
CH908: The Radical’s Plan


CH908: The Radical's Plan

"Looks like we found their hideout."

Temitope and Korede gazed at the compound ahead. They could see military-aged males going about with guns in hand.

The ZLM wasn't known for its immense resources. At least its radical faction wasn't. It was unlikely they would have more of such facilities elsewhere.

If they were going to find Nasir Tafa, it had to be here.

"Now we just have to find out if Nasir is here." Korede said. He looked around the surrounding terrain. "Let's get to a vantage position and see what we are up against."

"You are not going to call for backup? Or inform Special Agent Shagari?" Temitope asked.

"Since when do we request backup? If I inform the 'elder', then he'd have to inform the department, then we'll have to follow the department's guidelines on situations like this. Something that would take time to put in place. We will finish up here in a tenth of that time."
