
CH964: SoT News Saturday Night Live Show


CH964: SoT News Saturday Night Live Show


Volume 5: Alpha Love n War


"Good evening to you from Abuja, Nigeria to wherever you are watching from in the world, this is SoT news. The only TV station that gives you bias news while letting you know it is in fact bias.

"This is the most must-see, informative show on television, G's Saturday Night Live!"

"Today, we have secured an interview with the leader of one of the most talked about companies in the world today. We will be unveiling the secrets hidden behind the shadowy cloak of this company to bring you its true face.

"But before we dive into that interesting conversation, first, the news that made top headlines this week!"


"Two months after his landslide victory at the polls, President Nnamdi Isong was earlier in the week sworn in for his second term by the Chief Judge of the Federation.
