
Star - Fighting The Demon Part 2




I had heard Artem and Uncle Howard fighting after Artem had jumped forward. There was some scuffling and a loud banging thud. After that I heard Artem start to laugh so I guessed that he had the upper hand.

"I thought you would put up more of a challenge, Howard. This is going to be easy." Artem was still laughing when he spoke.

"You think so." Uncle Howard sneered. "I have not begun to fight back. You merely took me by surprise because most people do not have the nerve to come near me when I am in this form."

"You think you're stronger and scarier than you are, but you're nothing but a cowardly wimp."

"Don't call me cowardly." Uncle Howard roared angrily.

"You have a problem with coward but not wimp?" He laughed. "So I guess you really are a wimp then."

"I am not a fucking wimp or a coward you prick. I am the son of a great warlock and a demon. How could I ever be weak?"
