
Heroes’ Farewell(Part One)

 Levi held on to the edge of the rampart as the Undine Palace continued to ho higher and higher. Almost the entire top half was sticking out of the ocean. The Aquarians within screamed and panicked until Mayor Ugo spoke to those willing to listen.

Senators Cassius and Ishmael helped to try and calm the rest of the people throughout the palace, but weren't as effective as Ugo. As they tried their best to maintain some semblance of order, but it was pure chaos until the Undine mayor had shouted to the crowds..

 Even though she was going by Iris at the time, the mayor told everyone the story of how he had first met Queen Serenity. He explained everything; from her figuring out about their discussions of rebellion, to how she had planned to; "Break and remake the Council into what it should've always been."

 Everything Serenity had said that she would do, she had, and that they needed to trust her now as well..
