
My observation .

well guys ....a lot of you have heavily protested about mc getting a harem . And in westeros it is not a good choice from a religious point of view. I know I get it . But still i like to clear the fact he will only have a single wife . So that's ok right ?

Tons of you people suggested that he can still have multiple wife , but when I asked who had at least two wives . lots of you answered that oberyn Martel and walder Fray . But correct me if I wrong, oberyn was actually unmarried . And walder Fray did had multiple wife but it's because his wife s just dies one after another and he remarried again . ok then next issues .

Many of you then suggested that mc should have Elia's Martell and Ashara dayne as wife . But I'll just ask you one question , don't you think it's actually boring to read the same stuff All over again ? because seriously ! there are mostly all the fanfiction harem mc's are already having them right ? Then some AssHoles suggested Brienne ! Who could be currently his 19 years younger . So the wiki says she is born in 280 ac the same year the mc arrived at westeros. Oh by the way the mc is currently 21 Year old .

Though there is a Kingdom in westeros that does allowed to have multiple wives . It's the Ironborn , or the people of the iron island , The Greyjoy's ! you know what I mean right ? And they still can take only one wife but can have multiple salty wives or salt wife . But I know that everybody hates them and there culture . except cercei Ofcourse she likes to bang euron . though not for his looks ofcourse ! because euron Greyjoy's have ship's and he did accomplished lots of her tasks .

And then some amateur's suggested that he should become king of westeros .oh come on guys ! have you lost your mind ?

Then they are lots of targaryens fan suggested that the mc should help Daenerys .

And traveling to essos which is Even more difficult write .

Then the Stark fans are doing the same as well suggesting to serve Ned stark rather than Robert Bratheon. And develop the harsh climate lands of the north . Which is 99% of the Stark mc are already doing.

They are saying like every isekaied protagonist should have to help Starks ? and tour around winterfell ?. wtf ! Even though I clearly explained the reason why the mc doesn't want to fully join any faction .

Next is about the MC himself . plenty of you guys said that the mc is a simp and get manipulated by everyone . It's true but .... just try to understand that he was just turned 19 and grown up in a modern world . And just by watching the show doesn't actually make someone a great schemer . And he's not great schemer because of that . And only thing that currently kept him alive is his memories of the show and . And the reason that he could adept in the medieval times because of new body that his currently possess. The truth is I don't actually like op protagonist that do everything or anything with there BS magic power .

Then lots of people said to giving him a stats .

But i believe it's totally not nesessary . because what would be the point ! learning that the mc have this skill or that skill . And those that have experience with For Honor game already knows what can he actually do .

And the last guys (sigh )!!! please stop your complaining about the grammar , because I won't fix it . So you have to use your imagination or just drop it and read something else .

I don't actually care that I'm losing viewers . because I don't make money from this .And special thanks for those that likes the story despite the writing quality and horrible grammar . Well the story I'm writing is actually for you guys anyway . Thanks for your support guys it's the only thing that makes me still writing this.

Thank you for your time that's all.

next chapter will be coming tomorrow.
