
No Foreshadowing Intended

#The following wasn't part of the manuscript but written on a loose sheet stuck between pages. It may or may not belong here. #


Around an Everflame, we are many elves gathered. Finding comfort with the vibrant magical light and warmth it gives. Such a time is perfect for bonding with one's comrade.

During the day we practice our archery, our swordsmanship, and our magic. For the noble us, mastery of all of these is a requirement. This is training imposed on us by the others. All of us were at some point something that our people consider useless.

We were minstrels. We all met during our travels. Seeing as we were all from the same place, we agreed to meet to share our adventures with one another.

Now that we came back to the nest, we were told that we had to show proper mastery of the arts to be allowed in.

Yes, only the fighting ones. If you ask me, it is a huge waste of time. Still, it can't be helped. It has been an ancestral rule, one established by a legend, by a man our people idolize: The olden sword king.

A simple nickname that struck fear into any of his opponents. For he could defeat anyone with a wave of his sword. The olden part is important. Not based on his age at all. Well, he did live for multiple centuries.

No, it referred to an extremely strong inherent elven magic. One able to influence the world through speech. Him telling someone to die was a death sentence. Of course, that only worked against weak foes. But when faced with an elf legend anyone is.

Ironically, he never could use magic in the conventional sense himself. He also wasn't the most skilled at archery. Yet he established that rule.

I'm awoken from my reverie by my companions. They seem to be arguing. Trying to figure out the strongest creature that exists. A conversation that only this boisterous group of mine could have. Elves aren't usually as outspoken, to say the least.

"Dragons are the strongest! Not only are they extremely strong physically, but they can also fly and breathe fire!"

"I would say a titan instead. Just their sheer size and strength makes it so they can trample anything."

"Arch-demons are the most troublesome. They can use darkness magic and destruction magic! Also, try killing them with all the hearts they have!"

"Krakens for sure. Once you fall into the sea you are already dead!"

I can hear one retort that we are in a forest, one protected by a magical barrier at that. Well outside but doesn't matter. We are nowhere near the sea. The others keep going.

"What about liches? These are the worst! They are immortal, unkillable, and are masters of necromancy!"

"For me, it will be anything eldritch-related! Chaos magic is the strongest, or so I've heard. They are literally creatures born from the chaos."

"What about elementals? Only magic can hurt them since they don't have a physical body. That could be extremely troublesome."

"No, I still think vampire lords are the strongest. They are as strong as liches and less reclusive! Liches will study magic while holing in their lairs."

"At this point, we could argue that Celestials are the scariest! Since they can use divine power to rain retribution on their enemies!"

Then one of them turns toward me.

"What do you think?"

I can't help but sigh.

"How many of you have actually seen any of these creatures?"

They all awkwardly shake their heads in denial.

"Well, we wouldn't be alive if we had seen any, right?"

I can't help but reminisce.

"I actually saw a creature of that level once in my life. I can still remember it as if it was yesterday."

They all have the same reaction.

"No way!"


I keep going.

"Do you guys remember the Flying Jade Palace?"

Comes a flurry of replies.

"Of course!"

"Anyone would remember it!"

"How many factions go extinct in the span of a day!"

"Everyone believed them to be invincible."

"I'm pretty sure they themselves believed it too."

"What does this have to do with your story?"

I wait until they are all silent.

"You guys should know my specialty is my sight. That is why I am such a good scout."

"Yes, we know! No need to brag!"


"Thanks to this ability of mine I actually witnessed the fall of that faction myself."

"You did?!

"What happened?!"

"Quick tell us!"

"Shut up all of you! Let him talk!"

Thank you haha.

"It was a normal day. A very normal day. Except that happened to pass by a creature., a gigantic bird, one that can only be called…"

"That's a roc, right?!"

I glare at him until he shuts up.

"It flew near their palace. That is when the Jade Emperor decided he wanted to catch it. For whatever purpose I am still not sure. He somehow set up giant harpoons right on his castle. He fired quickly and fixed ropes to the creature. From that point on it was stuck to the castle. Guess what happens next."

"He fought to the death with that emperor?"

"It got killed and then a bigger roc showed up?"

"Just tell us already."

"It…*Dramatic pause* flew way!"

They seem confused. Wondering how a fleeing opponent causes the demise of a faction. I can already see them thinking of scenarios. The most likely being that it got reinforcements. But that would be wrong.

"Wait, he was still attached, right? There is no way that emperor guy would have used some shoddy rope. So he couldn't have gone far, right?!"

He figured it out. But there is a plot twist.

"He never left the vicinity of the Jade Palace. He dragged it along in his escape. At an insane speed. Somehow getting his wings tangled in the ropes. Flying in circles because of it. The only reason I managed to witness it. Soon after came angry roars. That sudden acceleration had killed all of the residents. All of them except the emperor himself. In his rage, he stopped trying to capture it and went for the kill!"

That is when I stop.

"What happened next?!"

"*Sight* Well, it panicked and quickly waved its talons around. After a while, it finally cut some of it and could fly again. And well…he somehow diced that man, by mistake, from waving its talons. Then he flew away terrified. Apparently not having realized that its opponent was already dead."

Thus, I finish my tale.

They can't seem to process it.

Well, guess I won this friendly contest haha.

No Foreshadowing Intended at all.

All these creatures appearing in the story later is a coincidence!

I swear!

Zombiecreators' thoughts