
I'm scared of letting go.

"I brought some drinks." She said as she came forward carrying a tray with soft drink.

"Sorry, I-" She cut off before I can continue.

"It's an energy drink. Song instructed me the food I have to give so I bought a few things before you guys can arrive." She said.

"He did?" I said with a surprised tone.

"Yeah a whole menu in LINE." She chuckled as she took out her phone to show the evidence. I was surprised, he did notice my food and other things. I felt something weird in my stomach but when the fact that we have been knowing each other for an year struck, my mouth went dry.

"Thanks." I smiled. She smiled back before leaving the room.

It was almost lunch time and I saw the three zombies coming inside. The door was swung open and my body startled in reply.

"Hungry." The three whined as they came inside and crashed there bodies on the bed.
