her in my grasp. "N-Noel?"


Liliath remained silent-- probably unsure of how to answer me. The heat of her body continued to rise, and so did mine. But it wasn't unpleasant. The sound and heat of our breaths transmitted to each other in the silence.

"C-can we do it?" Liliath asked, sounding slightly excited.

"Sorry. I don't think so."

"Why not? N-Noel is mine isn't it?"

"Doesn't it work the other way too?"

"Yes, Noel's right."

I tightened my arms around her, feeling her thumping heart against mine, her skin touching mine. I stroked her back through the clothing she had yet to remove entirely.

"S-someone is coming," her voice quivered and she tried to jerk upwards.

"It's alright. Calm down first Liliath."

"N-N-no, it's not. T-they're dangerous, you stay here Noel, I'll deal with.."

"Listen to me Liliath. Please. Let me deal with it. Trust me,"

"N-No, I don't want to be a burden.. I-I can do it," Liliath's struggle out of my arm became more forceful.

Wow. Deja Vu. She had this conversation with her parents too right?

She could very much remove herself from me with her strength but it was obvious she didn't want to hurt me. It's nigh impossible to tear me away unless she broke my arms or something similar.

"I-I'm sorry Noel.."

Then I felt my consciousness wane.

Ah. She can use magic too can't she? Fuck.

"Don't repeat the same mistake twice Liliath," forcing myself awake, I took in a sharp breath and said.

She froze and stopped resisting. I felt the drowsiness disappear, taking this chance, I continued.

"I saw your past. I get it now-- I know what you've been through, I've seen it all.. and I'm sorry. Because of my stupid TALENT you had to go throught all that.."

You know? I think I kinda get her parents now. I'm literally in their shoes. The best option is to have me lead the way. Much like her parents thought, having Liliath deal with it would only cause confusion and unnecessary conflict.

Hm.. if that's the case then wouldn't Liliath also understand this point? Wait.. that isn't the point. The point is her ego. She keeps telling herself that she's a burden. Yeah..

"If you want to not be a burden, then listen to me and back me up from behind. Got that?"

Liliath nodded in my arms.

The sounds of footsteps reverberated inside the apartment, obviously muffled by the obstruction of the door.

The sound of a vigorous doorknob twist could be heard and what came after that was Prune's and Wake's voice.

"NOEL! Liliath!"

"They're here teacher--"

"Help me out alright Liliath? Be a good girl," I pat caressed her head a little longer before shifting myself up to a sitting position. Liliath continued to nod.

Pulling myself away from Liliath, I got out of the bed and examined myself. Holy fuck these are all hickeys done by Liliath?!? How long have I been out for?!

"Hold on a moment!" I yelled out, hoping those people outside would not try to knock down the door.

SHIT?! Isn't this situation very similar to pedophiles being arrested by the FBI after having their doors kicked down?! FUCK!!

Calming my mind with a few breaths, I buttoned up my shirt before placing my hands on the door knob.

I was shaking, unsure of the consequences this mess may bring. Unlocking the lock, I twisted the handle and welcomed the future-- or not.

Prune, Wake, Teacher Glib and a number of well dressed soldiers holding actual firearms lined up in front of my eye, which made me swallow back my words.

The first three obviously had stunned expressions while the soldiers remained indifferent, but the piercing stare was something I couldn't just shrug off. They have firearms for fuck sake! Is that a pistol? Wow, never thought I'd get the chance to see one up close.

A momentary silence.

"She's fine.. for now." I said sheepishly with a sigh.

"I-I see," teacher Glib pressed her glasses up to her nose and looked away.

"Congratulations on your first?" Wake tilted his head, stating his words in a frank manner.

The soldier started coughing.

Uh.. what?

"N-Noel.. what exactly did you do to calm Liliath down?" Prune's left eye twitched.

"What do you.."


I turned around to see Liliath seated on the messy bed, holding the blanket over her body as she peeked at me with a bashful expression, her naked shoulders exposed a little. Our blazer strewed on the floor. Her cheeks were rosy and her skin was obviously flushed. Most notably was her disheveled hair-- and my dishevelled hair.

I flinched.
