
Chapter 426: No touching

"Wait! That's unfair! Of course, she would have an advantage in it as she's a woman and we're faced with men. They would all say yes to her. I think we should try another method to decide how these people will be shared."

Watching the antics of the woman, even more Nobles became upset. How did this sound fair for everyone? It was giving someone an unfair advantage. 

"How do we decide then? Like this, the argument will never be solved!' One more Noble jumped into the mix."

Lucifer finally turned around, shaking his head. "I think this is enough. Let's leave."

Salazar glanced at the Nobles once again before he also turned. Caen also started leaving. 

As Lucifer was already close to the door, it didn't take him long to reach it. His hand touched the doorknob, but before he could even twist, the figure of the red-haired woman flickered and suddenly appeared before Lucifer. 

She grasped his neck in her throat, smirking. 
