
Equal rights

Something woke her up, but she could barely fathom what it was. When she tried to open her eyes, she barely saw anything as shadows surrounded her vision.

She closed her eyes again, thinking it was still too early to get out of bed. Besides, she was positive she was having a good dream as a smile crept into her lips. She quickly returned to sleep, hoping she could return to her beautiful dream.

"Hey! Wake up." A slightly familiar voice spoke up, but she could not remember who it was. But she swore she had heard it before.

"Aaahhh! Go away." She shooed whoever was the one disturbing her sleep. She could not lose the dream she was having, especially when it was already in its climax.

Her eyes, this time, refused to open as her body cuddled deeper under the warm covers. She enjoyed the softness of the bed and fluffiness of the pillows to give it up until she succumbed again in deep slumber.
