
Getting to know each other

He eyed the front of the windshield, focusing on the sharp turn he had to make. He could barely see the road ahead, but years of cruising this course allowed his muscle memory to drive for him.

His body shook from the tremendous force of the turn, making him lean more on the other side. But his training had taught him how to handle such pressure.

The speed was the only thing that made him feel free while the rest of the world had become his prison. But it was a sentence he had willingly taken in exchange for the chance to serve his Kingdom. He believed his duty was his only purpose for being alive.

"Come on, just one more lap." He muttered forcefully to himself, pushing his body and mind to his limit.

He knew under his condition, he should not be driving, but it was his only way of expelling his thoughts of her. It was the only way he could get rid of her from his mind.
