
Out of sex

"Come in." Eida gestured for him to enter her apartment after she had opened it for him.

It was a welcome change that she was entertaining a man in her apartment without them ripping their clothes off as soon as the door closed.

She had never entered a committed relationship with anyone since college. She had no plans to do so anytime soon. Her affair with men was usually short-lived and just casual sex. 

She had been more focused on her career and not on relationships. She had a goal that she had to attain. She was almost there, and she could not afford any distractions.

"You have a lovely home," Lance commented, seeing the well-decorated living room. 

He walked further inside the spacious room and checked the rest of the place. He was curious at the rate a reporter liked her earned in this profession. She must be famous to afford an apartment like this.
