
Chapter 205

During the course of her shift, Patricia wandered by her charges' cell a few times, and each time, she got the same electric thrill. Heck, she found herself holding her breath in anticipation, releasing it only when she glimpsed them, each time looking yummier than the last.

She welcomed the respite in midafternoon that saw her patrolling the prison yard as a group of inmates were given their daily dose of exercise and fresh air. The change of scenery, though, didn't help, not when she realized her two guys-my mates-were in the group currently wandering the cement courtyard.

She did her best not to stare. It wouldn't do to draw unneeded attention to them. Yet, she couldn't help it, especially when Stu drew the scrutiny of a big, tattooed thug who stood over her young wolf, blocking the rays of sunlight Stu was trying to soak up.

With her enhanced hearing, she had no problem hearing the conversation.

"You're in my spot," growled the bald inmate.
