
Skipped a beat

An hour earlier, at Dani's apartment. As she was still applying light makeup on her face, Jacky entered her room without knocking. She was used to that. She also did the same sometimes.

"Are you seriously wearing that?" Jacky asked incredulously. "We are going on a club, not inside a courtroom." She blurted out upon seeing Dani's clothes. 

She knew that Dani was not a conservative person. She used to dress more sluttier than her when she was young. But to look like a nerd about to go to a party was not something unacceptable. Well, she was exaggerating, but the point was, Dani's dress would not do.

"What's wrong with my dress?" She asked as she stared at herself in the mirror. 

After a few more minutes of staring at herself in the mirror, she finally realized what Jacky had seen. In the past time that she had gone out with Jacky, she would not be caught wearing a dress like this in a club. 
