
Chapter 128: King

We leave Marinah’s motorbike at the shipyard. She rides behind me with my one arm holding her in place while my other steers the bike. Her skin was pasty white after the strange incident on the sub, but she appears fine now. I’m worried she’ll pass out again and I may not be able to grab her, thus the arm for security. I should have called Beck to pick us up.

The journey back seems to take forever. Marinah shows no signs of the earlier trouble and my concern is eating up my insides. By the time we reach the citadel, she tells me she’s fine, the universal women’s code for leave me alone. She stomps grumpily to our room at my order which doesn’t go over well with her beast. She actually growls when I try to force her into the shower. I give her a growl back, pick her up. and deposit her inside the tub.

She’s too stunned to react until it’s too late and she’s where I want her.
