
Lazy pig

Since returning to work after having Luisa, she rarely had time to hang around the house and do nothing. She was either fixing things, learning how to cook, or taking care of Luisa. But nothing to do with relaxing except to catch up with her needed rest.

After receiving word from her boss, giving her the day off, she quickly returned to Luisa to care for her. But Amelia shooed her away, telling her to take the advice of her boss and relax. She even suggested that she should go to the spa.

"I don't need to go to a spa." She countered as Amelia banned her from touching her daughter. "I will just have a long relaxing warm bath." She told her friend before leaving them to go back to her room.

Amelia would not even give her phone back, saying she would not need it. Her friend would pass on the message if she had an urgent call. "Relax. I got this." 
