


"We can't do this forever!", Ayumi cried out to Yuki, who was busy blocking Ace's bullets with her gauntlet shield and her sword.

As the barrage of bullets stopped, Yuki finally had some breather. She panted, as she glared at Ace, who was still staring at them impassively. He still didn't use his larger gun.

"Hmph, your doing good. But no matter what, you're still children.", Ace raised his gun. But this time, it was the larger one.

He fired off. Dozens of bullets crackling with electricity went off, each heading for different targets.


"Watch out!"

With that, several of the Union members created barriers to protect themselves. However…




It was futile, as the bullets pierced through the barriers without effort. One by one, each target hit by Ace's bullets dropped to the ground, their barriers dissipating and clutching their wounds in pain.



"Where do you think you're looking at?!"

"Here's Johnny!"

As they fell down, the weaker Black Zodiac members they were fighting against immediately took the advantage and charged. The already injured and tired Union members desperately tried to fend them off, most failing to do so.

Ayumi and Yuki looked on in shock, anger, and fear on what was happening. They couldn't even do anything to help them.

"Do you understand now?", Ace said, amusement now on his eyes as he rested his gun on his shoulder. Both girls settled in glaring darkly at him.

Of course, it wasn't just Ace who was toying with them. AstroSuit, is also zipping around calmly, sending each person knocked off and flying. He seemed to have left Hiro, who was still pinned down on the ground, unable to do anything. The other half of the females of Hiro's group, was dealing with Tatsumi, who were now just attacking carelessly with his flames.

Meanwhile, Lisa and Tatsumi's female partner were duking it out, far away from them. Both appears to be locked in a stalemate.


"How messy…", I muttered out, as I gazed at the scene below me. I'm currently sitting at the roof edge of the Monument. Wondering why they can't see me? I'm currently using my [Spectre] Skill.

Oh yeah, Miyanase's besides me too. I also applied my [Spectre] to her. Luckily, I altered the Skill so that the person or objects, applied with this Skill can see others who's also under it's effects.

I just remember when I found Miyanase lying on the flowers before, I can say it was a quite eerie spectacle. A small drop of tear of corruption hit her, and her soul seems to be corrupted, but fortunately [Saint Light] was capable to purify her. Remembering her in corrupt state makes me shiver.

[Don't leave me.Don't leave me.Don't leave me.Don't leave me.Don't leave me.Don't leave me.Don't leave me.Don't leave me....]

That was all she mumbled while her eyes was hollow, gazing on the flowers when I found her, her lips trembled and repeated the word 'don't leave me'.

Ah.. scary memories... Its better to put it on the back of my mind now, the tears of corruption was quite scary even for a deity!

"What are they doing to my home…?", Miyanase's confused voice reached me, snapping me from my dazed state. I turned to her, finding out that she was tilting her head cutely and looking straight at me.

I shuddered, although her eyes held less sadness, it was still hollow and uncomfortable to look at, I can't help remember her situation before this...

I removed my gaze from her, and again focused it on the scene below.

"They're partying.", I said to her.

"Huh…?", She confusingly uttered, looks like that word didn't exist thousands of years ago.

"It's…", I tried to explain.


"Nevermind, it's a long one.", I said, pulling out something from the [Store].

I bought a medium sized potato fries, with some sweet and spicy ketchup, along with a large soda float.


Of course, I applied the Skill before they could materialize. I held out my hands and blue particles surrounded them. A few moments later, they finally materialized.

I held the two in front of Miyanase, who was looking at it curiosly.

"This…", I began, as I held out my right hand holding the fries towards her.

"Is called potato fries. As the name implies, they're simply just some sliced up potatos fried in oil. The red thing in there is ketchup, it's one of the things that you could put in the potato fries to make it more delicious.", I handed the bag to her, which she immediately took. Her mouth was in an 'O' shape.

She looked at the soda float.

"This one, is called a soda float. To make it simple, the liquid in there is kind of a flavored water. While the fluffy looking, colorful thing at the top, is ice cream."

She tilted her head after hearing the word ice cream.

"Ice cream… uhhh… Is like a really really really fine ice, that's delicious and melts in your mouth. And lastly, yes, those are pieces of ice. The ice keeps this drink more delicious and refreshing.", I finished, handing out the soda float to her. She looked at the two.

"Those are one of the thousands of different foods in my world. Go try them.", I added, pushing her on encouragingly.

She still looked at them for a few moments, before she slowly placed the drink on her lap. Gingerly, she picked one of the fries, looked at it for a few seconds, before eating it in one go.

She slowly chewed and then swallowed, before looking at me with sparkling eyes and an 'O' shaped mouth.

I grinned lightly at her.

"Delicious?", I asked.

She nodded to me, a bit enthusiastically, as she went back on eating the fries. I looked at her, lightly smiling.

Without thinking, I moved my hand towards her head, and started petting her. I realized what was I doing,then a giant reminder flashed on my mind, 'R.A. 7610', my eyes widened and my hand was about to move it away. However, I saw her face. She had misty eyes, a small blush, and was adorning an innocent smile.

Well I remember there is no FBI here, so I didn't retreat my hand, as she picked up the float and slurped it down, her eyes closed.

I continued to pet her for a few more seconds, before I placed it back on my side.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. Picking it up, a notification had popped out.

[Quest: ½ Complete]

[1. Rescue Lady of Joy & Sorrow]

[Quest Complete, Reward/s: Cosmic Block, Deity's Pact]

[Claim Reward/s]

[2. Prevent Black Zodiac From Proceeding… (Plotter wishes for your success.)]

[Quest Not Complete, Reward/s: ???]

[Claim Reward/s]

I looked at the notifications, curious at what my first reward was, and what's this something that Plotter wishes for me to stop proceeding. I lightly sighed, before I pressed the claim reward.

[Congratulations! You Have Received an Cosmic Block & a Deity's Contract.]

I pressed the Cosmic Block. Looking at it's image, it appeared to be similar to a clay brick, only that it's made of extremely clear glass and was glowing black, with what looked like thousands of galaxies and other things found in space, inside it.

[Cosmic Block (Extremely Rare)]

[Information: An extremely dense brick of cosmos, it's forged from a thousand Neutron Stars and Black Holes, fused together. This makes it impervious to any sort of damage, & is one of the most densest things out there.]

[Uses: Used for combative purposes, it doesn't really weigh anything to it's user. However, to it's user's enemy, it's a different matter. Throwing this hard at a target would cause them to go flying at light speed, disintegrating in the process while looking like a comet as they fly. Dropping this at some height would also have similar effects to dropping a moon on a planet, which might make it fall out of orbit. Alternatively, one could use this as a melee weapon, making anything it hits disintegrate into dust if forced.]

[Other Notes: Cosmic Blocks that collide with each other causes an super nova way larger than a normal one. Also, it will immediately teleport back to it's user's hand once it hits the intended target, so don't worry about accidentally destroying a planet. In order for it's mass destruction ability to work, it's user must drop it directly below them, & will it to just drop, & not return. All of it's effects lessen to Ranks Deity and above.]

I blankly looked at the brick in my hand, and back at the description. Realizing that I had a weapon of mass de—, screw that, weapon of planetary system desolation. What did the Plotter had in mind when he rewarded me this, and what was the creator of this thing's thinking when he made this, I don't fucking know, I'm not a madman.

I lightly shook my head, and put the questions at the back of my mind.

"D-Do we help them?", Miyanese softly asked me, making me turn to her.


"I really don't have any choice.", Welp, I don't like associating myself with people, but I'm not some cold hearted bastard who would leave people trying to protect something just die while I watch.

[Plotter's Discernment]


I scanned a few hundred miles around us. Luckily, being Miyanase's contractor means that I have free scanning access to her world.

Oh yeah, this is good. I just found the perfect way to help them.

"That guy…", I had just found out the other Supreme Rank, tens of miles away from here. At his pace, the battle would be long over before he could be here.

"Hmm… Let's try this…"

[Saint's Light]

An orb of golden light flew from my hand, flying towards the man like an energy bullet.

Then, with a very very light force, I threw the brick, which still flew like a small black comet. Crap, was the force still too much?

Tony Mayers was tired, very tired. He had been fighting out his way from the shadow monster's realm, and was running endlessly to reach the monument as soon as possible.

"D… Da-Dammit…! I-I thought my trip to Japan was supposed to be for vacation…?", He panted out, his hands on his knees.

He shakily stood up once more, and prepared to run again. However, he suddenly spotted something in the far distance, a black glow.

Only did he realize that he was the target of it when it hit his face, knocking him unconscious and flying.

He didn't feel the bright glow and warm sensation that enveloped him as he flew either.

Tony Mayers suddenly opened his eyes, an electric sensation coursing through his body. He frantically looked around him, rubbing his body, and his temples, as hundreds of alpacas run on his mind, asking what the hell just happened.

He then widened his eyes, realizing that he had no more injuries and is actually quite energized.

However, before he could marvel and ask some more questions to himself, the sound of an explosion brought him out of his trance. Only then, did he realize that he was in the middle of the battlefield. To be specific, the battlefield between his group and the Black Zodiac.

"Tsk! I'll think on what happened later. For now, I need to help them!", He said, drawing out his axe and charging into battle.

"For now, that'll be alright.", I said, nodding in satisfaction. Thankfully, the brick had done what I intended it to do.

Then, purple lightning sparked on my palms. Holding it out, the brick suddenly appeared in my hand. It really does teleport back.

"T-That thing is odd.", Miyanase said, looking at it strangely.

"More like ridiculous…", I mumbled out, putting the thing at my [Inventory].

This weapon shall not be used against ordinary enemies...


Revised by BaNaeNae.

otes(BaNaeNae): The brick launched Mayers at speeds several times faster than sound, at the opposite direction. You could say that Mayers just flew all the way around the planet, before he arrived at the monument.

Notes(PurpleGrimm): Yeah the 'main' weapon is kinda OP and had a massive effect in battle, and let me clarify. The brick was still limited in power, as for the 'Karma' and the 'Primordial' (the dude who kick gods and deities from earth server) had direct effect on earth. Well this is still not an OP weapon in the series.

PurpleGrimmycreators' thoughts