
The higher chain of command

"If you are asking if I told them anything, I did not. I can guarantee you that. If the two knew something, it did not come from me." He denied saying anything to the two, ensuring that his face did not reveal anything that would make him suspect anything.

Lying about that was easy for him. In this line of work, he had to be good at everything to save his skin. That included making excuses and lying to his teeth to get away with something.

"Then, can we count on you to check what they know and report back to us?" Mike questioned him as if he was giving him a choice.

However, he could tell that he had only one option. To do what they were asking him to do. He knew better than to cross them. Not until he guaranteed that he and his family would be safe.

"Of course, you can count on me to determine what they could possibly know. Dani believes that I am a friend." Samson tried to convince the man that his loyalty still lied to the organization and their boss.
